posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:02 AM
Funny stuff!
Here is where I have to interject some reality. ALL fast food headsets SUCK. We can't understand a #ting thing you say in the drive thru. You could be
David Attenborough and we'd still be standing there guessing "what did he say???".
This is where the meal number menu came in handy.
Sort of kinda....maybe. It only works if y'all don't be adding stuff and asking questions like "does your diet coke have aspartame??" By then we just
slapped a couple of chocolate pies in your bag cause WE GIVE UP!!!
Did my stint at a Burger King and even the district manager couldn't get me near the drive thru. That level of frustration for minimum wage?
Our drive thru people were saints. Drunks, idiots, people tossing drinks back at them thru the window, cars of screaming Mom's with kids so you can't
hear anything other than what sounds like a murder in progress?
The best night was when the manager took me off cooking, put me on register. The Janitor on cooking. The drive-thru chick on fryers and the fryer guy
on drive thru.
I couldn't understand anything one poor Pakastani guy wanted so I swung the register around and told him to "pick what you want" with apologies. The
fryer guy kept telling people to just drive up to the window to order, and apologizing. The drive thru chick kept screaming "is this done??!!!!" and
yelling at us for where we keep different products. Plus the occasional screaming cause of grease burns.....
Lets not go into the janitor cooking food....the kid was a unsanitary slob.
So I was running back & forth cooking burgers/chicken and assembling sandwiches so no one got sick.
I have to say every customer that night was confused altho understanding and many...many calls were made to corporate on our behalf. No customer even
attempted to open the register as they were ringing their own orders.
People really are decent in an emergency.