Please hatch a plot to
kill the Fed and move it in-house for the American people. Congress, not the Fed ought to have the authority to issue
USDs, and not at interest, or on the back of a SIN birth-bond.
People ought to be able to accumulate real wealth for themselves and for the Nation, whereby people have wealth instead of wealth having people.
Hire the best and brightest who left Wall Street, like Bannon, he knows who they all are.
Maybe by the end of your Presidency you'll figure out a way to dissolve the debt without killing the dollar...
What would the Wallburgs and the rest of them all take on the dollar? 50 cents?
That would bring it down to 10 trillion...
There must be a way. If there's a will there's a way.
The populism out there (out here) supports it.
Yes, forget about ISIS, they can be taken out, those 20K remaining fighters no problem, they'll just implode in the face of ground forces, drop their
guns and run.
The Fed and the International Bankers, that's where all the power is, power that Obama didn't really want to even touch with a ten foot poll provided
the money kept flowing out, which is a weak response, even though it managed to stem the tide.
If you killed the Fed, that would be the greatest and most heroic act of leadership since Jesus Christ himself overturned the tables of the money
lenders in the temple, and whipped them with a sturdy rope, scattering them and their wares.
This of course was a symbolic gesture, intended both for the PTB of his day, and as a righteous Civil Anger that was meant to be echoed at some point
in time and history. He knew. And he knew precisely what he was doing, and why.
While you're untouchable and unkillable, right at the outset, that's the time to strike, once the wealth of the world begins to flow to the US
Infrastructure Bank. That's 10 Trillion right there. P3's Mr. Trump. Even Urban Development Projects can be run through P3's, and then you'll not only
lead for 50 years, as Bannon says, not only bring about the roaring 30's of the 21st century, but get the very devil himself off the back of the
American people, once and for all time.
Free of economic slavery. Free the American people. Do what JFK was going to do, and get it done quickly and decisively, with a whole series of what I
call double binds (which you alone apparently know how to slip! lol) that are just so far ahead of the curve that it's not funny, well, funny from a
certain perspective.
What comes to my mind here is the idea of a true mastermind alliance in the Spirit of Henry Ford when he wanted the impossible engine block.
The best minds. In they go into a command center type room with every conceivable resource that's available, and give him one secret task and one task
only and to solve it, and while solving it, already putting it's mechanisms in process but always beginning with the end in mind. Thus when it happens
it happens FAST because by that point it's already become an inevitability.
That's what we need to see that shining light up on a hill again - a supreme act of heroism doing the impossible, but precisely what has become
absolutely necessary.
Turn money back into gold with the authority not of international bankers, but the American people themselves. You'll probably have to worry more
about the dollar going up too much, than down (more irony).
Someone's going to get "killed" or lose a head (just ask John the Baptist), it might as we'll be the head of the beast in the system.
Remember, Jesus walked out of his tomb, even though he took quite a lashing and went through a very difficult and challenging ordeal. There is power
in the way of the cross, once you fully understand it and it makes you laugh at his genius, his and John's both.
What I like about this thread is that I KNOW that eventually I'll be able to get it through to you as an opened channel of communication. How? Someone
at Info Wars will pass it along, or somewhere here at ATS who reads it and thinks, ah what the heck maybe I'll tweet this thread to Trump and see what
happens.. anything is possible.
I don't care if I appear as a crazy person speaking as if to no one. Things have changed. It's a whole new era. And I have faith.
They say with faith but the size of a tiny mustard seed, you will be able to say to the mountain MOVE and watch it move and fall into the abyss, and
to the fruitless evil and wicked tree, UPROOT yourself and also be cast away, certain in the knowledge that it will be done as you ask it in the name
of Jesus, who wanted his disciples to ask for more stuff.
So this is me, in that Spirit of Hope and Optimism and Love, and Liberty, asking for something for Christmas, mixed with faith and passion.
Change the money into something better than the old money, while persuading the whole world to invest in a 21st century American infrastructure but
without actually OWNING any of it - long term leases and maintenance contracts only, with a guaranteed return for 50 years, good if you're a Saudi...,
or an Iranian, that's all I know. Oil is on the way out, and America, as the engine that drives the global economy, is on the way UP! It's a no
brainer, a no risk gambit for all parties and stakeholders.
Then, before leaving office you pass a balanced budget amendment, and voila, there it is.
Jesus himself would be pleased that it wasn't all for nothing, on a grand scale.
The universe loves and applauds COURAGE, and with God's help, our backs are covered because then He's got our back, and when that happens, the whole
of all creation and all the angels and the heavens above shout for joy, and it's ticker tape parades and hats in the air from here to Kingdom come.
It has to be real and true and it has to hold the line, all the way down the line, through the ordeal and out the other side, by anticipation
beginning with the end in mind, which is the joy and liberation of human freedom in a virtuous triumph of the farthest reaching proportions and
One stronger has gone before you is what I'm saying, in this very same struggle against evil empire and the forces of darkness, and He triumphed once
and for all time, while founding a rock of reason, logic, truth and love that's indomitable and apart from which we can do nothing of any lasting
It forms the very arrow of civilized progress, and turns the noun "civilization" into a verb, meaning, to Civilize.
Next up, my thesis on the distribution of Civility via the 5 C's of Life Transformation. (you'll like it a lot)
Please stay tuned..
edit on 22-12-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)