posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 11:29 PM
I sat down on a porch -bench feeding the ducks, when a man approach and said;" These can be free instead they crowd up feeding from your palm " I
smiled and said;" Maybe its easier for them this way? ". The man sighed and said;" Its wrong! " Two statements of an opinion and i returned the
favor with a question;" What is right to you? "
He mumbled incoherently like most do with a set of ideals with belief, not understanding the simple things of right and wrong and instead making his
own rules of right and wrong to understand them...
" If the birds didnt want to eat out of my hand, do you think i could force them? They are making a choice, and their choice is trust.. Eating the
food is something we all must do, just like you."
The man got frustrated, his belief and ideal was being questioned;" I AM A FREE MAN! NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!"
I still feed the ducks, i didnt gave him any notice.. So he kicked and screamed at the ducks and they all fled down to the water..
I giggled and said;" You are truly a free man, you made your choice with your belief and when it wasnt enough you forced it instead.. They wanted a
simple meal, yet you ruined it cause of your ideals.." I threw the rest of the bread on the ground and the ducks came pouring down.. The man tried
again to chase them away, yet this time, the peaceful ducks attacked.. I started laughing;" Now you see the consequence with free choice "