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Chilling Prophecy Predicts: "Obama...Last U.S. President...Europe A Total Wasteland By End of 2016

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posted on May, 25 2016 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: butcherguy


And, imho, the oligarchy has been INSURING that such characters pour across our borders in droves--by the thousands--often enough--monthly.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

I gather, given your devotion to the fantasy that courts decide truth

that you were thrilled with the court decision resulting in Bush winning the Presidency?


In terms of this OP, time will tell. I'm very confident of my construction on such realities. I think I much prefer my sources to yours.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Can't ttell the two of you apart sometimes. Always talking about Obama being am illegal and all. And all this talk of no election.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
I gather, given your devotion to the fantasy that courts decide truth

Better the courts, where facts have to be shown, than the silly birther conspiracy theories, based on nothing but some peoples hatred that the USA has a black as the legal POTUS!

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: Xitap

Thanks for your insights evidently closer to her region.

Do you know of a list of her stuff and whatever levels of fulfillment?

Not only closer to the region, but also as i told before visited her. As a bodyguard of one communist leader and as private visitor. Everything she told me came true. Good and bad stuff. For me - 100%. I am not a believer in prophets, but she told me a lot of things - about my future, my wife's name, car crash and so on. And everything happened. Even the green Audi, that hit my Mercedes. OK thats it for me. About her REAL prophecies. Lets say 75% rate would be good. For every 4 prophecies - 3 are true, 1 is not or not clear. But there is a lot of speculation with her name. She never spoke about ISIS, terrorists or something like this. More about coming wars, disasters and floods in Europe. And Russian dominance in whole Europe in the future. Also a lot of because of the religion. Greek financial problems were also mentioned twice by her, also she told about upcoming civil war there, still unknown if it going to happen.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: Xitap

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: Xitap

Thanks for your insights evidently closer to her region.

Do you know of a list of her stuff and whatever levels of fulfillment?

Not only closer to the region, but also as i told before visited her. As a bodyguard of one communist leader and as private visitor. Everything she told me came true. Good and bad stuff. For me - 100%. I am not a believer in prophets, but she told me a lot of things - about my future, my wife's name, car crash and so on. And everything happened. Even the green Audi, that hit my Mercedes. OK thats it for me. About her REAL prophecies. Lets say 75% rate would be good. For every 4 prophecies - 3 are true, 1 is not or not clear.

But there is a lot of speculation with her name. She never spoke about ISIS, terrorists or something like this. More about coming wars, disasters and floods in Europe. And Russian dominance in whole Europe in the future. Also a lot of because of the religion. Greek financial problems were also mentioned twice by her, also she told about upcoming civil war there, still unknown if it going to happen.

IMPRESSIVE. Thanks for your personal insights and experiences. I love first hand reports.

Glad you survived the auto crash!

So, she was/is well respected in that region?

How famous would you say she was in her home country? What percentage of the population know about her?

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: hellobruce

I gather, given your devotion to the fantasy that courts decide truth

that you were thrilled with the court decision resulting in Bush winning the Presidency?


In terms of this OP, time will tell. I'm very confident of my construction on such realities. I think I much prefer my sources to yours.

Your post falls flat in the continued inability of birthers to win anything whatsoever. There is no proof that Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii and that he is not a US citizen. Not even the giant bloviating orange cheato claims that any more.
As for the 'prophecies' being twisted, she allegedly claimed that two 'metal birds' would attack the USA. That's been claimed to represent - by people unable to count - 9/11. No. Round objects.
edit on 25-5-2016 by AngryCymraeg because: Typo

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Sure, it's perfectly plausible, though highly, highly unlikely to come to pass.

At the risk of leaning toward where you don't want to go with the thread, if it wasn't a plausible scenario (however remote) it wouldn't be believable, and this, wouldn't be made up.

So yeah, it's not a complete impossibility, based on the world we live in today, but it's probably about the least likely scenario facing us.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 08:17 AM
Lost me at

To me, this is not about the reliability of the sources

Granted, you never had me in the first place.. But that was all I needed to know what *kind* of post this would be. The ensuing pages did not disappoint.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

My parameters for this OP would be to discuss the prediction on its own merits. By it's own merits, I mean, Is the world we see before us--consistent with this prediction--is it plausible in terms of what we see already set-up and in the works being set-up?

Yes, the world we see before us is consistent with "some" of this prediction, i.e., the European part.

I don't think its entirely consistent with the US President thing. By that I mean, the predicate, i.e., the "set-up" isn't in place to end the Presidency of the US. For that we'd need a military coup............or a successful break up of the country into many different countries.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Thank you OP for bringing her to light. I haven't heard of her and boy do I love to indulge in the mystic side.

Im not sure about the dark or light sides as my knowledge on the subject has me to believe we all have the insight, we just don't use it.

Most fortune tellers are frauds who are easily detected when hearing their vague predictions. They aren't using or tapping into anything except for the vulnerable entities pockets.

Baba Vanga seems to be authentic imo. She actually predicts what many before her have predicted. This is where my eyebrows raise....

Common predictions made by Baba Vanga “There won't be a third world war, but if you continue polluting the nature like that, it will destroy us. Mother Nature is God, and it won’t tolerate our impact on it.” “The world will not disappear soon – it will change. A time will come when borders will disappear and people will live together in peace and cooperation.” “Until money rule the world, there won’t be any progress on Earth.” “If you continue to treat Mother Nature like that, a day will come when different plants, vegetables, and animals will start to disappear...First it will be the onion, garlic, pepper, and bees. Milk will become poisonous. People will sow wheat, but rye will grow.” “All of the gold will appear on the surface of the planet, but water will hide. Water will become more expensive than the black gold, and one day it will disappear. Those that are alive will eat and drink in golden utensils, but there won’t be water.” “We all one by one will go to the other world, but planet Earth and humanity will remain. Our planet existed for billions of years, and will exist for many more before the apocalypse. Don’t be scared – be united and help each other. Whatever is written in stone cannot be changed. Sooner or later it happens.” “We are not alone on this planet. An extraterrestrial intelligence exists, and humans will make contact one day. Hungarians will be the first to contact citizens from another planet. This will happen no sooner than 200 years from now.” “Every nation has its star that recharges it with energy. But there are exceptions, some nations have a planet instead of a star...the new time will come and those nations will not be able to survive. In unusual for them atmosphere, they will choke. A nation that has a planet instead of a star will die out just like a candle dies out when there is a strong wind.” “Our Bulgarian mountains and lakes are sacred – like those in India. Unfortunately our nation still does not realize that. A day will come when people from all over the world will visit those places to draw energy... The seven Rila lakes are a haven place – this is one of our connections with the cosmos. That is why Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) used to visit the lakes so often.” “Where is hell? Here on Earth. This is the hell. Here are the life struggles, the sins, the failures and fall downs. You have been brought here to purge yourself, so you can go up where the light is. A time will come when people will dramatically change – I won’t be alive, but I know it will happen. We all have better, more peaceful, and happier times ahead of us.” Some of Baba Vanga predictions that still hasn't come true • Peace for 1000 years will settle on Earth. People will realize the existence of the spiritual world • Cancer and HIV/AIDS will be cured - a medicine made from iron. • Around 2020 trains will be charged with sun energy; oil extraction will stop and mother Earth will rest - prediction made 46 years ago • In 1960 Baba Vanga predicted that around 2018-2020 scientists will initiate projects for producing helium-3 energy from space. • Around 2050 people will travel to other worlds with a speed 10 times faster than the speed of light • In 200 years humans will make a contact with their "brothers in mind" from another planet.

Check out ...

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

I WANT TO DISCUSS THE INFORMATION in the prediction, period.

So you want to steer the discussion towards pre conceived conclusions - man. you should be running for POTUS - all will be well with you at the helm. How can we even talk about plausibility when we don't even know if she said those things -

Why don't I start a thread asking if its plausible that Jesus upon his 2nd appearance runs for Congress?

Some people look for doom anywhere.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

I might read your quote if it were not a massive wall of text.

hahaha - pot calling kettle - but its ok for you to do "walls" - as your posting history will attest

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: BO XIAN

My parameters for this OP would be to discuss the prediction on its own merits. By it's own merits, I mean, Is the world we see before us--consistent with this prediction--is it plausible in terms of what we see already set-up and in the works being set-up?

Yes, the world we see before us is consistent with "some" of this prediction, i.e., the European part.

That's my perception, too. And becoming more so by the week, if not the day.

I don't think its entirely consistent with the US President thing. By that I mean, the predicate, i.e., the "set-up" isn't in place to end the Presidency of the US. For that we'd need a military coup............or a successful break up of the country into many different countries.

I'm not so sure about that.

1. The current trickster in the WH has demonstrated that he can violate the Constitution at will with essentially NO negative fallout to him and NO correction of his outrageous UNConstitutional actions.

2. He has systematically and ruthlessly gone about replacing Constitutional, patriotic military leaders with those more in sympathy with his values and goals.

3. The courts--peopled so liberally with oligarchy stooges--have been rather shockingly compliant.

4. GIVEN more or less utter chaos around the time of the Nov SElection . . . he might have more or less carte blanche to do whatever his ruthless black-hearted desires and his orders from the bosses dictated.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Given Fukushima . . . folks might do well to wake-up and make some reasonable preparations!

Fukushima has been hushed up no end - what could people possibly do to prepare against 2-3 nuclear reactors being compromised in Europe? Eat more Iodine - you're really MR. Negative with no plan in sight - just more Fear Porn

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:52 AM
wow, someone made a prediction.....let's type about it for pages and pages...shakes head

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: MamaJ

Thanks for your insightful post and ideas.

I think Vanga is certainly an interesting and thought-provoking character.

I'd read the long text if it were broken up into paragraphs of about 5-7 lines.

Otherwise, it is almost painful for my aging eyes to read.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Perhaps you are unaware of what the term "wall of text" hereon means.

It means no paragraphing with white spaces between paragraphs.

Our eyes etc. NEED the micro-rests between paragraphs to make reading comfortable, workable, less stressful.

I doubt you can find a single wall of text post of mine over the 10+ years I've been on ATS.

Some think I use white space excessively.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Godly prophet is 100% accurate,

Well it was written after the fact, don't you think?

but we don't know enough to put the pieces together and truly know the future. We aren't meant to, not until it's upon us.

Very convenient these prophecies/ er workings of "god". Jehovah didn't even see Adam hiding in Eden......

(post by AngryCymraeg removed for a manners violation)

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