posted on Oct, 11 2016 @ 05:18 AM
Gravity sucks!
Posting fluff because the other side is so toxic right now and I want to participate so...
I've said several times when describing myself physically here that I'm a little over 5' 7". More specifically 5' 7 ¼" (145.4 cm) or at least
that's what I always went by. New measurements taken today show that I am 5' 6 1/8" tall (142.556cm). I am an inch and an eighth (2.6cm) shorter
than I was when i was when I was 40! I'll be 62 at the beginning of January.
Google tells me it is fairly normal to lose 4/10 of an inch every decade after the age of 40 so I'm pretty close to that but yikes! I feel like the
Incredible Shrinking Woman!
My posture is good and I'm in fairly decent shape. I've been tested for osteoporosis and I'm still a little taller than average but dang! I think
it's time to start wearing heels again and not feel like I should be playing for the WNBA or something?
FWIW, my hair is still down to my nipples but it's a lot longer too than when I was 40.
So you folks with more mature bodies, have you checked your height lately?