posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 09:47 PM
I had a little chat with someone i hardly know, and yet the same he hardly knew me.. He asked what my studies are and i said;" they are religious
To his surprise not mine, he said;" I want to hear your words on what you think, since you maybe know something i dont".
He started by explaining the way of the Quran and the difference between the prophets and the message, the difference between the books and their
message.. So i asked or more formly said;" A teacher without the proper knowledge, do you think he can read the book for what its for? " To my
surprise he said ;" Yes " Shocked as i was, i asked again;" A man reading a book, will he not be subjective when he teaches the book from his own
experience? Do you think the book should be read in that way?" To my surprise he said;" Yes, again"
I began to wonder, do men claim to be prophets to gain, was not that a sin to begin with.. He continued his wordly advice, claiming it was the only
word that existed.. So i asked again;" Is this your words or are they from the book? " and he replied;" I know deep down in my heart it is right "
and said the holy words after..
So i said a simple word wondering thought;" Does the book or the prophet matter?" and he replied;" Yes it does matter"
I looked at him and said;" Does the book matter or does the prophet matter, if you cant be a proper human. Is not that the message? " He was quiet
for the first time, a little seed went inside his subjective thoughts, and he said;" Maybe "
So i said;" Be a human first, then come back and explain what the Quran really says.. And i left.