posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:12 AM
I grew up learning how to play almost every popular string instrument. Violin, viola, cello, upright bass, and acoustic guitar.
All i ever did was play something that the teacher wanted me to play. I always had an interest in creating my own songs but what i ended up doing was
mashing certain bits from other songs into one piece. It sounded good in my head but i couldn't come up with anything original until my first solo at
a play. That was on a guitar. But after a while i gave up on guitar. I gave up on everything.
Now what i do is i buy samples online of real instruments being played, with each sample being different in pitch, timing, and play style. Now what i
do is i create a string of those samples all chopped up and stitched together. All in an effort to make it sound different. I always love buying
samples of played instruments. Because at least it is in fact an instrument that was recorded live at one time. And the sounds i make now with these
samples are much more interesting than what anyone can put together in a musical score
Even when it comes to drums i always like buying samples of real drums.
I love jungle drum and bass, and the only other artists out there that make my favorite style of jungle is the Gresham brothers. Dan Nu:Tone and
I have created over 26 different albums of work in my entire life of making music and never sold a single copy of any track. Even though some of my
tracks have been downloaded over 40,000 times.
As of right now i am too depressed to even make music knowing that no one ever wants to spend the money on a track they enjoy listening to.
If i like a song enough i will buy it. Only because i want to hear more from my favorite artists.
Your depression comes from a physical condition. Mine comes from a psychological condition. I dont want to create anymore music since my listeners
dont want to pay anything to listen to my music. So the music industry should die out. That way people understand what it takes to keep music alive.
If you arent willing to pay 1 dollar to download an mp3... then we all should stop creating new music. And you will be stuck where we left off.
That is why i stopped creating any new music.