posted on May, 24 2016 @ 08:50 AM
The worst ever occasion for me was during a guided tour of Highgate Cemetery where I'd gone with a friend.
We'd all stopped outside of some sort of crypt and the guide was telling us about those buried in there including Elizabeth Siddal, the wife and muse
of Pre-Raphaelite artist Rosetti.
Apparently when she died he'd put a book or a bundle of his poems in her coffin, it sounded hugely romantic. Except some time later he wanted them
back after realising he had no copies. So he had her 'dug up' in order to recover them.
Well, I was in fits and just couldn't stop. I tried hiding behind my very tall friend but the guide could still see me and struggled not to laugh
himself as he continued his talk.
As if that wasn't bad enough he invited the members of the tour to look through the grille at the front of the crypt - although I dunno what they
expected to see since it was dark in there.
Anyway, I declined but my friend went to have a look. Seeing him rubber-necking cracked me up even more. I was barely able to contain myself for the
rest of the afternoon.
And then, just after I'd calmed down we went into some little vestibule (?) where one of the lady volunteers looked at my friend and said "Oh, I
you. You've been here before".
Bloody priceless
edit on 24-5-2016 by berenike because: (no reason given)