a reply to:
Howdy Doc .
Not being the best speller on the planet i cannot say how the Bears spell their name but my Hebrew blood would go with Stein , which is wrong i know
so i do not care much about the spelling of something and my Syntax of a word might differ from a fellow English speaker again i can live with that
Over the last few months i have been conducting q & a sessions with friends and family to see how our recollections of things in the past match up or
not .
Tank man i do recall seeing on the television at the time ,but not the out come and with the way that television is used for propaganda by the
Government of the uk and the world again not a point i get caught up on as i am getting to that age where i forget the 3 things i go to the
supermarket for .
Billy graham and mirror mirror on the all are 2 things both my mother and remember quite good , i am no cartographer but it looks to me that the
maps have changed in respect of the distance between Australia, New Zealand / Asia and South America again they change things all the time so i just
shake my head and think what ever .
Same goes for bible quotes the lion shall lie down with the lamb pretty much everyone i know agrees with that , when i tell them it is now the wolf
shall lie with the lamb i get funny looks from them , but again no biggy in my life i can live with it .
But i can remember 100% wathching and joking about a Mr BIlly Graham,s funeral on the television in front of my very religious grandparents and the
joke going down like a lead ballon with them , 30 plus years later i still cringe about that day in my Aunts house , and other members here seem to
remember that funeral but with the re-runs of events i wonder at why the devil box as my grand-father used to call it would play such a joke as the
man in question is still alive and kicking i am told .
Them finding and playing my sex pistols record of frigging in the rigging in front of all their ultra religious friends just to see what the kids of
the time were into has nothing on the stearn looks i remember over my funeral joke .
Maybe what all those smart folks that are at the cutting edge of science are saying about us being in a computer programme that is running are on to
something .
Life is like a box of chocolates DOC , There is always a suprise
edit on 6/7/2016 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)