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Donald Trump supporters are likely idiots, and here's why.

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posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

I, however, predict that Donald Trump will instead work with the Republican congress and co-operate, should he not become impeached.

You do understand that's what a President is supposed to do, right? No matter what Obama and his magic pen tell you, he can't pass laws by himself. It takes the President, House and Senate to make and pass laws, so of course he will have to co operate with both sides to get anything done.

I'll be laughing at you when you lose your Obamacare

And it's your attitude of hoping for the worst, now that you've lost, that makes me despise Millennials even more. Another example of your childish, foot stomping, "If you don't do it our way, I hope you fail" Liberal BS.
edit on 10-11-2016 by DAVID64 because: left out a word

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Everyone has a right to voice what they wish. But people do not have the rights to go on the streets lighting fires, rioting and beating people up. There's no rights for a person to be a criminal just look at what is happening with people who don't want Trump. Sadly those people have been played and tricked by msm, Clinton's campaign and the Soros machine.
edit on 10-11-2016 by justneo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:26 PM
What a lod of racist BS.

You should be ashamed.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:28 PM
When can we get back to raggin on Shillary Rotten Ckinkton. She may have lost but that's no reason to let up on her or Obama. It's the American way!!

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Mousygretchen

I compressed your wall-of-text (without even the courtesy of line spaces between paragraphs) into a single line....

I could lose my SSI as well as my Medicaid because of you.

I'm sorry if your lot in life sucks. I have no idea how you got there. If you'd always worked hard and came upon unfortunate times beyond your control... I feel bad for you. If you are just a whiney b-tch (as your post leads me to believe).... I'm not sorry that your free ride is over.

Disclaimer: I don't know you.... so I can only respond to what you post.

Social security is set to go bankrupt in like 12 years with Medicaid in the next 3 or 4 and this was under obama even before trump got in. You should be mad as hell because your still going to pay into it regardless as it will keep your grandparents alive until it ends.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Mousygretchen

I compressed your wall-of-text (without even the courtesy of line spaces between paragraphs) into a single line....

I could lose my SSI as well as my Medicaid because of you.

I'm sorry if your lot in life sucks. I have no idea how you got there. If you'd always worked hard and came upon unfortunate times beyond your control... I feel bad for you. If you are just a whiney b-tch (as your post leads me to believe).... I'm not sorry that your free ride is over.

Disclaimer: I don't know you.... so I can only respond to what you post.

Social security is set to go bankrupt in like 12 years with Medicaid in the next 3 or 4 and this was under obama even before trump got in. You should be mad as hell because your still going to pay into it regardless as it will keep your grandparents alive until it ends.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: DAVID64
You lost. Get over it. I knew this poor loser sh** would start.
Stop your fu**in' whining and either help put this country back together or go hide in your safe space and stay out of the way. Trump got elected because we're tired of hearing Liberals/Millennials whine and throw tantrums like spoiled children, while getting nothing done. Trump got elected, because the Democrats rigged the election to let in the most corrupt candidate ever put forth by that party.

Do I need to say this again? You lost. Get over it.

She has the right to voice her opinion about Trump and the people that for voted him. Just the same you have a right to voice your ignorant statement. Here is another example of a Trump supporter wanting people to stop exercising their rights.

You lost. Get over it. I knew this poor loser sh** would start.
Stop your fu**in' whining and either help put this country back together or go hide in your safe space and stay out of the way. Trump got elected because we're tired of hearing Liberals/Millennials whine and throw tantrums like spoiled children, while getting nothing done. Trump got elected, because the Democrats rigged the election to let in the most corrupt candidate ever put forth by that party.

Do I need to say this again? You lost. Get over it.


posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: buster2010

I have no problem with "voicing her opinion" it the whining and hoping for failure and misery that pisses me off. And as usual, Liberals are blaming everyone but themselves for their own failures.
You need to come down off that high horse and save your lectures for someone that cares about your opinion.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Mousygretchen
Trump won because idiots voted for him, and because Hillary was scary. The idiots saw him on TV, and thought he was so manly firing people. The others just could not stomach Hillary.

They ignored his grabbing women comment. Saying "Bigly." His utter racism. All this didn't matter because they were too dumb to notice, or too sick of Hillary to Care.
Look at the red counties on the map. Near me, they correspond with the poorly funded school districts. No coincidence.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:34 PM
Closed borders from high risk immigrants, and illegal ones. Thats a priority. Return to cottage industry and tackling trade deals, thats a priority.

That Hillary needs to have her security clearance revoked! That is something of a priority.

But you know something, that some of us have been posting about for years, that now is getting some limelight. I've gone through and kept pages of investigative dumps of this material, but to simplify things a little, this is why many of us would never vote for any neocon, ie Bush, Clinton, Obama, Soros minion of any kind.


Full explanation of Spirit Cooking / Comet Ping Pong ( Podesta / Clinton )

Suddenly this kids bracelet with the pizza slice made a little sense!

Joe Biden Gifted President Obama With a Friendship Bracelet For His 55th Birthday -- See the Pic!

I consider anyone who goes through life believing media, who are corrupt to the core, and not doing research to discover why the world is topsy turvy and why so much evil is occurring, not doing "due diligence" because the world depends on people acting in adult mode, serve and protect mode, to be the biggest idiots of all, if you like words like that.

Though sometimes I think they can't help it, its as if a "spell" of the darkest kind, has been cast over them ....
edit on 10-11-2016 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Look2theSacredHeart

dont you have a pokemon to catch?

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
You're a male or female Caucasian American and you voted for Donald Trump because you're feeling left behind or disenfranchised. You think he will "make America great again" and you want to see him run the United States the same we ran his businesses. You might live in the rust belt and your job may have been outsourced to a foreign country.
You're jobs not comin' back, bro. If you want a job, go to the Bay Area and work for a tech company. If your job hasn't been replaced by a machine, there are 10 happier foreign men waiting to do it for cheaper, for longer hours. This aint' your Grandfather's Republican party anymore.
Statistics show that you are over the age of 45. You seem to remember a time when life was good for you, and so you vote Republican because you think you will have that again? Us millennials don't even remember that time. What a selfish and disrespectful thing to do to the younger generations. You voted for the Ghost of Republicans Past. You forgot that if you want to live like a Republican, that you vote Democratic.
The old Republican voter is getting whiter, older, richer, and fewer. I don't know about you, but i'm not part of the top 10%. If I know 21st-century Republicans, I know that they are going to lower taxes for everyone, as well as the top 10% of earners. Drive through a rich neighborhood. It's the haves, and the soon to haves.
Here's the best part.
You thought you voted because Trump would represent you. I, however, predict that Donald Trump will instead work with the Republican congress and co-operate, should he not become impeached. That's kinda like the opposite of why you voted for him. You actually think that a giant, beautiful wall will be built along the Mexican border?
The US basically RATIFIED Mexico into the USA. The real, old borderline used to be part of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Trump is going to receive sound political advice from that Republican leadership that you so vehemently object to. There is a rift between the Republican voter and the Republican leadership like the Grand Canyon. Hillary Clinton is not going to jail. Perhaps these kinds of people even should not have the right to vote in the first place, given how irresponsibly they have waged their power.
I'll be laughing at you when you lose your Obamacare and they replace it with something worse for you as a non-wealthy person. By voting for Trump, millions of disgruntled people have made life harder for younger people, unless your wealthy. I could lose my SSI as well as my Medicaid because of you.
That all being said, I realize that being a Conspiracy Theorist means looking at the world through pessimistic lenses, and that this more often than not makes the discovery of truth more difficult.


I wasn't a Trump supporter this entire election cycle.....

You single-handedly just turned me into one.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:41 PM
Thank you for saying the truth. It's about time.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: digital01anarchy

Actually Bill Clinton raided SS to make his term have a surpluse.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: justneo

I hope so.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Look2theSacredHeart

I'm still pondering exactly why Hillary lost... but I think you are way off.

You say....

Trump won because idiots voted for him

That, to me, is nonsensical. It's simple name calling. However, I think it is on the right track to show why Hillary lost.

Again, I'm still formulating my thoughts but I think Hillary lost, in essence, because she truly, honestly believes that ANYONE that wasn't going to vote for her was, in fact, "deplorable."

The problem is that MOST people in this country aren't deplorable. We may disagree with each other, vehemently at times. However, the vast, Vast, VAST majority of people in this country are trying to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay so they can take care of themselves and their families.

In your post you referred to grabbing women, a mistake in grammar by saying "bigly," and called Trump a racist.

Here's the thing.... and I mean this very sincerely...

I work in one of the biggest cities in the nations so I work with and am friends with people from all backgrounds and walks of life.... but for the past 8 years (and during the entirety of the Hillary campaign) I have been essentially and CONSTANTLY called a racist, a bigot, an islamophobia, a homophobe. I have been accused of all this and more not because of the way I live my life... but because I don't like what Obama was doing and I didn't want to see it continue under Hillary. I am all these horrible things and more because I voted for Trump.

So... If you want to call me an idiot... go right ahead. All I know is the "idiots" won the election and I suspect there are others like me who were tired of being labeled as evil for doing nothing more than practicing common sense.

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Mousygretchen

I compressed your wall-of-text (without even the courtesy of line spaces between paragraphs) into a single line....

I could lose my SSI as well as my Medicaid because of you.

I'm sorry if your lot in life sucks. I have no idea how you got there. If you'd always worked hard and came upon unfortunate times beyond your control... I feel bad for you. If you are just a whiney b-tch (as your post leads me to believe).... I'm not sorry that your free ride is over.

Disclaimer: I don't know you.... so I can only respond to what you post.

So you can only narrow it down to her working hard and falling on hard times or her being whiny?

You do realize that countless people (many who for some reason voted for Trump) work very hard and are on Medicaid/SSI without falling on "unfortunate times"?

How about option C? The likely one where a person works super hard (in our non-living-wage economic climate) yet still has to have assistance? Red states use the most of that... are you saying that red states are inherently less hard-working?

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Unity_99

I know. It's very sick. And it's something that Democrats MUST call out as being sick. Its disgusting

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: eluryh22

I don't think you are an idiot, racist, bigot, Islamophobia, or homophobic. I think you are a good family man and I hope you will/can see the trends of a Trump presidency so you don't get caught up in the coming darkness. It won't be directly Trumps fault but some of his followers have some evil plans. I think you are intelligent enough to read between the lines and know what I mean.

edit on 11-11-2016 by olaru12 because: $%&JRJ$^%&*&

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: eluryh22

I don't think you are an idiot, racist, bigot, Islamophobia, or homophobic. I think you are a good family man and I hope you will/can see the trends of a Trump presidency so you don't get caught up in the coming darkness. It won't be directly Trumps fault but some of his followers have some evil plans. I think you are intelligent enough to read between the lines and know what I mean.

I'm dying to hear what these evil plans are, since you seem to have your finger on the pulse of the nation

edit on 11-11-2016 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

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