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Is Middle Eastern Radical Terror Working Against or For the Elite?

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posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 02:55 PM
I'm wondering if the Middle East is serving it's intended purpose or if it's beginning to backfire on the elite?

Was the plan to use the EU to flood refugee's and other randoms into European countries in order to destabilize these countries?

Or was the plan to get some of these countries out of the EU?

Are they going to use a false flag event in order to ensure the EU stays together, financial or militarily (sacrifice)?

It can't tell anymore what the plan is but to me breaking up the EU is not the plan. That goes against the plan. Maybe Britain voting out was an unintended consequence they weren't predicting. It seems to me like these radical groups could inadvertently be causing a problem for the elite that was unforeseen.

Let me make it clear I'm not advocating for these groups they are still sick and need to be eradicated but I'm pointing out that they may not be serving their intended purpose.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 02:59 PM
They must still be beneficial somehow. Otherwise the program would be "terminated".

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I think the leaders of those groups are heavily connected with the elite. It's the only thing that would explain where they get all of their funding from.

I don't think we can know that know. We need to carefully observe what's about to happen, and see who's going to get the most out of it, and then make a conclusion.

I seriously doubt some major false flag is being planned in Europe; but then again, we can never know.

The only somewhat logical thing to me, would be to start a WW3 and then make one world government...with what's left that is.

Other than that, I think we're safe here in Europe, for now at least.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: onequestion Good question.The elites are using terrorists to gain more control of their citizens,but it may backfire.I think it`s got out of control and the world is soon going to be in a hell of a religious war.Probably goino to see civil unrest in a lot of places,things are not looking good,but many close their eyes to the obvious.

edit on 5-7-2016 by ridgerunner because: misspelled word

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:05 PM
One side has the full military complex at their disposal, the other side have pea shooters in comparison, yet are still around.

I think that speaks volumes.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I'd have to go with "for".

Its a never ending excuse to wage war abroad and to strip away rights here at home.

On the one hand, you could make the case that the influx of refugees is contributing to the break-up of the NWO EU but on the other hand, it helps to keep Moslem hatred at a fever pitch.

Not to mention that the ultimate goal is to reshape the Middle East, to be carved up between those who want its natural resources and Israel who feels it is entitled to land.

Its a lot easier to do if those countries are "depopulated".

edit on 5-7-2016 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:10 PM
Radical terrorism is just another tool of the elite if anything 9/11 proved that. The elite wanted to get the oil not to mention setting up central banks in nations that didn't have one like in Libya. Now how to invade and nation build when even with all those nations combined they don't possess enough power to threaten the states? Simple set some idiots up with some explosives let them blowing something up then we have the excuse to invade so we can keep our nation safe.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:23 PM

I'm wondering if the Middle East is serving it's intended purpose or if it's beginning to backfire on the elite?

If by elite you mean middle eastern opec 'oligarchs' then the answer is a resounding YES.

AQ,ISIS, Hamas,Hezzbollah is the middle easterns version of 'blackwater'.


posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: onequestion

The Elites are using the refugees in Europe and the Illegals in the United States to destroy the cultures of the Western Nations. They want a 'One World' solution and the only way to do that is to destroy national pride and exceptionalism in order to get people to accept their new rulers.

Also, they are using terrorism, both domestic and foreign, as a way to disarm the American public and to justify their surveillance state.

In my opinion it is all 'working as intended'.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:36 PM
This is a good question and involves the idea whether the elite always get what they want or actually sometimes have some opposition.

I don’t know absolutely, none of us do; we can only try to intelligently speculate since none of us are flies on the wall when these big shots decide what they do.

My analysis on this:

The Germans are so gung-ho for the immigration because in the operation to destabilize 7 ME countries( a secret black operation of US/NATO) Germany didn’t have to send a lot of troops to any of the ME wars so their job is to do what their doing now: advocate the immigrant wave.
This immigration is a by product of this black operation…

The elite or NWO I think runs the show through the NGO think tanks like the CFR.

Hillary even jokingly admitted this, though many say she wasn’t joking.

Their long range plane regarding what the OP asks is this:

To destabilize Islam or possibly, or make it so odious that a nuke on them will be acceptable, probably Pakistan.

They want to further get the population to hate Arab Muslims

Also they are using the terror as an excuse to implement mass Surveillance

Obama is ordered to poor gasoline on that fire, consequently he’s advocating stuff so ridiculous it is clearly an attempt to enflame opinion.

edit on 5-7-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:37 PM
For them, as agents of chaos,to break up order.
If the JIhadists were faithfully, intelligent or acting on their own they would have hit the money.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: onequestion

The Elites are using the refugees in Europe and the Illegals in the United States to destroy the cultures of the Western Nations. They want a 'One World' solution and the only way to do that is to destroy national pride and exceptionalism in order to get people to accept their new rulers.

Also, they are using terrorism, both domestic and foreign, as a way to disarm the American public and to justify their surveillance state.

In my opinion it is all 'working as intended'.

The cultures are already destroyed. How are a few Arabs going to destroy what is already destroyed.

I do agree with the surveillance state

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I don't think it will "backfire" on the elites because the elites and string-pullers have fantastic security and circumstances that allow them not to worry about the repercussions of creating these groups

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: onequestion
It depends what you mean by elite.

Everyone who can use a crisis will and that is what is happening in the ME a crisis.

Latin America, plenty of radicals came and went and the US used them very well.

In the ME you have the OPEC crowd, the western interest crowd, Saudi Arabia and a few others probably worth mentioning. In reality they all probably want the other to make the first move for moral justification. It might appear they are all stupid but none are stupid enough to be the aggressor against anything but radicals.

Libya was a wake up call for world politics, I personally believe it was utter incompetency that led to the refugees and military stock piles flood across borders. I hope so anyway. Imagine if Syria collapsed and the likes of Hezbollah got their hands on tanks and artillery?

A destablized Syria might be good for Saudi Arabia but not for Israel, with Russia in Syria it's not worth the backlash of attacking Assad now. Many angles at play but I guess Middle Eastern politics has always been tricky at best.

At the end of the day there is a few points to make.

1. Saudi oil won't be travelling to Europe by pipeline any time soon.

2. Iraq is a huge political failure for the US/coalition.

3. Russia will keep it's interests in the ME.

4. The Sunni/Shia divide is bigger than ever.

5. The ME is making less and less progress on human rights, oppression is higher than it has been for a long time.

Each one of those points benefit different parties, it's not so cut and dry as elites v radicals v russia.It's more like a cluster bomb and nobody wants to set it off now because if it kicks off nobody quite knows who's head those bombs will land on (other than civilians).

When the stakes are high you don't bluff your way and the stakes are higher than ever.

posted on Jul, 5 2016 @ 04:30 PM
The way I see it, keeping us on a knifes edge balance of fear and political strife is beneficial to TPTB. This is not at all where the battle front is though. Social programming is at its strongest ever at present. The front lines are in the effort to keep us in a state of complacency when it comes to playing an active role in political change. In this we are hopelessly incapable of defending ourselves. And the battle is one we aren't aware of.

One phone app could turn the tide, you never know, so hope is not lost. Another thing we have on our side as a species is that we are somewhat unpredictable as a group.

We fight our own nature at every step, so in the end, pitting an us against them by the elite could very well backfire and have a positive effect on our children's future... But the chaotic nature and the present way things are going it's impossible to say what state the planet will be in one year from now, let alone whether or not there will ever be One World Order..

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: onequestion
When has terrorism ever accomplished anything for terrorists? It doesn't make sense. It's suicide. It turns world opinion (including their own 'voter base') against them. It brings military action against them. It wastes resources for no political gain.

Now the inverse: terrorism creates an excuse for military action, which is profitable to corporations. It keeps your citizens in fear, allowing you to control them. It creates a common perceptual enemy to focus their attention away from your government's problems.

Create chaos and people will come to you for order.

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 09:25 AM
( sorry... I could not get the 'REPLY' button to light up & work)

the Middle East conflicts are doing as intended
the EU and USA are both being flooded with ME Refugees... their ultimate use will be to create dozens or scores of Pockets of Islamic controlled territory or cities even highways, airports, utilities, etc. -- the Goal is Balkinization... sorta like American Indian Reservations are Sovereign nations but with peace treaties) The pockets of Islamic mini-Caliphates scattered all over Europe & the USA will not be peaceful or closed communities however

The 3 nations of North America will become borderless under HR Clinton, which will make the sudden secession of Islamic/Sharia law areas & regions seem less threatening in regards to a re-packaged North-American-Union (the NWO Vision)

watch how the sudden rise in gold/silver evaporates & a very bad stock market decline results during the Trump nomination convention so-as to protect the Status-Quo of the USD & the Present Regime's Power and world hegemony

only after the Clinton 'first 100 days' will the first Islamic nation-state declare It's separation from the Federal Government in the USA (soon to become the NAU of CanMexRica)
with dozens of city-states-areas controlled under Sharia Law scattered all over the place, like cancer cells in a body...


the rise of Islam city-states in the USA & EU will happen even as we are distracted by middle east violence and genocides...and neglecting to inform the common-core zombies of what's happening in our-own-back-yards
edit on th31146781556106322016 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2016 @ 05:21 PM
If you think the US people wouldn`t go Cowboys and Muslims on any group that declared a American city a caliphate you are EXTREMELY underestimating the citizens here

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