Hey gang. Just wanted to post the latest from Adapt2030.
I think it is interesting how he points out numerous misleading headlines. It's good that there are people like him out there scouring the web for
this information.
I can't tell anybody here what to believe. On the other hand, I believe things are changing rapidly.
I mean damn. I'm still sporting my NorthFace gear at work in mid May, in Texas. I knew things would be cooler than normal, but I think there is a
little more afoot than a waning El Niño and approaching La Niña.
How have things been in your respective areas? How do you feel about it?
Anyhow, hope you guys like the video, if you don't just go back to huff-Po till you feel safer.
a reply to: BobaganooshCan it be!!!!
One of the snowflakes from UC Berkley was arguing with me that there is no more ice in the Arctic Circle and that global warming is real.
Yea, I know Alaska has had its share of weird stuff for what, the last three to five years? I'm always tripping out on the wind patterns over that
area when I look at earthnullschool.
You are right about that. It wasn't. I think it illustrates the extremes. It's not going to be all cold or all heat, but like an unseasonal to and
The part of Texas that I live in is usually arid. Now it seems like we have a monsoon season, which is usually something that they get a few hundred
miles west of here. Like Arizona and western New Mexico.
Naw, that wouldn't be off for that area at all. I will be passing near that area in a month or so, can't wait to see it. It's beautiful over there.
Can't wait to see some earth ships and pueblos in person. Haven't seen them since I was a kid.
We've had it weird here in the North of England (more specifically, Cumbria) this past month.
Wake up and go outside, glorious hot tropical sunshine, not a cloud in sky, the sort one would expect in summer....by lunchtime that turns into rain
and by evening snow / hail....then sunny.
All 4 seasons in one day? Mother nature has gone batty.
This is strange. Where I live we had record low snowfalls and we usually have a six month arctic period. Instead this past year we had the warmest
winter on record. We've had temps we usually don't see until July and August all through April and May .