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The Illusive Parasitic Forces of Evil

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posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior

Fear, negativity and disease are just as valid as satiety, positivity, and health. The value in them is what they tell us about ourselves and our relationship with the rest of the world.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 01:44 AM
Human society has not just evolved yet while thinking we are the pinnacle.

Lack of awareness, knowledge and extreme incompetence causing overreaching/corruption even in people who think they are doing the right thing. So people doing there part paving a road to hell even for people who are very mutualistically inclined. And then we have not even added the people that are parasitically inclined who do not care at all who is hurt as long as they are provided for by others.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 02:29 AM
theres nothing you can do to change another human being or save the world, especially if its not there time to evolve/learn. alot of people think that human experience is a choice made by the soul, and i think this also. so if they are experiencing life at a lower level, theres nothing to can do or say to them to change this. but i think you can still make yourself perfect and forget about the others
edit on 8-7-2016 by carlore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate
Ah, I see ^^ Excellent.

a reply to: smurfy
I had not heard of Lexical semantics before- but after looking into it, I am still confused? You were stating that I was applying my own definitions and inferences and claiming that they were a fact, is that correct? I was simply using a concept of which I have observed and learned of from other people and my own experiences to illustrate the point that was called into question... Chaos is in illusion that exists because, while everything is Ordered, not every Order is recognized... Chaos is merely Order that is not understood... in other words, I shuffle a deck of cards. to me, from my limited perspective- the order of cards after shuffling is random. Chaotic, in other words. But- it is not true Chaos- there is an order to the deck of cards, I am just incapable of perceiving it. The same is true of Evil. All there is, is Righteousness. Unable to have reference to All in its unlimited capacity, I have only reference to my own capacity. Now, Evil exists, that much is undeniable. Yet, it is entirely Illusionary- and here's why. Just as Chaos is only unperceived Order(Or, conversely, Order is only misunderstood Chaos) Evil seems to be opposed to Righteousness, but in fact is required for All Righteousness to be achieved- that's the eternal promise- All negativity shall be followed by positivity. To use a Christian metaphor, 'even the Devil does the work of God' Evil attempts to subvert Righteousness- but only serves in ultimately furthering it.

a reply to: blueman12
I feel ya Blue- a large part of that is from myself- but then again is that not the nature of such a topic?

a reply to: Aphorism
Yes, Undeniably so. Never claimed they weren't Valid, that was kinda my whole point- because Evil results in Good, Evil is not Really Evil, but is only seeming to be so.

a reply to: LittleByLittle
So How do we combat such a problem??

a reply to: carlore
A valid point- We are all on the best possible track towards our own(and the All's) Perfection. I would make one amendment, however: 'I think you can still TRY to make yourself perfect' because perfection is impossible for us as i9mperfect beings, except when we are making every effort to diminish our own imperfections- regardless of if we are successful in removing all iniquities or not, we are perfect in the sense that we are separated from our own imperfection by the mere act of combating it with utmost effort. Also, I refuse to forget about others, because one man cannot change the world- only WE can. I do agree, however, that ones own salvation should be prevalent.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior
Ignore the parasites. Tempt them to destroy you because they are too weak to do that. The last thing they will do it terminate their energy source.

When they fail to do anything, laugh at them in your mind. Sooner or later they will get the message that they are too feeble to do anything to you.

Djinn are just a bunch of weak feeble cowards that haven't got the balls to fight a repented daemon or Shaitan class jinn because they know the Spirit of the Lord will vaporize them on the spot.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Rapha
Sweet, thanks!

What is a Shaitan class Djinn? What, er, class are these parasites in?

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
a reply to: Char-Lee

Well perhaps me explaining that I'm not a Christian may help.

What you said:

There is something that manipulates us both physically and mentally. Truth be told it's inescapable.

Step back for a second and you can see the infinite beauty that surrounds us from the super small to the super big and everything in between. Yet, there is this driving force that seeks to distort the beauty around and within. Call it what you want but don't be deceived, true beauty will still exist all around you.

If you fall, simply get back up and give thanks to the divine that allows us to share in the beauty regardless of the temptations for evil around us

So I think you may actually be a "Christian". I don't see believing Christ came and taught as anything to do with books or churches or religion. But the message is the same as yours.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: 5leepingWarrior
What is a Shaitan class Djinn? What, er, class are these parasites in?

They are 3rd in rank out of 5 types of jinn.

One common belief in Muslim belief lists five distinct orders of jinn — the Marid (the strongest type), the Ifrit, the Shaitan (Satan), the Ghul (or Jinn), and the Jann (the weakest type).

There are 36 giant races according to the Koran and Bible. So these parasites could be any form of giant.

One type is the Rephaim or eternally dead. Here, if the entity is female it will resemble a banshee and the male version is a wraith. Both types will burst into flames on the spot once the Spirit of the Lord stands behind you.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 03:03 PM
What is evil and what is good?

These are set by moral standards created by Humans.

What are morals? Yet something else create by humans.

You have to step away from the trap of evil and good and creating barriers and definitions around both to lock them into a rigid set of rules.

We only know what we know and have been taught.

Evil and good are just concepts.

Concepts created by Humans.

Humans killing humans is just the apex predator thinning it's own herd.

Thinning the herd so that only the strong survive.

you can call it what you want, you can frame it however you want, you can bash me for saying it.

Humans killing humans is a process of nature and a needed one otherwise the weak and the sick will populate the herd and assure the destruction of us all.

Welcome to nature on the self aware and sentient level.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior

a reply to: LittleByLittle So How do we combat such a problem??

By creating awareness. I seem to have specialized in these subjects:

1. Making sure people/groups are not hypocritical and showing when they are.

2. Teaching about duality separation issues (us vs them thinking) and how it manifest in violence. Informing about root ideas in every religion to show where the problem exists. It might end you up in a non dualist vs duallist grouping but at least the "non dualist" can coexist between each other since they have no high level separation between the groups.

3. Probability fields (related to Quantum Physics)/synchronicity where low level telepathy can be created by entanglement/energetic body states and biological sensor package. I am not advanced in this subjects. But we have really dropped the ball on creating distinct words meaning distinct experiences to increase clarification on what we mean.

Choose a speciality that works for you.
edit on 11-7-2016 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 07:47 AM
Well, I re-learned one thing today... I should never log into ATS before work!

An interesting read, OP, thank you! I'll log in after shift and add my 0.02.


posted on Jul, 13 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Rapha
So you're saying that none of these parasites are above the Shaitan level, is that correct? Because, the weaker parasites are much more cunning and manipulative?

a reply to: wdkirk
Well I hear what you're saying, but I spoke on this : "What is evil and what is good? These are set by moral standards created by Humans." specifically, it was a natural byproduct of my point, but let me elaborate: Evil, the force that exists, seemingly solely to destroy Everything in Existence. Good, therefore, being represented by Everything in Existence. And absolutely nothing to do with morals. What is you and I but everything else, too?

you said:

Humans killing humans is just the apex predator thinning it's own herd.

Thinning the herd so that only the strong survive.

you can call it what you want, you can frame it however you want, you can bash me for saying it.

Humans killing humans is a process of nature and a needed one otherwise the weak and the sick will populate the herd and assure the destruction of us all.

This is a philosophy that I hold, having discovered it before now it fits oh so well:

We must Reverse our thinking, go to the opposite spectrum- we must shun the apex mentality, that dominating Control- an learn instead to emulate the Bottom of the food chain- become the link that supports the rest of Creation. We must emulate the sun, the grass, the trees- selflessly giving, so that all who come after might have a foundation upon which to stand and to reach greater heights.
Self aware? maybe*sniffs suspiciously for corruption smell* Sentient? No more or less than any plant. Sapience, my friend, is the key and in your shortsightedness you fail to demonstrate yours, thereby effectively eliminating it until such a time as you start to properly demonstrate the ability to apply Wisdom in your actions and judgements...

Sapience is an Old French word that comes from the Latin sapientia, "good taste, good sense, intelligence, or wisdom." The Proto-Indo-European root is sep-, "to taste or to perceive."
Interesting, in its accuracy no? Thus, I think Wisdom should have qualifiers 'good' wisdom', that judgment, that knowledge which, pursued diligently, should result in the benefit of the most amount of things as possible for that given situation, and 'Evil' Wisdom: that wisdom which is used selfishly or selfully(odd, that isn't a word?), reducing the amount of benefit oft well past the point of harm; aiding the agenda of the ultimate destruction of everything.

Indeed, I ask you ATS'ers, what course is more Wise to pursue than that course which benefits everyone, and, more or less, everything involved?

a reply to: LittleByLittle
Aye, that is what I am doing, after all ^^

a reply to: CantStandIt
Heh. Thanks, awaiting eagerly.

edit on 13-7-2016 by 5leepingWarrior because: 'your' actions and judgements...

posted on Jul, 13 2016 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: 5leepingWarrior

Indeed, I ask you ATS'ers, what course is more Wise to pursue than that course which benefits everyone, and, more or less, everything involved?

I agree. Adopting Mutualistic behavior pattern and rejecting all parasitic behavior pattern at least choosing neutral behavior patterns.

Much today it totally corrupt but normal people do not question enough to see it. Fiat money and fractal lending is a typical example on a giant lie making everyone a victim to those who control the creation of money.

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