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1987 years failure of Christianity to build God's kingdom. Jesus' teaching recorded correctly?

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posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Lazarus Short

Jesus came to bring in the kingdom of God. Not to make us wait 2000 or 4000 years until that kingdom comes. Not to make us die in terrible death because he died. He died instead of us. Everything else is human interpretation and exchanged gospel message since the time of Constantine. Therefore my appeal for finding better foundation in the lost and banned gospels. By those same people who started burning books and people right from the time of Constantine, not from the Middle ages. Jesus never preached that.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:42 AM
It was never meant to be litteral. Jesus never spoke but in parables so those who were spiritually developed could actually understand what he meant. The naysayers are actually Satan's minions knowing they do wrong but want the right. They are the ones who force heaven to come.

Jesus never taught to believe in him but his words. I agree with your op but it lacks a bit of spiritual awakening.

We are made of flesh and spirit so why not teach a new age doctrine. It does help and it is good for your soul. Not the Jesus died and his blood is the new testament or covenant. That # is cannibalism. More like raise your serpent (kundalini) type of stuff.. but I agree. That or the end of humanity

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 10:59 AM
Yep that why God sent me into this world in 1988 to fix this dump...

Some will be thinking the ego on this guy.
edit on 14-8-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
Once again a Christian retort and replies by people who do not believe in God or that God is powerful enough to preserve his words to every generation forever Psalm 12:6, 7.

I find it disheartening that there really is no faith today. Which points to Jesus Christ soon return

Lu 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Jesus supposedly said in the bible that he would return within the lifetimes of those listening to his speech at that moment. That was 2,000 years ago, so unless everyone present that heard Jesus say that is still alive .. .. . .

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: 191stMIDET

Jesus said he didn't know himself but only the Father. If that is said so solemnly, recorded in the trimmed canonical gospels, how then we are supposed to know when, according to the Revelation, the so called antichrist will come? If we know that we can estimate 3.5 years and we get the date of Jesus' coming within a month or week correct, depending on when we set the starting date of the beast of revelation! It is so stupid that countless generations and people devoted their lives to estimate that, and they always failed.

It is better to accept Jesus is above those estimations and his mission above our understanding. he might come at the end of the age of Universe, if at the Second Coming he would judge the living and the dead, after which there will be no more death in the Universe, as Revelation speaks. Moreover, should the mission of Jesus be restricted to this only planet, or to the billions others? Questions that strangely why the wise men in the Church hierarchy preferred not to answer, in Galileo's time and in ours as well.

Answered or not, we cannot sit and count on the coming of Jesus for solution of all our problems. We have to do it by ourselves because that was the mandate of Jesus, to build up the kingdom of God, and also the words of God in the old testament. We cannot afford the insanity of the world today to continue drive us any further. Not even one year more. Because every next year and month could be the last one in the life of this civilization, although there will be survivors. Not because of merits but because of God's promises to Abraham.
edit on 14-8-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

No, Jesus came to show us how we can be reconciled to God through the Covenant of Grace.

You are falling into the same trap the Jews did that led them to reject the Messiah the first time around. They also expected a conquering King in the mold of David who would erect a Kingdom of God on earth, and when this did not happen, they rejected Christ and His message.

Be careful that when the beast sits himself on the temple and declares himself God that you do not fall for it like many of the Jews will.

Edit to add:

*If* everyone could perfectly follow Christ's teachings, then we actually would have God's Kingdom on earth, but as we are imperfect beings, we are incapable of that, and that is a large part of the purpose of this age we are in - to teach us that we cannot do it on our own. We humans are flawed and fallible and we cannot create a perfect kingdom through our own agency and in our rebellion against God.

Eventually, God will have enough and step in. It is clear that if He does not, we will destroy ourselves.
edit on 14-8-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: 2012newstart

They also expected a conquering King in the mold of David who would erect a Kingdom of God on earth

because that is what the prophets prophesied throughout the Bible. Read Ezekiel.

Therefore I raised the issue how true our gospel books are, if half or more of them are banned. Who banned them, the pagan emperor. Jesus didn't write down a single line to be preserved to our days. What is said as coming from Matthew (the earliest record) is dated to 3rd century or at best to the end of 2nd century. The prophets sat down and wrote. It is not the case with the apostles, sorry. We need better proof as what was written and what were the real words of Jesus.

If someone tells the next generations, I wrote that, 2 hundred years later, when internet would most probably die, how it could be proved without evidence?

Let the pope open the Vatican secret archives with all preserved ancient scrolls taken from the Alexandria library before being burned by the "Christian emperor" Theodosius (the same who slaughtered innocent Greek and was almost excommunicated by St Ambrosius of Milan, later repented). The ancient scrolls are not burned. And not only Christian. But also Sumerian and Egyptian that speak of more things like Nibiru. We are not idiots as some might want think of us.

In comparison, the Jewish rabbis openly admit the Sumer books say the truth of Nibiru and find corresponding tables /codes in the Torah. Read what rabbi Glazerson posts tirelessly on youtube, how many codes. Everything may not be correct, but the desire to open ancient secrets is present among the rabbis. Is it present among the Christian leaders as well? I want to believe it is the case. We need only the truth of Jesus, nothing more nothing less.
edit on 14-8-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Most of Christianity is Paul's Church....

Nuff said

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

And in the end, that is what happens. Ezekial and the others are seeing the same thing that John of Patmos sees in Revelation. Those prophecies are related and about many of the same events.

When Christ returns from the clouds to set foot on the Mt. of Olives, He will be the conqueror that those OT prophets saw in those passages of the end.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

we agree on that. Only it may take several more thousands of years. So what we are doing meanwhile?

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Akragon

That is another question that needs review. Why should Paul's works be so well preserved and amount almost the same number of pages of the 4 canonical gospels?

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: Lazarus Short

Jesus came to bring in the kingdom of God. Not to make us wait 2000 or 4000 years until that kingdom comes. Not to make us die in terrible death because he died. He died instead of us. Everything else is human interpretation and exchanged gospel message since the time of Constantine. Therefore my appeal for finding better foundation in the lost and banned gospels. By those same people who started burning books and people right from the time of Constantine, not from the Middle ages. Jesus never preached that.

All the problems in history and the world today are not worthy to be compared to the GLORY to come. I have only contempt for the things which bother you so, and Jesus said not to be troubled by them.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: ketsuko

we agree on that. Only it may take several more thousands of years. So what we are doing meanwhile?

What faithful Christians should always do: Do our best to study what Christ taught and live up to those teachings in our daily lives as best we can.

It really isn't all that complex. If even half of the world's Christians spent time doing this, then the world would be a better place and in fact it is through the efforts of those who walk the walk as much or even more than they talk and talk. We affect the world by being better people in and of ourselves. The idea that we can affect the world by creating and enforcing a utopian kingdom on earth ruled with a rod of iron is no better or moral than the ideas that Stalin, Mao or Hitler had.

You simply cannot compel people to be other than they are inclined to be. The best you can hope for is to persuade them that your way is best.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: MOMof3
The poorer countries are not happier now. They are only overcrowded now, as a result partly of no-contraceptive policy of Vatican that controls not a small percentage population in the Third World. Not even condoms were permitted officially.

Educate yourself on the reasons why it is, that in third world countries birth rates are much higher. Hint: Workforce. Hint: No contraceptive from the beginning, except for sheep colons.

Hint: We did the same.
edit on 14-8-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: verschickter

That rise in population is proof of the increase in wealth in the world. Cannot blame the western world for the developing worlds breeding habits.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: jellyrev

Exactly. I´m all in for a big vatican bashing but only when it´s justified. I would worry way more about the ammunitions factories the vatican was supporting in the middle of the last century.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

We are before the era of the 144,000 the era of peace as told in some Catholic prophecies. It is clearly said in the Revelation 7 the 144,000 sealed Jews come at that time, long before the beast in Revelation 13, before the Manchild in Revelation 12. They are NOT martyrs because they appear again in Revelation 14 standing and singing on Mt Zion. They are young Jews, male, innocent. They serve the Lamb and God. They will bring the kingdom of God in an era of peace, before the final Trib.

I have extended analysis on Revelation 12 in separate tread. There is a loophole between the birth of the manchild and the cast down of satan. The loophole is made because in that time the war in heaven takes place between countless angels vs demons in billions star systems divided 2:1. That war in the Universe will take quite much time. At that same time the Woman is not persecuted, although she gave birth of the child who was caught up. She stands first in space near moon (on orbit?) then she is seen on the surface of earth. Only when the space war is over, only then satan and his draconian army is cast down to earth to persecute the woman. Those are sequences that better the educated people trace in detail. Trying to see the things not from the earth plane but from the heavenly/cosmic plane because it is much easier. Trying to differentiate moments not happening "in a blink of an eye" but taking their time to fulfill. I already did that. Can't link it to here, read my threads.

The Jewish understanding is not the same as the Christian understanding or terminology. The Jewish terminology has only available name Messiah. It may coincide with the Christian expectation of the 144,000 and he to be one of them. Something like a group leader or so. Or the manchild, who cannot be baby Jesus! How those christian scholars want to see baby Jesus grabbed to heaven, when the historic truth of Jesus is otherwise??? The manchild is not being explained up until now satisfactory enough by catholic or other scholars. He is a personage to come. He is holy before God and is doing God's mission not only on earth but also in space. He is born in space near moon (on orbit?) and then brought up before God's throne wherever it is. Then he has to rule all nations with a rod of iron. All earthly nations or all planets?

It is a time to switch to galactic mode if we want to explain many things that are unexplainable from the surface of earth. Jesus said, if I talked to you about earthly things and you don't understand me, how do you want to understand me if I start talking about heavenly things?

So I am not afraid of any beast, because the beast should rise only after the Draconians are cast down together with their leader. And that can''t happen before the Manchild to be born, and before the 144,000 to appear on earth. Perhaps they are already here. As of the dragons who rule 1/3 of the skies, one may inform himself about the ET called Draconians. As of the beast of iron, according to Daniel, one may want to read or watch more of the creatures called Transformers. It is not only images of the history but of the future.

For now we have to expect some kind of era of peace, not necessarily the millenial kingdom as some adversaries of the idea always constantly attack that it cannot be because it cannot be, because Augustine or someone else said so. Not Jesus though. With or without millenial kingdom, era of peace of God's kingdom of beatitudes given by Jesus' mission on earth is fully within the grasp of humanity, if it turns away from its violent instincts. Not all will choose it though. The Jewish scholars say, 1/3 will survive the cataclysm, and therefore it is 1/3 to inherit the new earth.

There is no controversy if tomorrow we have one Jewish messiah with his close friends and aides, that according to my understanding will be the first group of God-appointed 144,000 sealed young Jewish males who have a mission surpassing our own. So says the Revelation, if we take it for true. And if we don't take it for true, (there are pros and cons) then we'd better write off the number of the beast as well, because nowhere in the Bible, in the Gospels, such number and such mark ever exist. I think Jesus should've mentioned it, but I'm not going to discuss about the mark now. Only say, we either accept fully the Revelation, including with the 144,000 messianic Jews, and later the manchild who may not set food on earth at all (born on orbit and taken to God the Father he may command other planets but he may visit earth as well). Or we don't believe in the Revelation book at all.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs
I correct you, there was indeed a flood. Educate yourself. Not saying it was god but there definitly was a big flood taking place in the mediteranian sea.

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:47 PM
I see it's time I chimed in
things are going perfectly and we are told of all this. Scripture says we are Gods friends and not His servants, because the servants are not told of the plan....what do you think the end of the epoch would look ike from ground level....just read the to do it daily.....but at least say in your heart, it doesn't have to be said aloud.....Teach me.....and you will instantly find your supernatural hints. In the Scripture, I'm tellin ya.
edit on 14-8-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I had to read that a couple of times. Good ideas and interpretation of God and the failure of established religion. When I was 9yrs (I am now way over 60), I read in 1John that God was Love. I decided then "he" was not a person,place,but love which is a force like gravity and time. And we are the chosen vessels to spread love because we have math and language. And there are isolated instances of love overcoming evil, but not enough. Jesus gave us a great gift, the keys to a heavenly kingdom, free of most man made tragedies, but first had to come the great apostasy. I don't know where we are going as a species.

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