The MSM shows rather those several hundreds of rednecks, because it´s easier to get several hundred rednecks on a pic than several millions of people
that feel ashamed and angry because of those Pegiderasten and Co.
I mean, just listen to the "I am no Nazi, but..."´s. Listen what they yell at the politicians, for example "cu*t" and "you gay skunk". Lol, is this
Kindergarten or even lower "education"?
They raise posters with the exactly following words on it (for the not german speaking people, that`s wronger german than my english is wrong):
"Frau Merkel, treten sie mit erhobenem Hauptes zurück, bevor man sie endgültig in die Wüste zum Sandkörnerzählen schickt"...
I can´t even translate it into wrong english...
But what should one except from those parts of east germany? Where the Meth is cheap and the Nazis need to buy weed secretly, to come down after a
week of yelling " Wir sind das Volk"(We are the people).
No, you aren´t "the people", you are an ugly but loud group of uneducated idiots, that follow for example a sentenced drug dealer(Lutz Bachmann) that
wants to leave germany and live in spain. As a good german...
I bet 95% of those uneducated Pegida/AfD etc folks live from social welfare, Hartz4. Then they all vote for the AfD, the "party" that wants to cut
social welfare...
They have almost no muslims or foreign looking foreigners(you have to know, if they look like us, they are no real foreigners...) there in the brown
east, but are those that spread the most hate on not german looking people and refugees.
Refugees. Before 26 years and longer those people from east germany, at this time the GDR, fled from east germany, if they could. When the globalists
brought down the wall, we took 20 millions of, to be honest for us west germans, economic refugees from east germany. I remember when they protested
at this time, with posters that said:
If the DM(Deutsche Mark, former german, real money) doesn´t come to us, we will go to the DM
Instead of helping to build and modernize "their" east germany, they just demanded and took. The educated ones and almost all of the women fled into
the west. The DDR(Der Dumme Rest/the dumb rest) existed and multiplied, beyond the modern times and far away from civilisation. Those Pegida monkeys
are the outcome of that. East german inbreeding.
The whole world thinks that germany is on the brink of a civil war. Laughable! It`s just several hundreds of loudmouths that are hyped by the MSM,
course only bad news are good news. Dresden is their almost last refuge where they can act like that, because the state Saxony is a rightwinger state,
from the the people over the police to the politicians, and whole germany knows about that. A cop even wished the Pegiderasten a "successful day", via
mic. They, for sure, celebrated this with singin:"1,2,3 Danke Polizei". That´s the dark side of germany. It´s a shame that real germany had to pay
2000 billions of Euros to this day, for the "rescue of eastern germany". For the globalists wishes, to be real!
They spread hate about foreigners, refugees, blackhaired people because, as those rednecks say, they never would learn our language, would never try
to integrate, would build parallel societies, will never work but grab social welfare, etc. Can it be that those rednecks are afraid that others could
take their part?
Because what they say about refugees and foreigners is exactly what those drunken east german rednecks are like. They never learned to speak our
language, they builded parallel societies(national befreite zonen/national freed zones, nazi towns), they live from social welfare and don´t
work(There are no jobs, who would open a company in that part of germany?). Thats the reason why they have the time to protest every week.
The germans are not unhappy, the MSM makes us look unhappy. Because they hype those few nazi rednecks, for clicks and to manipulate the society.
As a born german, i have to say that i feel ashamed because of those few uneducated nazi idiots.
It´s not wrong to critize politicians, but do it with arguments, not with abusive language, like cavemen.
And i bet, at least 50% of those that scream "Merkelmussweg" elected Merkel two times, because she is one of them, from east germany. And they all
have been ok with Merkels antisocial behaviour, for years. Until the refugee situation, that was caused by our "best friends" from the overseas, their
foreign policy.
They didn´t yell "Merkelmussweg" because of her thousands of mistakes and lies over the years, her turncoat behavoiur and the "sit out politics" that
she learned from Helmut Kohl, because she was "his girl", Kohls Mädchen. Till she stabbed even her mentor in the back. Not because of the final
nuclear disposal site Asse, not because her US serfdom, not even when she said, in front of microphones and cameras, that the germans don´t have a
right for everlasting democracy forever. Not even when she switched our "democracy" to an "in line with the market democracy".
No, those people started to critize and to yell not until there were not germans, the refugees to insult.
Not because they are political interested or educated, but because they are Nazis, obvisiously. Otherwise Merkel never would have come into power. I
never voted for her, but somebody must have done this...