posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 08:11 PM
I was in two minds about whether to put this in Rant, but it's not really a rant, more a mild irritation for which, regrettably, there is no forum. I
wish they would set up a Mild Irritation forum; I do mild irritation far more than I rant.
Tried to watch a film just now on C4 called Fourth Kind (Milla Jovovich). Got to say, didn't look that thrilling. But I never got the chance to watch
it properly thanks to some demented woman flinging her arms about all over the show in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Now, whatever the state of your hearing, this is surely the most mind-bogglingly frustrating sight to confront a viewer who is trying to watch a TV
Most of us silently tolerate it because it's for the benefit of those poor deaf people...little realising that only a tiny proportion of deaf people
understand British Sign Language. So these are just as baffled and frustrated as the rest of us.
There are estimated to be about 8.7 million deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK... RNID judges that around 50,000 use British Sign Language
(BSL) to communicate, and BSL is the first language of many of
So why do they persist in producing signed programmes?