posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:40 AM
Well this is just my opinion, but some people who used to use this site more often (hint hint) kind of stopped due to feature bloat. First off, there
are so many options an not all of us have the time or inclination to figure out what all the links and icons mean or do, or how to turn on and off
things. For example, it's become so cartoonish-looking over the years that some people (hint hint) who might enjoy descreetly browsing this
informative content at a place of work don't feel comfortable doing so because the graphical overload screams: "I am wasting company time on some kind
of entertainmaint site!"
It would be really nice if there was a stripped-down "office-use-friendly and blandly unobtrusive" minimalist version of the ATS interface. For all I
know there already is, but there are so many bells and whistles on this thing I don't know where it might be hidden if anywhere. Signal-noise ratio in
terms of design has always been my biggest gripe about ATS. The content and moderation remains great as always.