Some alchemical stuff
Ancient Egyptians and Electrum
Electrum was important to Egyptian royalty
Queen Hatshepsut
" Concerning the two great oblekisks which my majesty
has had covered with electrum for my father Amun , " - Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh
by Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt
The Phoenix is important in alchemy
a symbol of the rising and setting sun
The mercurial bird in alchemy
"The Phoenix completes this process of soul development. The Phoenix bird builds its nest which at the same time is its funeral pyre, and then setting
it alight cremates itself. But it arises anew from the
ashes transformed "
“This accords with the report of Orus Apollo the Niliac in his
Hieroglyphics, where he contends that the bird, Phoenix, after five hundred years of life, its death thus being near at hand, returns to Egypt,and
should it return too soon for this end, is taken mystic care of by the Egyptians, and all that they offer other sacred animals, that too they accord
the Phoenix.
The Phoenix rejoices greatly in the Sun, and especially in Egypt, for it burns there most ardently.
Here one should note that the Phoenix is said to be cared for mystically
by the Egyptians and that it contains within itself the characteristics of all hieroglyphic animals, because they arise from it as consecrate to the
" Phoenix having given its father sepulture on the Altar of the Sun , it was feared that the
ashes would be distributed to them whereby a epoch
would arise where the regeneration of the royal succession would become enfeebled. It is thus that the Greeks stigmatised the cruelty of Busiris in
the well–known histories, owning that he immolated foreigners to Jupiter, whereas he was in reality king and philosopher in one, and well versed in
such arcana, although it is true that he would not suffer foreigners to have access to his realms for certain and sufficient reason, and because the
Egyptians were most certainly in no need of either their goods or merchandise "
“It could not be more certain that what the Egyptians understood by the bird Phœnix was the tincturing of gold, and that never, either at the time
of Tacitus, before it, or after, with the exception of the time of Morienus"
The origin of the Phoenix could come from Electrum.
"Its colour ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the proportions of gold and silver."
" Alchemical truths hidden by such allegory "
Colours are important in the alchemical process
The green lion could be compared to " the green gold " Electrum
Mining mountains
You could even go so far as to compare the different gods
to stages in the alchemical process, if they were using Electrum.
" The sun god, Ra, was often referred to as a mountain of gold "
"Khepri was the morning sun, Ra was the midday sun, and Atum was the sun in the evening "
Could Electrum and the Phoenix
have deeper connection to the gods of ancient Egypt ?
" The same word was also used for the substance amber, probably because of the pale yellow color of certain varieties, and it is from the
electrostatic properties of amber that the modern English words "electron" and "electricity" derive."
edit on 29-7-2016 by kibric because: Arutperumjothi