posted on Aug, 20 2016 @ 11:11 AM
I feel your pain. I'm in CO too, way down south. We order on-line all the time and so do our rural neighbors.
Fed-Ex and UPS do a great job, delivery takes about 3-4 days in our neck of the woods. Back when I was ordering aquatic plants one company used "Smart
Post," I couldn't afford rates for overnight etc.
As long as the plants were healthy/well packaged, they made it ok, during winter months a heat pack was included. I didn't mind waiting but it was
getting ridiculous. My order kept getting hung up in Commerce City, it would sit there for days.
When it finally started moving again, it would stop at every post office/sorting facility along the way. Who knew, I live in a GD "geographic oddity,"
everything's two weeks away!
I stressed over my plants the whole time. They stayed warm sitting in all those post offices but I got tired of all the unnecessary delays, I found
another vender, he uses FedEx without the "Smart Post" option.
It's something to be aware of especially for rural people. I avoid smart post whenever I can. I use them as a last resort, if I don't mind waiting
forever or if I don't feel like driving to Springs/Denver.
UPS can be rough with packages, I prefer FedEx but they can keep their not-so-smart-post. Pony express would've been faster.