posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 05:56 AM
Many people seem to believe that for a government to function, full compliance is needed to a certain ideology, many times people derive their choices
from a sense of fear of losing something instead of information of possibilities given by every event that happens and personalities that appear. If
we are psycologically healthy for personal matters, we must be psicologically healthy for societal matters.
I found that a great majority of people, myself included seem to distrust the inherent underlying unity of events that happen and therefore an
escision temporally appears between the individual personal psycological system, whereby a person is healthy if you meet them personally but displays
a severe case of obssesive compulsive disorder for societal matters or they display a bipolar disorder in societal matters. What this behaviours have
in common is that the individual appears un able to integrate personal reallity with family with society.