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Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in locker ro

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posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:13 PM
I think maybe I should stroll into a mens bathroom looking like a lumberjack saying I self-identify as "male" then proceed to bare my aged fat ass, lift a leg over a urinal, whiz all over the thing, fart loudly then spend 20 minutes stuffing my muffintop back into my zippered pants and see if the guys don't BOLT out of the bathroom.
Turn about is fair play. In fact, I think all marginally attractive (in the opinions of men), overweight and especially older women should start doing this immediately.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Annee

You agree with Obama.

And the two persons who starred your post.

I agree with the popular opinion that this is ludicrous - the person to whom you were responding, who also holds the popular opinion that this is ludicrous, received around thirty stars.

Doesn't that really say it all? People of all stripes simply don't want this ludicrous nonsense to become a matter of law. It's obscene!!!

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Annee

You agree with Obama.

And the two persons who starred your post.

Never check my stars. Have no idea if someone agreed or not.

I support Equal Treatment/Equal Rights - - - - via the Constitution - - Bill of Rights.

America is not a majority rule democracy.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Annee

Well you know when it comes right down to it, what's so awful about someone [snip] over naked children? I mean, I know it might make some mother uncomfortable to see that naked man over there [snip] staring at her 7-year-old daughter, but in the end, it's really not all that bad is it?

edit on Fri May 20 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: a bit too graphic...

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Annee

Well you know when it comes right down to it, what's so awful about someone getting hard over naked children? I mean, I know it might make some mother uncomfortable to see that naked man over there with his stiffy staring at her 7-year-old daughter, but in the end, it's really not all that bad is it?

I've never seen anyone other than a right winger post this kind of gross nonsense.

Although I'll admit this is the grossest I've seen on ATS thus far.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Annee

Well you know when it comes right down to it, what's so awful about someone getting hard over naked children? I mean, I know it might make some mother uncomfortable to see that naked man over there with his stiffy staring at her 7-year-old daughter, but in the end, it's really not all that bad is it?

Funny how that just isn't proven to happen with any more frequency than it already does. I don't want my kids around religious people in bathrooms either seeing as there are lots of pedaphiles in that category. I don't want clan members either in case they may be handing out propaganda. I also don't want pedaphiles who have previously been convicted in the bathroom either.

Funny thing is I accept I don't control the world and don't want to. I would rather my kids knows if a perv is in the locker room get out. Also how to attack such a vulnerable person. I would also have the courage to confeint the perv and make sure nobody else is exposed to him or her.

However the chances of that happening are about as good as me winning the lottery and also have nothing to do with accepting transgender human beings.

It also seems you think a lot about men with stiffies in the locker room. Maybe you and all these other folks should do some causeplay and get it out of your system.

Let the rest of the people who make up society just use the damn bathroom. The worst case you go home and shower after the health club because of your fears. They are phobia though. Seeing as there is zero data to prove any elevation in wrong doing has ever come of title 9. Non the less decades if data from Europe where unisex was in place before it was even a trans issue.
edit on 20-5-2016 by luthier because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:42 PM
link's the thing...the thing!

No, seriously...if a man reckons he's actually a woman and has to use the girls bathroom then why would anyone see anything?

They ain't gonna be peeing standing up into a urinal...because, that's not what women why the need for people to see? This says it all, really...ain't just about bathrooms, it's about slowly conditioning children and normalising perversion.

disgusting that so-called social-justice warriors are actually advocating this depravity and excusing it, calling the rest of us bigots and haters.

Pervets, pure and simple.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: samerulesapply

Your example actually proves the absurdity of your conclusion.

But at least you got the right wing buzzword in there.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:46 PM
Life is too short to be focused on such insanity! Worrying and focusing on other peoples genitals or what others do with genitals is disturbing and a waste of brain cells. Mind your own business like most everyone does anyway and you will see this is a none issue.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:47 PM
No point in this any more, the responses are always the same.

I still stand by what I said in a previous thread. Public toilets are disgusting regardless...what an ugly concept. There's no need for it in this day and age.

We might aswell line up and slurp chum from a trough together, aswell.

Animals...we're not sophisticated by any standard. I'm out.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: samerulesapply's the thing...the thing!

No, seriously...if a man reckons he's actually a woman and has to use the girls bathroom then why would anyone see anything?

They ain't gonna be peeing standing up into a urinal...because, that's not what women why the need for people to see? This says it all, really...ain't just about bathrooms, it's about slowly conditioning children and normalising perversion.

disgusting that so-called social-justice warriors are actually advocating this depravity and excusing it, calling the rest of us bigots and haters.

Pervets, pure and simple.

This is what im thinking, so why not make all bathrooms unisex, urinals right in the corner, stalls for the sitters.

Perverts are gunna perve.

If i had a daughter hitting puberty at say 13 and she cant or doesnt want to go into the mens when we are alone together (either no mum or mums away) - i cant accompany her to the ladies but i also dont want to sent her off alone!

edit on b4848250 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: luthier

That's because previously Title IX was understood to apply to XX and XY and the biology in question, not simply what one wishes to say they are.

But these days, the left very much would like to reject reality and substitute their own personal versions.

For all I know, the next victim groups will be synthesthetes and people will be penalized for not understanding that numbers and letters are also colors, but not only that, not knowing what each and every individual synestheste's personal colors happen to be ... and without asking.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: samerulesapply's the thing...the thing!

No, seriously...if a man reckons he's actually a woman and has to use the girls bathroom then why would anyone see anything?

They ain't gonna be peeing standing up into a urinal...because, that's not what women why the need for people to see? This says it all, really...ain't just about bathrooms, it's about slowly conditioning children and normalising perversion.

disgusting that so-called social-justice warriors are actually advocating this depravity and excusing it, calling the rest of us bigots and haters.

Pervets, pure and simple.

You got the first part right

Unfortunately it's the religious conservatives who brought this up by using election campaigning propaganda to start their re election portfolios.

The schools, corporations etc have been dealing with this in courts for decades. Guidance counsellors deal with the students and teachers understand the situation as well.

They are being guided by the medical community, psychology, studies and data.

The opposing side is talking about hypotheticals and fantasies. I am no blind believer medical or science industrial entities but taken in context with liberty, morality and actual crime stats and sociology it's pretty clear where the evidence is.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Annee

Well you know when it comes right down to it, what's so awful about someone getting hard over naked children?

I'll keep that in mind, while a minority is denied Equal Rights - - - because "some time in the future, there might be a pervert, breaking criminal laws that already exist."

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Yeah, that's what it is, I'm right wing.

That's what right-wing means, now. It means you're against this whole pretending he is a she and vice-versa.

That's not me simply being honest about how I feel about something...because it's in opposition to what you believe and thus qualifies me as right-wing.

The term right-wing has dark connotations, it's used as an insult....but in all honest I believe that to qualify as such I'd have to harbour other such opinions regarding matters other than this.

Being against this kind of stuff doesn't make you right-wing...there must be other examples of me being right-wing, can you show them to us?

I don't expect you to...stop chucking nasty labels about trying to take the moral high ground...I ain't the one wanting little girls and boys to be sexualised from a young age...check yourself out and be honest with yourself.


posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: samerulesapply

I'm liberal and people think that is a bad word and I just don't care. Its gets thrown at me and on this message board "oh here come the liberals"

whatever, I think its funny

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

The problem and fallacy of your arguement. The whole reason it fails is simple.

Your not being penalized. Nothing is happening to you except your own mental construction about transgender gender people is upset. It's exactly the same deal as other minorities and racism.

If men start causing problems in bathrooms in a larger frequency then already happening you would have a leg to stand on. I have a feeling though if pervs feel it's some kind of free for all we will be letting out some non violent drug offenders to make room for pervs.

Trans people. Are not pervs.

Any more than religious people.

They both should have the right to move about society as who they are.

If you don't like your kids exposed to non religious ideas I do believe you should be accommodated financially as far as having access for education options. I don't think it's a good idea though to create sidharthas everywhere. It usually backfires.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: veracity

It's not the being called it that's the's just another tactic employed to discredit and trivialise anyone who opposes this junk. The more it goes on the more voal I'll be about how I feel about me I'm holding back.

There will always be opposition, thankfully. This will come to a head.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: samerulesapply

i don't disagree that pretending is difficult. i've mentioned in the past that I am compelled to speak honestly, meaning that if it feels awkward to refer to someone with a specific phrase/term, i won't do it. its not just transgendered folks that this is with, either. If you aren't a medical doctor, im not likely to refer to you as doctor. I know you kill yourself to get a phd, and want respect from the title. but i feel stupid using titles, so don't do it. doctor is used on md's in the same way nurse is used on nurses. its not a title, it is just a generic word of reference. same with teacher. or officer.

it has caused me trouble before with judges, though, who demand to be treated like british royalty with full regalia and title.

that aside, while i may not refer to a male to female transgender as 'ma'am' or 'she', i can 100% recognize that they have the right to refer to themselves as 'she' and 'ma'am'. i feel that in this way, both of us are respecting each other and we can move on with life.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: awareness10

What people dont realize is that by enforcing this one law, and giving transgender what they want, pedofilia is soon to follow.

They are already talking about it, which is extremely frightening. And there is sumbliminal talks like the article below.

People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality. Read More Click

Am I a bigot for calling pedofiles animals, worse than crap, the lowest of lows, demon %%%%, sick bastards, mentally ill scumbags?

They too have an "identity crisis" because they feel attracted to minors. Should we cater to these people as well?

Im not saying this out of context, im spelling out a reality because the article above implies it's basically in the works. I would like to see liberals defend this one. But mark my words, if any of you do, I care not if I get banned from ATS, but you WILL hear my fury, and much much more.

This world is going down hill and fast. And what angers me about the comment you linked is that they don't seem to care, and shove it in our faces and if we react we are the bad ones? Honestly, I think we reached a breaking point where civil war is imminent.

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