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Adam's Bridge ( Rama's Bridge )

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posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 02:10 PM
I recently came across this and found it pretty interesting. In fact, the attached video pretty much sums up the claim.

Link to Video

Dr. Badrinarayanan ( Former Director of Geological Survey of India ) claims its man made. He spent time investigating by pulling core samples and also diving. They found Sand-Stone blocks not native to that marine environment present, along with a Sandy layer under that, which was set on bed rock.


posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

Fascinating stuff.

But, the question that pops into my mind is, "If Rama, and friends, had the technology to build this "bridge", did they really need the unskilled labor of the "Ape People" to pull it off?"

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: windword

Maybe he wanted to line the front lines with disposable "ape men" to avoid being the target of his enemy. According to history, his tactic worked!

These are the kind of stories that fascinate me!

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: windword

I have seen it before and have a strong belief in it, imagine a tribe after a terrible war had devastated there civilization (or someone else's civilization, perhaps a people whom had been conquered but the conqueror's had now left the earth leaving only odd traces some of which had belonged to the previous human civilization and some of them to there own colony this bridge probably from a previous HUMAN civilization), here and there a few community's still hung onto some of that technology and one day as they repopulated they came across the ruin's that they could not explain, a great bridge spanning across the streight's as a testament to an earlier period and it's lost achievements, of course over generations they would re-use and recycle all they could find as many thing's once taken for granted and even thrown away would be now beyond there ability to recreate.

So this primitive society with a new priest cast whom knew some of the forgotten science maybe or maybe just enough to run some of the technology until it was beyond repair, also perhaps a slaver society whom pressed others into there service, techno savages if you like whom no longer able to recreate what was lost and unable to explain the great work's of a civilization from before there own true memory were willing to attribute those thing's to some mythic demi god.

Over time the slave society becomes a caste society and as it pass's through various ages this one class based system regardless of it's ethic's and lack of ethic's remain's a constant of this society, legend's of what was become encoded as religious parables with what can not be understood reinterpreted into familiar prose and the real truth becomes clouded by legend's that span far more time joining disparate history and myth into a single whole that is then passed on verbally in a great poem by there teachers, perhap's men whom actually began as a truly noble sect of historians whom had desperately clawed at the past trying to never forget and to pass on there legacy to the future hoping to one day see there children return to there lost glory's.

edit on 17-4-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

Oddly enough at the time the indian legend's claim it was built there was a native ape called Giganto Pithacus, small brained but standing on two leg's like a human these massive creature's would give the giant's of legend a run for there money (wonder if there may have been a more intelligence cousin as that would explain giant's).

Finding this and the size of the now lost structure being beyond there ability to explain they whom happned upon it, the ancestors of the modern indian's perhaps may have explained it in familiar term's, "Oh I could not move that giant stone but someone must have built it so it must have been the giant red ape men", of course in reality it would have been the result of forgotten technology, cranes and barges.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: Triton1128

It is not man-made. It is basically nothing but a sandbank, largely submerged, sitting on top of a submerged isthmus connecting Ramesweram to Talaimannar. An entirely natural formation.

I have flown over it at very low altitude, walked and waded on it (you can wade out so far you can’t see the shore and the water is still waist-deep) and researched the matter for books I have written. There is not a shred of evidence of artificial construction.

The Ramayana is a fable. It doesn’t even have the (dubious) authority of a religious text.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

Odd, there are current's through the Palk Strait, they are not ferrocious current's but strong enough to support extensive reef's in the shallow waters, as you also know there is talk of building a massive cannal for deep water vessels to use the the strait and some blowback from conservation groups because this would then change the weak current's in the area leading to the reef's probably going extinct along with the accompanying drop in fish life this would also bring.

The palk strait is heavily overfished as it is but this could cause regional suffering as fishermen found there nets even more empty than usual.

Now knowing that sand spit's have a relationship to area's of erosion usually with the sand carried on BRISK current's and deposited near to the edge of the current's path on shallow sea bed's what mechanism do you suggest caused these sand and gravel deposit's to form because I can not see one, were is the erosion area on the coast of India or Sri Lanka and were is the Brisk current to carry the grain's and gravel to these location's, why has it been depostied in a stream with seperations' between and not formed elongated sand bars reaching in the direction of that phantom brisk current?.

You know India have considered using Adam's Bridge as we call it in the west to build a NEW BRIDGE connecting Sri Lanka (Which many here still refer to as Ceylon) and India.
Awfully handy those little footing's are they not.

It is not my neck of the wood's however and I suspect you know this part of the world far more intimitely, still you have to admit it is intriguing to say the least.

When sand and gravel is deposited by ocean current's on sea bed were the terrain causes a catchement which slow's the current it then become's deposited in a elongated tear drop shape, the leading edge facing the current is usually the most prominant with more sand and gravel deposited on that area (Which is deposited on a usually fixed structure natural or otherwise) and tapered away behind it as the passing current comb's the sand and gravel out in a long streamer.

The material can be lifted from the sea bed but is usually brought from nearby (geographically speaking) area's of erosion and mainly made up of small material which the current can carry to it's deposit location, around the coast of Britian for example there are area's of natural erosion, slowing that erosion as in the past caused other area's such as beaches to litterally disappear as the current which deposited them then washed them away and has no new material to deposit.

edit on 18-4-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Triton1128

Oddly enough at the time the indian legend's claim it was built there was a native ape called Giganto Pithacus, small brained but standing on two leg's like a human these massive creature's would give the giant's of legend a run for there money (wonder if there may have been a more intelligence cousin as that would explain giant's).

Finding this and the size of the now lost structure being beyond there ability to explain they whom happned upon it, the ancestors of the modern indian's perhaps may have explained it in familiar term's, "Oh I could not move that giant stone but someone must have built it so it must have been the giant red ape men", of course in reality it would have been the result of forgotten technology, cranes and barges.

Sorry if I'm being overly pedantic here but I need to point out that Gigantopithecus is actually a genus not a species. There are 3 known members of the genus with the largest being G. Blacki which is likely what you are referring to.

As for their physical characteristics, that is mostly an unknown as the only physical remains currently known about any of the 3 are relegated to teeth and a couple of mandibles. This means that there is no way to know either cranial capacity or form of locomotion.

If G. Blacki was bipedal, yes large males would likely have been in the 8-10 ft range of height(approximately 3 meters for the rest of the world). Without at the very least a cranium or pelvis, it's impossible to say whether they were bipedal or utilized a knuckle dragging, semi erect posture or possibly a combination of the 2.

Judging by the mandibles and teeth, they are more closely related to Orangutans than they are humans or any of the other apes.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I suspect you know this part of the world...intimitely

I know it pretty well.

Now knowing that sand spit's have a relationship to area's of erosion usually with the sand carried on BRISK current's and deposited near to the edge of the current's path on shallow sea bed's what mechanism do you suggest caused these sand and gravel deposit's to form because I can not see one...

I am not a geologist. However, you may have a false impression of the topography of the area. Adam’s Bridge isn’t a high ridge rising out of deep water; the surrounding water is very shallow and the ‘bridge’ is really just an area where the seabed rises clear of the water.

Look at the following bathymetric chart. Adam’s Bridge is at bottom left.

As you can see, the waters between southern India and northern Sri Lanka are very shallow. The shoals extend for miles to the northeast; right round the northern tip of the country, in fact. South of Adam’s Bridge is the Gulf of Mannar, but you have to travel for miles in that direction, too, before reaching deep water.

Here is a blog post that does a pretty good job of explaining why Adam’s Bridge cannot be artificial.

edit on 18/4/16 by Astyanax because: Mannar didn’t fall from heaven. That was Unawatuna.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

That is a good argument but as you know much like many other fossil's from the time the locomotion of the particular creature has proponant's and opponant's of each argument, yes it may have walked more like a giant orangutan or a great ape which given the fact you are correct as no leg bone's have been identified as belonging to this genus is probably more accurate as a representation of the animal.

Though perhaps the argument about it standing like a human being's is being a little over optimistic and it was how it was first represented to the public, the G black though has overly large arms to this size so probably moved like an orangutan.

And of course estimates on it's brain size may well be wrong as well, interestingly some have linked it to the Yeti, Alma and Even Big Foot but of course non of these creatures if real has ever been officially captured and analysed so determine any link so that is pure speculation.

The Early depictions of Gigantopithecus however do show it as a biped but given the paucity of fossil data on the creature this must be seen to be imaginative by those that then depicted it.

Well pointed out.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

To be fair I do not know it it is artificial or not and your answer has pretty much impressed me but to really have a definitive answer would require an oceanographer and a geologist as well as perhaps a paleo climatologist to combine there expertise, no one is ever going to go to that degree of study though unless it is a government department.

Specifically the question's would be mean current speed near the formation's, average size of particulate matter in each formation (with a view for the paleo climatologist to study evidence of previous period indicating increased rate of water flow and depth fluctuations in the area that may indicate larger particle drift and deposit at those period, possibly during storm's and tsunami's.).

To be open minded though it is one of those thing's, to those Hindu's whom see it as validation of there belief it will never ben anything but artificial (just like me as a christian with my belief's) and those whom are sceptical unless there is proof either way they shall probably stay on the side of caution and take the safe bet that it may be natural.

Now since you know the area and I have never been there being as I am an armchair observor on this one I shall accept your point as valid, it would be nice to find something that is definitive though would it not.

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