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The liberal media is a myth?

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posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:15 PM
We hear a lot of criticism of the media for being too liberal, even though there is a giant right-wing media industry in this country. Well, I just found this article and it details how conservative a lot of media leaders and companies have been in our history. There's no doubt that there are plenty of liberal reporters or editors, but at this point I doubt that they even match the volume of right-wing radio, television and other media sources out there. You just have to look at how little is said about liberal topics like the environment anymore to realize that things are not what many would have you believe.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:20 PM
The most viewed and listened to media are in fact mostly Liberal.

The Big3 broadcast stations - ABC, NBC, CBS are the most popular, far more popular than any cable stations.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:20 PM

Given the arrogance and elitism of many top news personalities, there is an understandable distrust and disdain for the major media. But that populist revulsion toward the overpaid talking heads has been exploited by skillful right-wing media figures who have rallied millions of confused Americans to become foot soldiers in an ideological army that marches to defend a wasteland of false and factually flimsy information.

This is what people really need to understand.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:28 PM

ABC, NBC, CBS are the most popular, far more popular than any cable stations

That's not what right wing media says, like Limbaugh. They say that no one pays attention to mainstream media anymore.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:33 PM
The 'media agenda' sounds more accurate. They are masters of making an issue national, where there is none and telling the masses what to be angry about. This whole bathroom issue is an example. Nobody gave a crap last year and bathroom incidents didn't exactly make the headlines. Now it is the most important topic to the nation.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: CB328

ABC, NBC, CBS are the most popular, far more popular than any cable stations

That's not what right wing media says, like Limbaugh. They say that no one pays attention to mainstream media anymore.

Well do some work for once and look up the ratings.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: CB328

ABC, NBC, CBS are the most popular, far more popular than any cable stations

That's not what right wing media says, like Limbaugh. They say that no one pays attention to mainstream media anymore.

The only media that is dominated by conservatives is talk radio. The main reason is that it is free market and liberal radio hosts constantly fail when forced into a medium where they actually have to debate.

Liberals have long dominated major TV media talking heads. Fox news was successful because they understood this dynamic leading to their "fair and balanced" advertising.

The internet is a little more open although as we see with Facebook and other popular sites, conservative views are often suppressed. I know a lot of major liberal site censor conservative view points in comments, etc.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:41 PM
You may not think so, but try working in the media sometime and get the inside look on how stories are selected. The media is overwhelmingly liberal. Anti-conservative stories are selected where anti-liberal stories are not. I worked as a copy editor at a rather small newspaper, part of a large chain, at one point, and everyone from the sports editor to the weatherman was a raging liberal. The editor would get stories over the wire. if they were positive about Bush, for example, he would angrily can them. If they were negative on bush, he would eagerly grab them and print them. You couldn't even express any conservative opinion in the newsroom without a liberal literally going bat-poop crazy in yelling obscenities and trashing the conservative view. I would characterize their attitude as rabidly liberal.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:41 PM
OP, watch CNN or MSNBC for 5 minutes, then come back and report your findings.

FOX sucks too, BTW....

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

No one is more popular than Fox.

That said, all of these outlets parade as either liberal or conservative but at the end of the day they're owned by the wealthy elites who are pushing their agendas, which divide and conquer is a major one.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Swills

Wrong the Big3 have 4x the viewership ratings.

Look it up and post.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: CB328
MSM is first and foremost a money generating machine. A BIG money making machine. All the rest, the entertainment, the news(snicker) and the supposed education (snicker again) is all just fodder to keep the people tuning in.
The MSM is about maintaining the status quo so that the money machine can continue to run and bring bags of cash to the owners.
Not just today, not just yesterday but all throughout modern history big media has been in the hands of the very rich. These very rich may at time have been libertine, but seldom liberal.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:45 PM
And even radio has a large Liberal presence.

Just look at NPR.

List of most-listened-to radio programs

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 12:46 PM
From my perspective MSM is market driven and gives the people what they want. They wouldn't even exist if people didn't watch and patronize the advertisements for BS products and services.

mSM programming is just something to hang the ads on. Trump is making zillions for the msm, they love him, they think he's yuuuge and plaster his BSing yellow face on TV every chance they get. Something to consider....If there is a conspiracy to elect libs by the msm...Trump is a big part of it.

Look who owns the big networks....Corporate fat cats usually aren't liberals.
edit on 27-5-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:04 PM

According to Nielsen data through Dec. 15, the 21st Century Fox-owned channel will finish second for the year among all ad-supported cable networks with 1.8 million viewers, its highest year-end ranking ever.

In the 25-to-54-year-old demographic favored by advertisers, Fox News Channel was up 15% with 351,000 viewers.

NBC's broadcast will finish first in 2015 with 8.6 million viewers and lead among the 25-to-54 age group.

"ABC World News Tonight" is having its best ratings performance since 2008 with 8.3 million viewers, a 4% year-to-year increase.

"CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley" remained in third place with an average of 7 million viewers, up 4% over the previous year.

How cable and broadcast TV news fared in 2015

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: introvert

But the populist revulsion toward the overpaid talking heads has been exploited by skillful right-wing media figures who have rallied millions of confused Americans.

Liberalism developed a strong movement back in the 60s. This threatened the status quo upon which the big fortunes of the past had been made. The liberalism of the 60s and early seventies made strong cases against the accumulation of wealth and materialism itself. After the Vietnam Conflict, the center piece of the liberal movement vanished leaving many of those liberals afloat on what topic, what spark plug, to focus their attention.

At that time, MSM had been forced to cover liberal events and concepts simply because there were so many people becoming dissatisfied with the status quo upon which big media and indeed the entire capitalist system relied.

So what did it do? It took on the superficial trappings of liberalism. It promoted libertine excesses and gave shallow praise to what some considered liberal causes. But never once did big media really question the capitalism or materialism upon which it's coffers relied. This was the beginning of the "liberal media" scare.

As truly conservative people began to push back against the 'libertine' mask of big media, big media began to hire pundits who could espouse extreme right wing agendas. No matter what these pundits said about this or that, it was always in conjunction with the idea that Big media was liberal, though it never was.

And what we have today is at least one generation who has bought into this long term lie. Hook, line, and sinker.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: CB328

In the UK our national print media is dominated by right-wing and centre-right perspectives. We've got two that can be called liberal or left-leaning (Guardian/Observer & Mirror). Our TV news media is also mostly right-leaning although the BBC is generally liberal/left on current events shows. In contrast, BBC R4 likes to attack all sides of the political spectrum, but BBC R5 tends to be dominated by right-leaning presenters and current affairs shows.

Setting aside the BBC, it's a sign of market forces that right-wing media reign in popularity. Of course, there's an element of popular outlets influencing the minds of their customers too. Some demographics depend on their newspapers to form their opinions and become a malleable source of income for media corps. I'd be surprised if tabloid papers ever challenged the views of their customers. On the other hand, the broadsheets can feature editorials and articles that slip under the right/left BS and help readers to make informed decisions.

On the whole, I suspect right-wing/centre-right media is more popular because most people share those views.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:07 PM
It only took one simple google search to find so many studies, conducted by large universities, that refute the op/ed you posted that I couldn't link to all of them.
The research was conducted by; UCLA, U of Chicago, Harvard, Stanford as well as others and were done using scientific methods as opposed to emotional claptrap.

I personally think the DEM/REP rift was created to keep us divided and uninformed. Both sides are united against us.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
You may not think so, but try working in the media sometime and get the inside look on how stories are selected. The media is overwhelmingly liberal. Anti-conservative stories are selected where anti-liberal stories are not. I worked as a copy editor at a rather small newspaper, part of a large chain, at one point, and everyone from the sports editor to the weatherman was a raging liberal. The editor would get stories over the wire. if they were positive about Bush, for example, he would angrily can them. If they were negative on bush, he would eagerly grab them and print them. You couldn't even express any conservative opinion in the newsroom without a liberal literally going bat-poop crazy in yelling obscenities and trashing the conservative view. I would characterize their attitude as rabidly liberal.

I see that with my local paper. Extremely liberal. Every week it is bash the right. They even changed the commenting policy to require a login with Facebook which effectively squashed opposing view points as the entire town is raging progressive lunatics. As such, those us with dissenting viewpoints rather be anonymous (think how conservatives are treated on university campuses).

I once attended a function and shared a table with two very well known local news broadcasters. It was amazing to hear them bash Bush at the dinner... I expect everyone to have opinions, but it is laughable to say that media in general has a conservative bias. Sure we dominate talk radio and maybe some corners of the internet, but that is about it.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
You say

The most viewed and listened to media are in fact mostly Liberal.
The Big3 broadcast stations - ABC, NBC, CBS are the most popular, far more popular than any cable stations.

And then you say

Well do some work for once and look up the ratings.

And then you say

Wrong the Big3 have 4x the viewership ratings.
Look it up and post.

Yet, it is you who have posted information as fact. You even stated it as such in your first post. All with no support other than your own emphaticness.

But in your insisting on ABC and NBC and CBS being the most viewed you leave unanswered the general question of their liberalsim. You just take it for granted and expect others to not even question it.

I give you this thought. That two reason those three networks are most viewed are, one, many of the people who watch them are from previous generations that had only those three stations to watch. Back when those three networkes provided the ONLY programing available? Nothing more than the habits of old people who do not have the money or energy to go out at night so they sit in front of their tubes.

And two, how about all the poor people who cannot afford to purchase cable or satalite hook ups. What tv media is available to them? The three networks that can be pulled in on nothing but rabbit ears.
Yet you go to the extreme of just pushing the shallow idea that all those people are watching those three networks because they are 'pawns of the liberal media"

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