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Dude Gets Ass Kicked for Wearing Donald Trump Hat to BLM Rally

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posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
So I would argue the spirit of the 1st amendment has been infringed upon. As the purpose of it is to protect dissenting opinion from extreme tyrannical consequences. This was mob tyranny.

Nope, still not 1st Amendment to me. More of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Like you said, polite society.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

The golden rule is poorly worded claptrap for so many reasons. But that's neither here nor there.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: Advantage
Oh yes, violence is the response to everything... and somehow this is acceptable?? That behavior has NO place in a normal civilized society.

I agree violence should not be acceptable to everyone who want to live in a civilized society, but that should apply to so called "Peace Officers" who act with deadly force when called upon on to help him, and this happens one too many times, they tend to escalate rather than deescalate all too often, but many here do not want to discuss that! they only care about the reaction of their favorite whipping boy BLM. they could give a good gwad damn about another dead unarmed civilian.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Is because BLM is simply responding to savagery with savagery. People have an instinctive distaste for that, it scares them.

Is why MLK used peace to such a strong effect. By being peaceful while the other side falls to savagery you garner sympathy and anger rather than simply adding more fear and disgust.

Violence scares people away. It's that simple. Is once again why you need another movement that doesn't scare the # out of people and cause instinctive revulsion.
edit on 9/29/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: Spider879

Is because BLM is simply responding to savagery with savagery. People have an instinctive distaste for that, it scares them.

Is why MLK used peace to such a strong effect. By being peaceful while the other side falls to savagery you garner sympathy and anger rather than simply adding more fear and disgust.

Violence scares people away. It's that simple. Is once again why you need another movement that doesn't scare the # out of people and cause instinctive revulsion.

Hi Puppy Love, I think if folks don't like BLM or their methods and I for one think they made waay too many unforced errors, then they should make a parallel movement to them and take their Co2, but it ain't gonna happen because most are too much of a couch potato to do so.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Spider879

I'm actually trying to be helpful. I'm the wrong skin color so anything I attempt to start will be immediately reframed as attempting to derail BLM as well as labelled all sorts of things.

Besides I'd be about ending corruption in our legal system. Which the issues BLM has are a symptom of. I don't believe in treating symptoms. I believe in cures.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: Spider879

I'm actually trying to be helpful. I'm the wrong skin color so anything I attempt to start will be immediately reframed as attempting to derail BLM as well as labelled all sorts of things.

Besides I'd be about ending corruption in our legal system. Which the issues BLM has are a symptom of. I don't believe in treating symptoms. I believe in cures.

No you are not the wrong skin color, for one your family is multi hued, am I right?? so there you go, protecting your sons/daughter/husband by any means necessary even if it seem self serving, and in a wider sense, that kind of behavior by cops while a problem for Blk and BRn folks today will as sure as the next sunrise be a problem for non brown folks tomorrow , most likely at first non middle class wht folks, followed by ex middle class, it's only a matter of time...then we get into a system of class rather than race, so why wait until it's on your step..this is not just for you Puppy Love but for all those who think they have no place in the fight because they shade too lite.
edit on 29-9-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
Dude deserved it to be honest..

If you go to an event where they are protesting systemic racism and injustice and the proliferation of peace by equality... and you wearing clothes representing a hateful agressive and racist movement countering that of the event... you bring it on yourself.

Dont give me the 1st ammendment BS..

Weari g a Trump hat to a BLM rally is akin to going to said rally and punching someone in the face.

Wow your comment is so wrong on so many levels! Holy moly... And you received stars! Which means people actually agree with the hateful non-sense you spewed! Trump is not racist and his movement is not a racist movement! Wearing a trump hat to a BLM rally is nothing at all like punching someone in the face.

Your logic is really really twisted, please continue with your ignorance!

On topic:

To be honest I see here a bunch of animal bullies, being animal bullies... I also don't think that guy is white, not that it should matter! The fact is Trump is a legitimate political candidate and the republican party is a legitimate party! This is not some joker running for president in a KKK outfit and exposing racist views! If it were this above poster would have a point but he doesn't!

I thought in this day and age you have a right to support whichever political candidate you choose! I thought in this day and age we were supposed to be civilized? Yet people actually support these thugs? Shame on all of you (that support this hate).

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Spider879

You're misunderstanding. That behavior by the cops is a symptom of a greater problem. I have a place in the fight, but it's against the greater issue. It's a long discussion not really appropriate here. The symptoms should be used as an example of a problem, not the focus. Is where much of my problem with BLM is. I agree with BLM there's a problem. I think they're failing to see the bigger picture though. I don't blame them for it, it's not their fault. I will continue to try and educate so we can work together and fix the problem and they'll continue to do what they do and hopefully we can come to an understanding. It's all part of the fight.

I want to fix our legal system.

edit on 9/30/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Meee32

Trump isn't a racist but only because he thinks he's superior to everyone regardless of race. He's a Narcissist.

There is a portion of his supporters that are in fact quite racist though. Certainly Pro-White Nationalist. That is why there is the racial tension surrounding him. It's no secret either as they are very open about it even though Trump doesn't admit to having any ties to it. How much he's aware of it is debatable though. I don't think he wants to talk about it because while he may not support their kind of thinking he knows that many of them support him and he doesn't want to lose their support.

BTW, I don't think it's right the way the crowd attacked this guy like that. That is criminal assault, no doubt. At the same time, this guy was in fact challenging everyone there to something. What I don't know. I'm not sure if even he knows. But someone challenged him back clearly. It may not have been what he expected, but he should have expected something and been prepared. He wasn't however and got his ass handed to him for it.

He's a douche that got rolled up for being a douche. Not saying that's right, but that's exactly what happened.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 07:14 AM
I got hell for wearing this hat one night. Smh. People are just ignorant. I am a DJ, of course I wear catchy things. But if it is going to get me in bs... Not worth it.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Phage

Could you expand on the them statement. which them are you talking about. answer here or however . just wanting to know what page phage is on.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican


This video below...skip to the 4:00 mark.

The first half is the same as yours...

THEN It shows news footage of the "attack"...

Which apparently consists of him running around screaming like a girl, then slamming into someone and falling down...then being helped by several BLACK people to get out of there.

This kid is STUPID.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 06:11 PM
Ahh, good ole BLM. The modern day Klan. You have to love those "peaceful protests" that BLM does at times.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 07:27 PM
I stayed out of this thread because, well, I'm racist. I didn't want to get involved because my views come from experience, and my experience has taught me to fear blacks. It is what it is. Mind you, I'm not racist to all blacks. Just the obvious, dangerous examples in Milwaukee. I in fact have many black friends. I have one reading this over my shoulder as I type.

Anyways, I live in a run-down, past it's prime, old manufacturing city. It used to be filled with mostly middle class people. Today, after Nixon's disaster, the jobs are all but gone and it's now full of poor people.

My family and I live in this poor city and very close to some flat-out dangerous neighborhoods. I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but when Milwaukee popped off recently I could've rode to the epicenter of that riot in 20 minutes.

On to the point....

Today, while riding my motorcycle, I pulled to a stop light and looked around, as I always do. I noticed a morbidly obese white man sitting in his car sweating profusely. The car had a VERY small, almost unrecognizable H-> sticker on the back window. I rolled my eyes when I saw this and did laugh in the drivers direction. He mumbled, "You got a problem motherphuker?"

I rode on. Next light. He pulls alongside of me and rolls down his window. Remember he was sweating intensely? Yeah, well it's only 62 degrees out right now. Anyways, he rolls down his window and asks me if I have a problem.

"With what?"

"With anything. DO you have a problem with something?"

....hold back, Tempter. Hold back...... hold baaaackkkk... aww #. I could feel it bubbling inside me.

"YEAH, I DO!. You're supporting Hillary?"

"Yeah, so #ing what?"

"I think that's a stupid idea"

here we go....

He pulls to the side of the road,not sure why, he was already in the right lane. At this point the light is green and cars are honking. He tries to get out of his car. I tell him...

"Wait. Don't get out here you fat phuk. Pull over in that parking lot and I"ll whoop your ass over there."

I was hoping he would roll back in his car and take the bait.

He gets back into driving position and screeches out of the intersection, his door closing as he floors his rundown PT Cruiser with an H-> sticker through lanes of traffic. I drove home.

My point is, it's not just a black thing. It's a leftist thing. These people are crazy. This guy saw me smirk at him and #ing lost it. Then, we he found out I was laughing at his H-> sticker he attempted to rush me on my motorcycle, in the middle of the intersection, stalling at least 30 cars behind us. He was coherent enough to know how to talk, so I can assume he would be aware of the consequences of attacking someone like that.

But do you think that would stop him? He's emotion-driven. Like all Alt-Leftists.

Stay away from these people.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: Phage

Some call it situational awareness and it ain't nothing new.

Situational awareness is good for most smart people's health, typically it allows for intelligent genetics to be passed on.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 12:01 AM
His point being there wasn't to exercise his 1st Amendment right, it was to be a provocateur, to get or steal attention for himself at others' expense, and hopefully if all goes well get assaulted. With those conditions set up, this is not a case of whether or not an average citizen is able to express themselves. If he wasn't trying to passively escalate the situation, and generally acting like a jack ass throughout, I'm sure he could have worn his hat to exercise his rights. But that wasn't the point, or his desire from the get go.

He laughs when the crowd starts chanting and he is filming himself. Smiles at other times in the video. Gets hit like he wanted and it's "hey hey hey hey". Tone of his voice throughout....Him getting attacked was by no means an accident.

At the beginning someone says roughly, "all you want to do is come here and incite violence", and that was his whole thing from the beginning.

After he gets pushed down, kicked, chased by a mob, a lady asks him where his car is so he can get to safety, he asks, "Where's my hat". The dude is a major dumbass.

Then runs to the cops when they arrive, because he got his butt kicked like he wanted.

That's what elementary school kids do.

And he's an adult.

Whatever it was that he "truly" wanted to express, there was a way to go about it other than having that as the outcome.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Now I don't know about you's, but America is not ever going to be great again when you can't even wear a darn hat to a rally, expressing and exercising your 1st Amendment right. He had every right to be wearing that hat.

WHAT !!!

It will Never Be Great Again! Ever... ( as I See IT )

Pepsi and Coca Cola cant even be in the Same Restaurant !!!!

The Political Election is a Circus , A Joke and a Embarrassment of the World !
and the Media is playing it up... its a Dam Game Entertainment Show!

It may be soon BE a Race War .....

just as Ol Charlie,, Said it would!

Helter Skelter!!

edit on 62016SaturdayfAmerica/Chicago10274 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Wolfenz
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Pepsi and Coca Cola cant even be in the Same Restaurant !!!!

This is definitely where we went wrong; contractual negotiations that prevent competing soft drink companies from being dispensed in the same building.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: Wolfenz
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Pepsi and Coca Cola cant even be in the Same Restaurant !!!!

This is definitely where we went wrong; contractual negotiations that prevent competing soft drink companies from being dispensed in the same building.

F,en A Right !

What sad is The Blacks n Whites been on this Land called USA close to the Same Time Period
just One was ( Considered at the time ) lesser then the other until Civil Rights came into effect
in the Late 50s and early 60s ..

What Funny:

as One Cop Shot a man that had been Innocent and Had a Pistol l Permit to Carry , Philando Castile
Said to the officer that pulled him and his Fiance over that he had a firearm and was able to Carry
and told him to raise his hand up and at the same time to show his ID!! WTF ..

He did was he was told, to Reach down and get his ID !
and was shot like 5 times one Fatal..

and What Race was this COP!!!

He was NOT WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was Latino , Hispanic !

I dont See Black Lives Matter go After the Hispanics !!

I dont see Black lives matter go After Blacks Either as

6 cops were involve with the death of Freddie Gray
and 3 out of the 6 were Black them selves!!!

Yet BLM goes Ballistic ..

Look at the History of race Riots ..
who caused more Damage (( F.T.U. )) to the place where they Live ..?

Whites ? Blacks ? Hispanics ? Asians ? Native Americans ?

Native Americans are the TOTAL LEAST!! I can Voucher for that !!

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