California voted to ban plastic grocery bags. Seriously, this is infuriating. Now I’ll have to lug a bunch of reusable bags around or pay a 10
cent surcharge for each paper bag. I can’t believe a majority of people in CA voted for this nonsense. This also means I’ll have to make double
the trips back and forth from my car to my apartment every shopping trip, since paper bags don’t have handles which allow me to hang numerous bags
off each arm. It’s just an all-round pain the ass.
Reusable bags are a cesspool of disease. Even the uber-liberal USA Today ran an
article on just how filthy the average reusable
shopping bag is. Ryan Sinclair of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, is quoted as saying they were about as sanitary as “the bottom
of your shoe.”
The article goes on to note that most people place the bags in the baby carrier of the shopping cart, which is, according to Sinclair, “the most
contaminated public surface you ever come in contact with.” Sinclair did a study on reusable bag contamination, which found bacteria in 99% of the
bags tested; half carried coliform bacteria while 8% carried E. coli, an indicator of fecal contamination.
Sinclair found that the vast majority of people who use reusable bags don’t wash them and don’t seem to care about getting a potentially deadly
infection. A fact which further goes to prove why democracy is a dumb idea. People who are this retarded make up the majority of the electorate.
Democracy is like putting monkeys in charge of a mafia and expecting a positive long term outcome.
When San Francisco banned the bags at the city level, they saw a
spike in e-coli infections. One study found a 46 percent increase in deaths from foodborne illness in the three months after the bag ban went
into effect in 2007.
This Today
article also notes that reusable bags
prompt people to buy more junk food, which is just what America needs – more fat people. Apparently when self-righteous people buy the bags because
of their mistaken assumption they are saving the planet, they load up on junk to reward themselves for their great deed to humanity.
Even the uber-liberal Atlantic ran an
pointing out a study that found conventional plastic bags made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE, the plastic sacks found at grocery stores) had
the smallest per-use environmental impact of all those tested.
Overall, I’d say this one proposition will probably end up killing more people than Trump ever will. God save us from ourselves.
edit on 11/9/2016 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)