posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to:
Here are some helpful tips on navigating around this place.
The top row has shortcuts to the most used items:
ATS Home Page, Top, New, Recent, Forums, Archive, etc. Once there you will either see threads
listed, or, links to more subjects.
If you choose the thread title, you end up on Page 1 of that thread. You can choose other pages by the little number(s) below the thread title
(they're in green). If there is the Forum icon next to thread, you can click on that to jump to that particular Forum.
If you want to see the last reply in a thread, select the MemberName to the far right (just past the “reply” and “flag” icons) and that will
jump you what that member posted.
If you are in a thread and see “reply to” and some text and wonder what the heck they are talking about, hit the “reply to” and you get to see
the post being responded to pop up in a small window! That is one advantage of membership!
Glad you stopped lurking (it is really bad for your back!)