posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:34 PM
O: Giving of your power away is the act of not being willing to take responsibility for the possibility of
creating your crisis as equal to any other experience you could have. You are in the relationship of
avoidance. Acceptance, of crisis, as equal to any other manifestational experience, total acceptance and
relationship to your concept of crisis thus, then, makes unnecessary the experience of crisis. Thus, your
relationship to yourself is expressed through the power of paradox.
Q: So it’s total acceptance, even if the answer is unknown, the acceptance of...
O: To accept, totally, the unknown is to accept All That Is. For All That Is, is unknown to you; but the
unknown is All That Is. Do you understand this concept in your domain?
Q: I understand that and maybe ... I’m just trying to get to the seed of understanding how to go about
this transformation and...
O: How to go about this transformation is to be who you are. That is how to go about it.
Q: Are we moving on to someone else? Thank you very much.
O: Is there further relationship?
Q: Observer I would like to ask how forgetting has served us? And I prefer not to forget any more; I
prefer now to remember...
O: Forgetting serves, for if there is no forgetting there is no remembering.
Q: So the paradox again?
O: In this understanding there is illumination, in the creation of the dark only can you find the light. If
there is only light you do not know where to begin. You do not know how to grow, you do not know
where to go, for all is the same. Only in the creation of the paradox and the polarity does there then
come creation. Do you understand?
Q: Yes, I do, and I thank you.
O: This is, in this creation of forgetting, the act of remembrance that is the creation of the self anew, and
the creation and the continuation of the relationship of All That Is. Without the forgetting there is no
creation and continuance of All That Is.
Q: Therefore, we can create each moment, anew...
O: Therefore, you do.
Q: Yes.
O: And thus, always will it be so, because there has been forgetting.
Q: It’s a great gift.
O: For that which is cannot become if there is not that which is not within it expressed outside itself in
apparency. Relationship does not exist without polarity, and without the triune of the center point there
is no re-integration. Both are necessary.
Q: Will you speak of the center point, please?
O: The center point is that which is in between that which is neither this nor that, but All That Is,
neither, both, the third element that must exist in order for there to be foundation and movement. Our
relationship at this time must shift....
B: All right, once again, good day.
Audience: Good day.