posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:31 PM
Congrats on your anniversary, Kaylaluv!
Thanks to you also for being one of my dearest friends around here, a confidant and someone that's been there for me to cry on your shoulder more than
once. Your kindness and support has helped me continue with my cause, my mission and your knowledge and participation in the types of threads I get
involved with has been invaluable.
You've been willing to stand up and have even been called part of a gang for your efforts but to me, you're one of my heroes and one of my most
cherished allies. Here's to another five years and to your voice continuing to be heard and respected and for being an asset to the community.
All the best to you, Kaylaluv! Tipping a glass in your honor and in celebration of your anniversary! (well later anyway, it's just half past noon