I've been watching a lot of House lately so maybe this is why this came to mind. House and Wilson are master pranksters. It's a guy thing. We not
only prank but try to one up the other. It's not like we don't love our friends, we're just sick puppies.
The problem with one upping is that once you get to a certain level it get difficult. I think I have the Master Prank. To do it you need imagination,
patience and make it as public as possible. Your friend, we'll call him Buddy, has gotten you good and everyone is still chuckling. Here's what you
When you are at Buddy's, watching the game or whatever, need beer. You'll pay if he goes and gets it. Anything to give you 15 minutes privacy. All
rests on this... did he leave his phone? You should know if he would, he's your friend. Now use that time to rewrite a few of his other friends
numbers to other places. So when he calls those friends he get, IDK, Tim Hortons, the police station, anything open 24 hours. No one remembers numbers
anymore. Now he's confused as hell and has to call other friends to get those numbers. Bonus points if you are the friend.
If not you'll have to
set him up so that he knows that you know but he doesn't know you know what's up. Easy.
Next game, now it can be anywhere, throw your phone on the table and curse it for being a PoS. He'll tell you about the gremlins in his. It's an
unsolved mystery. Now you have the opening for later. And the necessary secondary benefit. He'll have called all his contacts to see which were
messed up. Something like:
"Hey Bob."
"Hey what's up?"
"Just checking to see if you were there."
Bob thinking, "WTF?"
Then the payoff. Next party when the gang's all there, ask Buddy, "Did you ever figure out what was up with your phone?" Even though some/many
there have heard of this the story will be told. The mystery is still unsolved. When he's done the telling just say, "Buddy, I think you just
learned something about leaving your phone unattended when you go on a booze run."
It's a Flawless Victory if he'd actually traded the phone in because of this.
These are the types of things I think of when my back keeps me awake all night.