posted on Aug, 24 2016 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to:
For argument's sake, I'm not even going to read the link. For the purpose of this post I'm going to say, hypothetically, that every single thing in
the OP is true. I'll hypothetically say that Trump did business with a sketchy character that is neck deep in laundering money for Iran and that the
business partner is totally corrupt.
Where does that leave us? What it the point here?
I'm not an apologist for Trump or anyone else. If this is all true.... it's horrendous. It's despicable.
Again... what is the point though? Is the point here that people shouldn't vote for Trump because of this? Even if everything you propose is true
(which I have some doubts), so what? Any election is not about one person. It is about (at least) two people. If you are a thoughtful voter, you
have a list of issues and you run down the list to see who is better on which issues and how important those issues are to you.
So, if you are going to project that things of this nature make a candidate unfit for office.... if you are intellectually honest you have to compare
and contrast this to Hillary's actions on this topic. Trump had a business partner that was a bad, bad man. Hillary, DURING HER TIME AS SECRETARY OF
STATE, took money for her "foundation" from crap-loads of horrific players. What's worse, is that it is becoming more and more obvious with each
passing day that she was literally selling access and selling advantages.
So I'm not going to defend Trump or make excuses. I'm not even going to bother looking into your assertion.... because even if it is all true... if
you are using this and saying that "Trump is corrupt so you shouldn't vote for him" and you refuse to use the same standards for Hillary..... the
entirety of your post is meaningless.