posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 12:45 AM
Look at the fragile snowflake
Falling gently from the sky
Demands conditions on the ground
Be perfect or it will die
A little too warm and it will melt
Too cold and it will freeze
It can't be too windy
Or it is swept away by the breeze
Oh you poor little snowflake
You are so unique
How could Mother Nature
Make your life so bleak?
The weather has turned against you now
Getting all warm and everything
I don't know how you'll survive
This coming Spring
Maybe you could rent a freezer
And calibrate its chill
It can be your perfect safe space
Where nothing can Trump your will
Little fragile snowflake
You must learn how to survive
Among all those mean raindrops
That threaten your very life
Perhaps you could join the others
And make an igloo out of snow
And there you can hide your behind
But igloos melt too, you know?
You poor little snowflake
You poor little dope
The weather's never going to be perfect
How will you ever cope?
You're best when you're a raindrop
I really swear it's true
You can freeze and melt and you don't care
Who said what to who...