a reply to:
Pope Francis will celebrate the end of the Protestant schism, but it will be marred by scandal in the church
and strident attacks from those who don't seen the Catholic church as truly reformed.
Florida will be in the news for both fires and hurricanes.
Emerging diseases will make news again.
Disclosure won't happen. Trump will have some cryptic things to say about it, though.
Unrest in Mexico will put refugee pressure on the Trump administration.
Trump will find the White House so bugged and compromised that he will move day to day operations out...
Possibly to his hotel in the Old Post Office building.
Some scandals concerning the Elites will come out, but they will largely be able to cover their tracks.
Hollywood may fare worse than politicos.
Trump will have almost as much trouble with the Republicans as the Democrats. He will not really begin to make
progress until he makes examples of some of the worst ideologues and sell-outs/bought and paid fors.
There will be shakeups in his cabinet when he finds that some aren't on his team.
Large sections of the USA will be out of power for weeks from epic ice storms.
China will be in for a rough year, with financial instability, perhaps worse. They may be
able to put off a crash.
There will be an assassination attempt on DT. He will become furious at the obfuscation
in the investigation. There will be a huge shake up in the FBI and intelligence.
The Trump "honeymoon" with Israel will come under severe strain when he finds that
his efforts to bring stability to the ME are being sabotaged.
The Clinton Foundation will be under investigation. Prosecution will end up mostly being for obstruction of
justice like Nixon and Watergate.
Arctic ice will be in the news again in August and September.
Trump will have huge opposition in the bureaucracy when they find out that they are expected
to be productive and justify their existence.