posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 01:28 PM
For clarification OP. . .
There is only the illusion of two choices and that is what is set by the media. By following along you are simply giving more power to them and the
status quo. As I stated before, enough votes for a third party (whomever that may be) is giving more power back to the people be enabling a third
party to loosen the strangle hold of the status quo.
As for votes not meaning anything, in a way you are right unless you live in a swing state. We all know that red states are going to vote rep and
blue states are going to vote dem. Therefore, if you vote dem or 3rd in a red state you might as well be throwing your vote away in your opinion.
So under this system, if you really want to make a difference . . . if you are a republican in a blue state, or a democrat in a red state, then vote
third party so as to expand your choices in the future.
Play the long game instead of being content with 'the two evils'.