I, like many others on here and IRL, am inclined to believe the end is neigh. Be this because of the comfort we in the west enjoy so much, doom porn
in the media, or some other unidentified ailment, I feel as though I must greet everyday with the sentiments Prince conveyed in "1999." Human nature
seems to have a need to feed off of all of this, thus rags like The Weekly World News and outlets like Fox News were created to keep people on the
verge of extinction. Gray walls, flourescent lighting, tiny cubicles, and the chitter chatter of talking heads opining to one another about boring
this and boring that. Our often all too morbid fantasies are usually realized in the waning hours of the day, living in the ultraviolent neon box in
front of our faces, all too neutral and boring faces that make it easier for us to envelope ourselves in.
Sorry if that felt like a rant, it was meant more as an observation, but nonetheless, it is the reason I am here. I have to go to bed here pretty
soon, so I can wake up at the buttcrack of dawn and get ready to do it all again. It's a heartbreakingly boring day I have scheduled, so I figured it
might be worth the time to look up a little doom porn, a fun little hobby of mine dating back to 90's for me personally.
And finally, onto the topic of discussion.
Ladies and gentlemen, in case you aren't hip to it, another star is apparently coming into our solar system. This has all the potential for that
cataclysmic event that you have been wanting so badly. A brown dwarf carrying three planets in tow heading right at us. It is that which spawned the
2012 apocalypse. Seems funny looking at it now, the prophecy told by a dead civilization simply refuses to die. As some have mentioned, perhaps 2012
wasn't supposed to be the end, just the time to start preparations? Hopefully you didn't throw out your rations and ammunition when 2013 rolled
around because there are reports that you may need them. The good news is I have been unable to verify those reports, the bad news is, I ate all my
About the evidence.
We aren't looking at much time, so here is the evidence I have so far. Horribly (un)sourced youtube videos with very provocative narration and GWOT,
some really crazy weather in my neck of the woods, and pictures. As with anything these days, not limited to armageddon, if you want something done,
you got to do it yourself. And that is where the meat of this thread lay.
According to all Nibiru/Nemesis reports, we should be seeing a slight shift in the poles causing some peculiar oceanic activity. In an effort to find
evidence, I have started bookmarking sites with live webcams of the surf around various parts of the world. I will list these in a moment. What I
would like to do is get links to live streams of sunrises and sunsets from around the world. and also coast lines which should be rising at the
moment. They are out there, I am sure of that, but I need your help finding them. Whether it be from a bar in Barstonia or a Brothel in Queens, I need
as much live footage of sky and earth as I can find.
Oh yea, I am gonna go ahead and start her up right now.
Panama City Beach Florida
Folley Beach S.C.
Virginia Beach
First Beach Washinton
Will bring more in when I get a bit of time.
Don't forget, time is very limited. We have reports saying it will be here anywhere from
February until
October and even
reports of Armageddon happening
4 years ago, our time may already be up. Thanks for your help.
Gonna go get ready for the grind.