My hubby & I have had this discussion,
in a good way.
In the 80's most people were still mostly normal.
What all changed?
1.) Sugar was in short supply & expensive.
Food companies started substituting
all or part of the sugar with corn syrup!
What do they use to fatten cattle up
before going to market...corn!
Corn syrup is so concentrated,
10x sweeter than sugar & it used to be in
almost every processed food!
2.) Microwaves...became available for the masses. They kill the micronutrients in food.
You are losing valuable, necessary nutrients.
3.) Both parents now had to work, in order to be able to afford what one used to be able to provide. So women were usually only home with their
newborns for six weeks. Out of necessity they turned to formula...processed food.
4.) Both parents now had to one home all day with time to cook healthy & from scratch.
To be fair has taken awhile for people to grasp the notion that hey, processed stuff isn't good for you! I know people who said, "If it was
bad for you they wouldn't make it/sell it!"
Uhhmmm, right! But that's another thread!
5.) Transfats! Remember when oleo margarine first appeared & was touted as healthier than butter? That was earlier than the 80's, but that's about
when the whole, 'fat is bad fo you' scenario really took off. I remember a heart specialist telling my Dad, no more bacon, whole milk, or such things.
If he had an occasional burger,
he was supposed to squeeze it
between 2 paper towels to get more fat out!
Margarine back then, was artery goo in stick form!
6.) Hormones in meat & milk.
Not sure when this became the norm exactly?
But growth hormones to get animals bigger,
faster, meant a quicker profit.
And to increase milk production.
Of course, then they get into the meat
& milk that we are consuming.
7.) Antibiotics, so animals that are raised in cages
or overcrowded conditions, don't get sick.
Which then we get in our meat & milk, which
messes with the good bacteria in our gut!
8.) Chemicals & preservatives.
No one even knows ALL of the ramifications
of these goodies yet!
9.) GMO's...ditto!
10.) Irradiated foods that kill good & bad bacteria! Some meats, spices...
who knows what else!
These are the main ones.
We have to get back to the basics,
if we even can!
The deck is stacked against us...
We're screwed big time!!!