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There are only two things you can control, your thoughts and your actions..

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posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 04:26 AM
So I was watching Derren Browns "Miracle" show on Channel 4 (UK), Now i am a big fan of this Guy he is for me the best there is at his job, but how much of this stuff is just a trick and how much is it about someone who has grasped the power of the "unconscious", which i am going to rename to myself for my own personal benefit as "advanced consciousness".

Now in this show which i missed the first part of, Derren healed members of the audience by using techniques that people like faith healers and evangelist preachers use, and i suppose you could say that they are just Hypnotised into believing they are healed when they are not, which would be a dangerous thing to do in my opinion, but i don't think that this is how he done it, for me he is using the power of suggestion to implement the Placebo effect through the infinitely powerful advanced consciousness, i don't know if any one seen the show but if you can catch it you should, because according to news reports these people were actually healed of their ailments... r-good-in-seconds/

For me the biggest challenge for humanity is dealing with all this negative data that is everywhere, daytime tv is a hazard to your health, the adverts are powerful stimuli to this advanced consciousness and everyone are stimuli to the "nocebo" effect, cancer this, funeral directors, starving children, etc etc.. the warning on cigarette packs is another one that is designed to speed up these effects.

Now with all these capitalist conglomerates meeting in secret and implementing their nefarious acts, take the vape pens for instance its as if they want this new method of getting chemicals into your nervous system and they are trying to wipe out the users of their old method.

Symbolism is a powerful tool used by tptb of this advanced consciousness, i see it used everywhere and it annoys me when i see these things and how they are used but i dont know the full extant or how they are used fully to control us, but they are and this subject is one of the deepest rabbit holes out there but like the heading says there are only two things we can control our thoughts and our actions and its not easy controlling them, we are and have been for a long time been in a psychological war that has been totally unbeknownst to the majority of us, and it is our own governments and their puppet masters that are carrying out these continuous attacks, and all for "control" of the masses
i would be interested to hear other members views on this subject...

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I want to see the person who controls his thoughts, i can swear that person eats benzoids after 30

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: tikbalang

So, that narrows it down to one thing?

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: tikbalang

impulse thoughts cannot be controlled but how they are viewed and manipulated to a more positive chain of thoughts can be, thus controlling your thoughts, if something bad pops into my head i chuckle to myself then throw it clean out after contemplating it for a second, the advanced consciousness throws these thoughts at us regularly and its up to us how we perceive them and how/if we act upon them.

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Can you know what your next thought will be before it appears?

Whatever is appearing appears at the same time as that which perceives the appearance.
Did you listen to this video?

edit on 13-10-2016 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

yes but why do they appear and where do they come from, and is it how we perceive these thoughts that influence what thoughts pop into our head, for example if i see an advert about a child in a third world country that is dying of malnutrition i don't concentrate my thoughts on how sad this is, because it will only have a negative effect on me and my future thoughts (imo) i see it as something i cannot control and i look at solutions that i could make hypothetically like for example most of the poorest countries are run and controlled by gangs of cannibals that like to eat the hearts of the enemies amongst other things....... and we have armies fighting over oil, i would sign up for an army that truly did fight for humanitarian needs, but tptb have no interest in fixing countries have no natural resources to exploit, these countries are surrounded by the sea yet they have no clean water, we can travel to mars but can't make salt water into clean water en masse, the reason for keeping these people in hell on earth is because of the amount of negative energy this stuff feeds into the advanced conscious, terrorism is used in the same way, now with all this negative energy in the advanced conscious how do we or can we filter what comes into our heads, that is the question..

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Interesting to read about the term 'negative data' and symbolism. Also you say that this is one of the deepest rabbit holes...
Do you have some written references on this topic? Not about symbolism per se, but more on how it is affecting humanity on a deeper level, and how is sort of contolling us. I understand that ads etc are trying to influence us, but how has it affecting your consciousness, or people around you? Am curious if you have some material backing your story instead of Derren Brown...

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Davg80
Thoughts, like everything else, simply just happen.
Thought speaks about someone who does not exist and thought is worried about that 'someone' not existing (dying) but what you really are cannot die because what you really are was never born.
Things come and go and there is a belief that you are a thing - really you are what everything (including thought) appears in.

Worrying about the world is fear of dying.
edit on 13-10-2016 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:59 AM
This video speaks about the quest to influence the mind. Osho wants to destroy all belief systems.

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Davg80

you can control, your thoughts

" dont think about elephants "

premise falsified - thanks for playing

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 06:34 AM
i see things differently, and just thinking about i have already seen proof, i once watched the full "lost" tv series from beginning to end inside two weeks, so everyday i was watching at least 6 episodes a day, (i was unemployed and hooked). So anyway any time i wasn't watching it i was thinking about it or if i wasn't thinking about it it would constantly pop into my head, now i am sure there are plenty of people out there that have experienced the same type of thing, reading a book you cant put down is another thing that influences things that come into your head, there is no denying this. so i choose to believe that i can influence what pops into "my" head.

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: Davg80
a reply to: tikbalang

impulse thoughts cannot be controlled but how they are viewed and manipulated to a more positive chain of thoughts can be, thus controlling your thoughts, if something bad pops into my head i chuckle to myself then throw it clean out after contemplating it for a second, the advanced consciousness throws these thoughts at us regularly and its up to us how we perceive them and how/if we act upon them.

I think its called brainwashing?

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Davg80

The tv show influenced the thoughts - but what influenced the initial watching of the tv show?

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
The tv show influenced the thoughts - but what influenced the initial watching of the tv show?

Great point!

The "you can control your thoughts" argument is farcical. It's a dangerous line of reasoning that will inevitably lead to the persecution of people based on thought crimes.

edit on 13/10/2016 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

we live in a world where we are constantly being influenced by advertising, whats the point in advertising if they are not influencing your way of thinking, if we grew up in complete isolation of any of the outside world like the lost tribes you see, what do you think your primary thoughts would be, the way we think is a product of our environment we are learned creatures and the thoughts that pop into our heads are only conceivable to the way we see the world as our "selfs" have interpreted it, then all sporadic thinking comes from all the things our conscious picks up as a whole, we notice less than 1% of the things we see, the advanced consciousness sees everything..

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: Makedon

its not hard to control the herd, all you need to give them reason and you can do what you like, people conform pretty quickly to what the news spins to them or whatever media outlet you tend to use, most people on this site knows that the media tells lies and spins propaganda to direct the herd.

Machiavellian politics are what governs every government, each government/media spins fear, fear, fear, when if you think about it there really is nothing to fear but fear itself, (F.D.R).... because there really is only two things you can control

how can you prove that which is hidden?

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 02:16 PM
this guys talking sense..

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Davg80
a reply to: Dark Ghost

we live in a world where we are constantly being influenced by advertising, whats the point in advertising if they are not influencing your way of thinking,

Of course advertising works - thought is influenced. But you have no control over that - the title of the thread states that 'you' can control your thoughts and actions. The belief that you are doing thought may make fear and anxiety arise because you may feel ashamed that you did a certain thought.
You are what is seeing thought appear - you don't do thought so you cannot control thought.

if we grew up in complete isolation of any of the outside world like the lost tribes you see, what do you think your primary thoughts would be, the way we think is a product of our environment we are learned creatures and the thoughts that pop into our heads are only conceivable to the way we see the world as our "selfs" have interpreted it, then all sporadic thinking comes from all the things our conscious picks up as a whole, we notice less than 1% of the things we see, the advanced consciousness sees everything..

Yes - what is really happening is missed because the attention is looking at thought. Preconceptions and the image carried around in mind of what thought says we are is the prime focus.
This is why Jesus was said to have taught the blind to see and the deaf to hear! The aware space that you are is full of what thought makes believe you are and the world it has to deal with - if that all dropped away then what there really is would be seen. But the mind (thoughts) blind us from the truth - the truth is hidden in plain sight!

edit on 13-10-2016 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2016 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Davg80

You make a very good point.

Thought control is considered the most important exercise for anyone who considers dabbling in the occult.

Recently, I was quite shocked when a colleague at work made the following statement :" Do you realise that on average we have about 60,000 thoughts everyday ?". After the initial shock, I then realised that this must apply to him and to also the majority of people but it did not apply to me.

Sadly people are now "swept" through all the noise around them (reality TV, twitter, facebook, gadgets, etc). Their mind is like a whirlwind or whirlpool. It has lost the functionality of creating.

I will never underestimate the power of controlling one's thoughts. For those who are interested , I suggest they research this and start the practice.

posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: crowdedskies

where would you suggest to do the research for those of us who would like to practice..

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