Myself and a couple of pals have started collecting and using real swords (blunt made for combat) we meet once a week and train and practice real
historical long sword techniques like this.
We are only a few weeks into it so no way as near as good as those guys but we have a great laugh because we are also attempting to learn stage combat
a bit like these guys here.
I gotta say we do have a jolly good time, it is expensive I suppose seeing we are all adding bits of armour to our collections monthly but It is going
to keep this old fella fit and ready for battle .
Here is my Longsword.
My one hander.
We are going to film a few Game of Thrones inspired fight scenes once we get a few gallons of fake blood
Making a shield with a Stark banner on the front, making it how they did back in the day with wood and linen. .
King of the North!.
So where are you based? Been toying with the idea of joining a sword club myself after an encounter with Clanranald at Carron Valley fort a few weeks
I have a coif it only cost a tenner next pay day is a gamberson and a shirt. It is only butted mild steel but cheap as chips from India .
I did attempt at making it but it takes ages and it is cheaper to buy it tbh.
a reply to: TheKnightofDoom
Cool stuff! Though my two sword collection is down to one and has been for some years do to my younger brother taking it and selling it for his
habits. Though I would never play at swordplay with it, its not blunt, and even if I accidentally drooped it on somebodies toe, they may be missing
that toe, its super sharp, and super effective at cutting things.
But hey! More power to you I suppose. If you ever get around to getting your gallon of fake blood and putting on a Game of Thrones sword fight party,
be sure to post it up, it would be interesting and hilarious me thinks.
I too have been fascinated with historical weapons and swordsmanship, but sadly I can't afford to buy a sword at the minute.
Hopefully I'll have a job soon so I can start saving up for one
a reply to: TheKnightofDoomcant believe you got you mail so cheap, the rings themselves are more than that. I am currently
making 3 chainmail panels and chain tassels to go on my headboard as decoration, and yes it takes a while to make. The rings are 16mm od and bright
gold, so not too fiddly to work with, but wouldn't give that much protection in a battle.
I would go for the Italian helm because it will be easier to breath in, especially under laboured breathing when fighting, it won't have drips of
condensed moisture from your breath, especially if it is a cold and damp day, and finally if you are thirsty you can drink without removing your helm.
Still a complete steal at that total cost. Just the time it takes to make it never mind the ring cost and overheads. Total bargain. Have you seen the
dragon scale vests/shoulders/arms etc? They look cool.
I'm an old Highlander fan myself. I do keep up with my swordplay although it's years since I had someone who knows what they are doing to spar with.
A great effect is to wire both swords to the terminal of a car battery, This causes cool sparks when the swords clash, they used to use this in movies
to great effect.
Oooo! I'm a huge fan of this sort of thing! I don't do it myself but enjoy it very much. Eons ago I made some practice bits of chain mail and I
remember playing with two types of patterns, but I don't remmeber how I did it now. It did take some time but I didn't mind that.
Awesome! Looks like fun! I did not even know there were schools for stage combat but--duh!-- lol
Very cool, please do post if you get your fight scene done, that will be interesting! Which scene from GoT inspired you?