posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 09:41 PM
As someone who likes to post threads which require a bit of laying out, it would be nice to be able to preview our post before it goes live.
I often use a lot of images, videos, and like to play with formatting options available. I usually will type my more detailed threads up in a text
editor, but it is still easy to make errors. I often go back and make edits to my posts, but it would be much preferable to have the option to preview
our posts. I can be pedantic about my posts, and while I am making edits to my initial post, there may be members replying to a post that is being
I don't know how difficult this would be to implement on ATS, but it is a feature that exists on other forums I am a member of. I think there are
other members who may also appreciate this feature.