The fake scandals are becoming a joke. The boy who cried wolf is pissing off the villagers who are now dismissing all the garbage he spits out.
His new campaign management came from Losers R Us.
Not going to belabor this, but John Oliver had a fantastic segment suggesting how much Trump has actually done to help expose the corruption, to show
us all how it is (in fact) rigged.....and that NOW is the time to quit.....NOW is when to say "this is ridiculous."
even if you can't stand John Oliver - he makes some very good points here. He even points out that Trump has made some very important points:
* he has admitted that he has always 'bought' favors from politicians via campaign funding....and that the people he 'donates' to are always there for
* he has shown the flaws of the media, even while exploiting it -- he even told Megyn Kelly (who in the clip looks very heavily made-up and sort of
"blurry" like an old time movie star -- and I don't have anything against Megyn, at all - she's the ONLY Fox host I can stomach and respect) that he
did this partially to expose the corruption
* he has gotten all the rest of the contenders to stand behind him NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS
* he has done all of that successfully - shown the flaws in our BROKEN system (he even used that term himself), and also the flaws in us
Then he compares and contrasts Trump to a youth novel from the 90s where a smart but bored class clown kid runs for president - and wins, despite his
best efforts to lose.
I hope, for Donald's sake, and out of respect for what Sanders ALSO has done - - that we all wake up to what's really going on in our government and
among our citizenry. Because, this has to stop at some point. Well done, Donald - for exposing the BS that we are drowning in. Now, please - step
aside and say, "See? See how it is? See how you all are?"
Anyway - not trying to snipe or insult anyone - I don't dislike the guy; and I don't like please keep that in mind. I'm just sort of
watching and trying to make sense of it all.
So, no matter who you support or who you hate, this is a quite tricky situation. John even invited Donald onto the show. This was the last segment
until next month when LWT comes back from vacation. I hope it has an impact.
If you can watch it without getting upset, it's very significant.
edit on 8/25/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)
I know when my washer over flows and my basement is flooding the first thing I'm going to look for is playdoh
Don't you? If I can't find playdoh silly putty works too.
why don't you watch the segment, and then make a comeback remark. I'm not a fan of his, or FOX, or Hillary's, or Breitbart. I think it's all
ridiculous. But - whatever. I know how it feels to be wanting to lash out, and I know I do it all too often.
But seriously, Sillyolyou, please watch the segment. I am NOT a supporter of Trump's, nor of Hillary's.
I'm done here. Just wanted to leave the video here is all.
edit on 8/25/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)
No... I was suggesting to you that some people are not worth replying to. You put to much effort into your posts in this thread to a certain other
poster that doesn't care what you have to say.
On topic, trump would not be trying to go by the "script" lately if he was not trying to win.
Do people still think one candidate will do better than the next? Like, do people really think one is less corrupt than the other and they aren't
bought and paid for?
Past politicians and President's have told the American people for over 75 plus years what's really going on and for some reason the American people
don't believe the POTUS is nothing but a puppet to a few corporate elite.
Why is it soooo hard to grasp this fact?
Whoever is MEANT TO BE POTUS will be no matter what!!! They are already chosen and you have no vote because you aint in the club. You the people have
zero rights. Go back to sleep or wake up and do something otherwise stfu!
Why would Trump ruin his reputation by running a fake candidacy?
Reputation. Firstly to start off, Trump only cares about profit. If he has the potential to earn millions $$ from him merely running as president,
screw what many others will view him.
Secondly Trump already pretty much marginalized himself when he became vocal and controversial afew years back, his run isn't changing how others view
him already and he knows it.
Thirdly, losing to Hillary isn't going to make much change to his reputation in the eyes of his supporters. He's already going with the election is
rigged theme and people are eating it up.
He's not concerned about losing. Not at all.
Why would Trump waste all his money and his time on a fake candidacy?
Waste money?? Buddy he is making money. Have you been keeping tabs of the news at all? Trumps empire alone made an additional $190 million in profit
as the result of Trump running, it's been reported for months now. Go look it up. He's made millions. He's also financially benefiting from his
campaign and one example is him hiking up the rent 4 fold despite his campaign size shrinking.
Wasting what money??
And it's far more financially beneficial for Trump to run and lose as president as opposed to winning the presidency. He loses alot more financially
if he becomes president. He will be restricted, will not be able to manage his empire in the same way whilst being president, it's evidently not
something he's interested in and his actions show this clearly.
You've got to look into this further, he's playing you and others for fools. Hillary is ecstatic about this entire mess. There could not have been a
more perfect opponent she could have wished for.... and she can thank herself for planting Trump there to fool the masses.
Ok, I see that you nit picked specifics of my post to put out the nonsense idea that Trumps not actually running but here is the thing..
If this was all fake and Clinton is the anointed one.. why is he then actually talking about her lies and corruption? why is he singling out the
Clinton foundation for the slush fund it is? If this was all about Clinton he would be going very soft on her.
Trump might be a bit of a douche and a pig, I agree to that.
But you are way off the mark if you think this is all a stage show. You obviously have never heard someone speak from the heart before.. turn the
monitor off and listen to him and his words.. maybe then you will get a clue and realize he's in it to win it and win it he will.
I will gladly watch you eat your words in November when he is elected!
Ever since I read this article on Henry Makow's "conspiracy theory" website
last July 2015 along with the predictive programming of the TV show Madam Secretary I've been curious over Trump's motives and real agenda. It
wouldn't surprise me at all if the central claim behind this "conspiracy theory" is true and that Trump's been set up as false opposition to shill for
Hillary Clinton. This would explain why he's basically winged it from the get-go saying whatever he can to spark as much controversy and offense as
possible. This makes him, both nationally and internationally, come across as an unstable and dangerous prospect. It's possible that he didn't even
think he'd get this far and actually be the GOP presidential nominee since the hidden agenda (according to the "conspiracy theory" published on
Makow's site last year) was to follow the MO Perot used back in 1992 to split the GOP vote and enable the Clinton's a successful win. That history
nigh almost repeated imo confirms the merits to this "theory." Soon after publication this "theory" went mainstream and contributed to much heated
debate within the GOP itself (e.g. Romney came out publicly asserting Trump was "a phony, a fraud...a con man, a fake"), which led to questions over
the roots of this "theory" (e.g. That Trump
has gained universal traction in spite of his unrelenting abuse it's possible that he's thinking he actually has a shot at winning the election and
become the next POTUS, and thus has since decided to go for it and to hell with the original plan. Just the other day, however, I heard Professor Ed
Blakely on an Australian TV show remark that it's his view that Trump knows he's lost the race and is now in the game simply to win his own cable show
in 2017 and thus turn his "voters into viewers" (Start at 14:00 I
must admit I've found Trump to be "all talk" or as one commentator astutely observed about his antics on The Mad World of Donald Trump
( "It's an 11-year-old boy who's been sent off to boarding school...There's something about
Donald that was arrested in that moment that he was sent to military academy." Aside from such flaws I do find his candid and unPC stand a positive.
Iae I reckon it'll be a close race, but Hillary will be crowned POTUS unless something like a terrorist attack occurs in between now and election day
throwing a spanner in the works sweeping Trump into the White House. At the same time his conservative views on immigration and Muslims may lead to a
similar and even extreme swing to the right in Europe what with the Syrian refugee crisis last year and ongoing threat of Islamic terrorism besetting
that continent, which just might create the right conditions for another Hitler-like leader to take advantage of the national sentiment and lead
Europe and the whole world into another global conflict. Only heaven knowns, however. I can only hope, speaking as a Christian, whoever does win come
Nov. 8, will be the leader America deserves and leads this once great nation to repentance, reformation and resurgence. But, the likelihood of that
occurring will be slim to non-existent imo. And with women in powerful political positions atm it'd be undoubtedly without significance if Hillary
succeeds in her presidential campaign considering it'll be the first time in history that both the US and UK will have women leaders at the same time.
And will have many Christians referring to Isaiah 3:12 as confirmation I'm sure. Either way, I can only pray for Christ's Kingdom to come quickly and
end all this madness!