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Nk is China's puppet

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posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 12:24 AM
I don't believe North Korea would be doing what it is in regards to it's nuclear weapons program and sabre rattling if it wasn't being directed by China and possibly even Russia.
China going back to the Korean war has invested a lot into the north even soldiers who fought our side back then.
I have no proof other than it makes no sense to me for it to be any other way and it really makes me ask how in it's weakened state western powers could react to a first strike situation ? China or China and other allies could arm NK with a devastating first punch then with all the sold off American secrets destroy our retaliation ability mainly by neutralizing the sub threat.
I could see a situation where western leaders are like deer in the headlights thinking one thing while another unfolds and even if ww3 isn't china's goal I still 100% believe NK is it's vassal.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

The only countries that want to attack each other are the ones with no indebtedness to each other... this is why trying to cut off ties instead of helping each other out leads to cold war and civil wars as nations basically become dictatorships when focused only on their own soil and prosperity at least that's the case when they are not ran with democratic socialism where; the people retain their voice with the democracy and the government policy works to aid the actual people inhabiting it as one voice deciding policy.

Otherwise left and right ideologies fight for domination and look to implement those ideologies whether the policy is wanted or not... being a representative democracy is exactly how such a thing would fail, as the representatives are supposed to represent the peoples voice they preside over but rarely do... but often pander such to gain office as the public rarely knows the legislative actions being passed until they become affected by them or announced as a new law passed along by the news itself.

Such a thing appears as voter apathy and civil unrest since laws are implemented before most of the public is even aware of it... and then have to either petition or author an initiative against it depending on the state. Also depending on the state many petitions or initiatives are simply tossed out or vetoed meaning the will of the people aren't being carried out. When such a thing occurs it typically takes the federal government to step in in an attempt to quell the civil unrest when states make such laws that cause it in the first place, then scream states rights when the federal steps in to over ride the state constitution with the federal constitution using the highest court in the land to do it.

edit on 13-9-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

Question then why is China building a wall along there border. You don't do that to a country you control. You do that to keep them away from you in fact also setting up defences along the border

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 06:46 AM
At this rate it needs to be a really high and thick lead wall. A real big'un.


posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

The walls would keep waves of refugees out but the actual deals are made with NK leadership who would have alternate escape plans and China has to convince the world it's against NK.
I just can't see china letting all this go down if it's not their idea in the first place.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

I think Nk is like a pawn in a chess game. Non of the bigger countries want to look like the aggressor or take the first retaliatory blow. I could easily see russia or china supplying them with weapons. Putin is not happy about his driver being assassinated and china is getting pissed off over south china sea and military build up in south Korea.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:24 PM
Before i go into work in the mornings I drive to the local quick stop and grab some coffee for me and the misses. I do this instead of making it so i can listen to NPR and catch the news that happened while i was asleep. ( I dont wanna go into work if the world was coming to an end). Today I heard about the cease fire holding, Russia and the US teaming up to drop bombs, and the test that North Korea did. I got this rush that i needed to be prepared and that I really need a bug out bag. I go home and tell my girl that we really need to get the bags together. She is a person that could care less about whats going on in the world. I dont know what is better? Being blind and/or not caring or trying to keep on top of all this mess and worry about things like bug out bags? Whatever the answer to that question is im still getting my bag together tonight.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:30 PM
Here is a link to my thread saying the same thing as the OP from August of last year.

ATS: If China's dog bites South Korea, China will bury them alive

and a bit of a repost below ...

end repost

If China's dog bites South Korea
    China will bury it alive

China recently implemented a One Dog, One Family policy (Yī quǎn yī hù) in Beijing. With the rising middle class keeping pets has become a thing. But rabies, too many dogs, and other problems have also occurred.

In 2006 they passed the Yī quǎn yī hù law. A family may not keep more than one dog as a pet. They have also been taking aggressive (what the west would call inhumane) steps to curb the population of stray dogs.

Since the start of the campaign on 25 July 2005, a total of 54,429 dogs in Mouding County have been killed by clubbing, hanging, electrocution, or drugs, according to the Shanghai Daily.

Inside Justice : China Animal Welfare

In the west if someone's Dog bites a neighbor we take quick action as well. Of course I am talking about North Korea here.

Perhaps Kim Jong-un will realize he is better off seeking medical attention from the west.

end repost

... so China is building a wall eh?
Is that the same thing as "fencing in the dog"?

Mike Grouchy

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

America uses contingencies. The only reason they're even willing to let other nations use Nuclear devices at this point is because they are absurdly beyond that. Guns verse money when it comes to America is pure stupid.

For starters, with advanced QE they can simulate nuclear reactions from a distance with just a computer and with enough simultaneous reactions or some uranium to aim at, they can cause the same effect stealthy from a lab.

Then there is Quantum Bubble, more or less, to the extent that if we were ever defeated, it takes extremely low power to create one of these, and it ultimately destroys not just Earth, but the whole Universe. It's essentially in some underground lab, but hiding in a cave won't save anyone from it if it came to that point.

Then there is Microwave guns...RFID landmines...full stealthsuits...we probably own the most(if not all) of the UFO's

Between the politics and the technology it feels like we're the Nazi's

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

From reading around, it looks like China is highly irritated and embarrassed by NK. They keep trying to dress them up in normal clothes and make them presentable to the international stage. Having NK on side should be like being a landowner without much responsibility. Instead it's more like having an ugly step-child who keeps screwing up and bringing negative attention to the front door.

No matter what obligations NK owe to China, they keep soiling the metaphorical bed.

All NK leadership has to do is STFU and stop testing nukes. Despite the human rights abuses, nobody would care if they'd shut up and stop testing.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Question then why is China building a wall along there border.

That is a sign they are looking to let Little Kim walk on his own without China the wall would be to stop the flood of NK refugees that would head to China for safety.

Plus we know China could build one hell of a wall when they want to keep certain people out of China.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

It is fencing in a rogue nation... of course that line of defense also means keeping those wishing to flee war and terror that may occur along those borders at keeping them out as a huge influx of refugees would occur... and then other countires wishing to aid against the inhumane slaughter of those civilians caught in the cross fire or buttoned up in their homes are secure from the repression of the dictatorship and human rights abuses that are bound to occur... often those being liberated from such tyranny only see the status quo before hand that was peaceful due to the constant propaganda pointing fingers at others for that misery as an enemy and why they are not prospering while those in power milk the entire populous with no personal responsibility to the people only themselves...

So when forces do go in to actually stabilize all that finger pointing and propaganda makes those disrupted from that status quo start pointing fingers too making the effort much more difficult than need be... all countries have trade and massive profits from that trade. Whether they put it back into the populous and local economies of that country is the dividing line between corruption and humanitarian. Politics works for all people and when it doesn't it works for those only wanting power over the people themselves whether that is economic or what have you over an entire market and their only competition then is each other... of course they conglomerate by constantly buying each other out in an attempt to capitalize on a monopoly from those conglomerates instead of working for the actual benefit of the people themselves where the service they offer, is only to their own well being and becomes a detriment to the entire populations local and abroad in such massive rises of power and influence that corrupts.

So it simply goes to show what fences next door to a rogue nation means... Mexico is not a rogue nation next to the US, but some want to build a wall even though that same political influence implemented the war on drugs to stop the flow of illegal importation across borders of both people and the drugs which left that government dealing with all the supply trying to reach those in demand of it where a wall becomes a sort of "ground navy" no different than the blockade runners that tried to cease supply during the American civil war against the British... of course that policy of drugs and Mexico led to that issue and continuing issue instead of stabilizing sought to eradicate, yet there was never any decrease in the demand despite trying to control supply which led to most all of global societies ills with the rise of the global black market not only in drugs, but guns, and human trafficking as well...

of course all of that black market currency funds needed banks so it caused corruption in those areas as well... then tricked over into politics to either fight for or against those same failed policies instead of move towards more sensible policies. The pander of course was that it was a moral obligation using political sides ideologies as the opiate of the masses instead of solving the problem. The solution of course is no different than what several European countries have done which is to legitimize certain industry instead of demonize it or whole entire countries for what is a human issue, of course seeing these things as an issue is what causes even more issues due to many not seeing it as an issue... so of course the common sense policy is to legitimize those industries and regulate the other ones already legitimate instead of the legitimate looking to keep building their power that is just as much detriment to the entire world as to the side made illegal.

So of course those without any solutions to such things as power and resource hoarding turn to just wanting to hold it for themselves build walls, as an individual? This turns into dictatorships.

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