posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 08:09 AM
I had Peregrine Falcons when I was about 15. The mother had died for some reason, maybe injured, I never knew.. I took care of them till they got
bigger and could hunt on their own, but I did enjoy having them come back to me after they fed. Eventually, they went on their way.
There's lady here who has a giant African Grey Parrot who rides on the handlebars of her bike, with his wings extended. I thought his wings were
clipped, but she said he can fly whenever he wants, he's just lazy and would rather ride lol.
Beautiful bird and very friendly.
Thought I might add this on having a destructive pet. I have ferrets and while they are not intentionally destructive, they are very curious,
fantastic climbers, can and will get places you may not want them. Mine go
everywhere. Drawers, cabinets, under the chairs, on top of the
chairs, they push out the drawers to make stairs and climb up on the counter tops [ they are
extremely intelligent and are great problems
solvers ] so if you're having 2nd thoughts, think having a very curious 2 year old around that never grows up.
edit on 2-10-2016 by DAVID64
because: (no reason given)