originally posted by: ColaTesla
a reply to: PaddyInf
It is not slavery, Its called "contributing" And would be seen as a harsh incentive to find paid work, i have given some thought of Your example of
the 50 year old "long time worker" With the billions saved by the harsh get back to work measures, Incentives could be given to employers to hire
people exactly like the example you shared, this could take the form of tax breaks and pension contributions, And be quite generous so that employers
are actively looking for those category of workers.
long time workers would receive cash instead of food stamps while they search for new employment, They have contributed and would be looked after. I
would only want the harsh measure to affect the lazy and they families that been on benefits for generations and would never work otherwise, these are
the people responsible for most of the crime statistics, so crime rates would fall aswell, if they refuse to work, they would be neutered and unable
to breed, This way the cycle would be broken within 2 decades, But i predict only a small "protest" majority would go down that route....
First of all I do not believe you have given ANY thought on the matter, first you need to create the job's, second those job's have to be both secure
and pay a "fair" living wage that people can actually live on and thirdly how do you incentive those employers, the only incentive that ever worked
here on the UK was and is Government Subsidy whereby a company is subsidized - given tax incentive's - interest free or low interest government loan's
etc in order to boost the economy by providing employment.
In the past too many company's abused this system but many large employers only stayed (when they were still here) in the UK because of this system
but here is were your ideology will fall down as I see you are distinctly far right wing in your economic political point of view, in order to sustain
this system the government has to be a part owner of much of industry and especially the infrastructure, this is essential as it allow's the
government to provide producers cheap energy supply, subsidized transport network's which are also essential to there work force and other primary
function's to make this scheme work.
Also the Government has to stand it's ground, not sacrifice it's own industry's in the name of international competition treatis with foreign power's
which all too often are passed after behind closed door deal's - often personal financial one's or other sector one's are passed between the
negotiating party's on such matter's.
In other word's Privatization, you ever heard of that word in your part of the world, privatization was BAD in the long term for the nation's
economic's but did provide a short term boost that Thatcher's Tory's whom were responsible smiled about knowing full well they had sabotaged both the
economy and the ability to fix it for the next Labour Government, in the event however they or rather the financial interest's behind them also
managed coup and drove Labor out of the picture replacing them with Closet Tory's called Mockingly NEW LABOUR.
As for the neutering, be careful what you wish for that is also an even more extreme evil point of view that smack's very strongly of NAZI ideology,
I am serious the NAZI's brought in Euthenasia and also sterilized those they regarded as sub normal, the planned to create a dual society of elite and
of worker class and beneath them the European mass of population were going to be used as a slave labor work force (those they did not kill) and to be
sterilized as well so that europe would become totally german simply by the subservient people's being unable to reproduce (and guess what they where
going to do with them once they could no longer work).
You really need to get your head back out of that dark stinky place and see the truth of just how far wrong your point of view really is, who planted
that ideology in your psyche and what were THERE motivation's, are you a good little clerk designated to work for the party or are you a free thinking
self determining human being able to establish a moral and ethical point of view on your own.
Empathy is the ability to feel what other's feel and to see through there eye's or rather from there perspective.
You may see a way out but another person may not then again they may see that your way lead's to a cliff with a bloody big drop off it into the
Now not everything you say is wrong.
Multi generational benefit claimant's, first you have to look at a case by case study as any blanket methodology is wrong as it will unfairly target
the vulnerable and harm the innocent.
Take for example a family whom live together BUT there are no job's available for them, moving is not an option as home which you must know for most
people is part of there psyche and extension of themselve's is were the heart is, there can be a great many reason's why they do not wan't to move
from there location and why should they it is part of them, it is there home, is it there fault that the industry's, coal, fishing etc upon which
there family traditional drew it's livelihood vanished because of Whitehall prat's and worse Brussel's prat's, is it right that you victimize them,
there grandfather fought in the war and lost his two brother's before coming home ill and dying young, there grandmother did all she could to raise
these her kid's, they then inherited a community betrayed and abandoned by Whitehall Tory ideological attack's on the coal industry, ask Kester he is
very well versed on the FACT's and they are FACT's concering that point in question.
So on that point I also disagree with you.
Quota's to put people off the benefit system and bringing in private contractors' such as french company's etc to assess ill people, they don't care
if a person is sick there priority, there ONLY priority is to put people of there sickness pay and say they are fit to work - ONCE AGAIN is that
Ethical or Correct, if you are a sentient being then you will have to admit that NO IT IS NOT ETHICAL BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY BECAUSE OF RIGTH WING
Now down to something were I sound right wing, our ancestor's built this nation, they fought and died for it, they tilled the earth for countless
generation's mixing there sweat and blood with the very soil so the land IS our ancestor's, there work, there suffering and there legacy to WE.
That bring's me to Foreign immigrant's, New REPLACEMENT slave wage workers, they get all the benefit's the government can throw at them especially
the EU immigrant's - even despite Brexit while our own people, the WE I mentioned before are the victim's of the right wing tory economic austerity
measures - IS THIS CORRECT, well obviously not but it happen's anyway.
There are so many point's but to pull you up on contribution's, even a many whom has worked and paid in all his life get' treated like dirt when he
need's help, IF he is one of our's, are you therefore right, NO you are wrong it you wish to understand what it is to contribute I suggest to take a
Kibbutz holiday in Isreal though that may be a little too socialist to you, they work but for the common good not the selfish it's mine attitude.
Oh and what make's you think you are superior to those people, you are not but please give us your ethical argument on that point.