posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 09:47 AM
Hey ATS!
Okay so ive been doing my normal search through the Podesta emails, trying to find secret messages and hidden codes.
So i thought why not look at emails that have already been outed and try and extract something new from them?!
One of said emails i wanted to re-examine was the email which included the line "il have a Haitian pizza with extra cheese"
Now i searched for Haitian - 51 results
(looked through a few but couldn't find that specific punch line)
Then searched Haitian pizza - 5 results
(None with that line)
So i thought "right il search Haitian pizza with extra cheese"
0 Results...
i googled it aaaaand nothing, nada not a smidgen!
Someone tell me that its out there and ive been given the run around! Because i remember it completely and utterly, i remember discussion on it!
Does anyone else remember this!