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Are we Aliens? Possibly.

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posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:12 PM
Imagine what we must look like to ALL the entity's that were here before us.. namely the animals, be it domesticated or wild... smh.. they gotta wonder, "what the hell is goin' on here ??"


posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: BlackProject

I have always been intrigued by this idea and as I get older it only further fascinates me. Some of the ideas here are curious but as noted they can be ruled out (e.g. primates using tools, social interactions, sun sensitivity, etc.) But certain parts are still worthy of entertaining, the spine problem being one of them. As vertebrates we've really only recently (in terms of life on earth) started walking upright so humans constantly have spinal issues. We're walking around with stone age technology, biologically speaking we haven't really evolved much in about ~150,000-200,000 years yet we believe ourselves to be the alphas on this planet. This is only due to human ingenuity and advancement in technology. Do not mistake this for humans being the most bad ass creatures on this planet, we can barely survive the climate on our own, let alone stand shoulder to shoulder with certain predators on this planet who we deem "below us" which is true in terms of the food chain yet there are certain species of bugs and even bacteria which are WAY more advanced than we are, look it up yourself.

But I digress, Terrence McKenna entertained this idea pointing out that we as humans are more closely related to fungi than some other sentient species on this planet. He also went on to point out that certain mushroom spores can travel through space, they can withstand the environment and the re-entry to a new atmosphere and recolonize. Its far fetched but its more in-line with panspermia whereas its less of a metaphysical/supernatural element and more observable.

I like to believe that humans potentially inhabited mars at one point and died, yet we are not their descendants per se; but microbes that were present in their atmosphere may have traveled here in the distant past and evolved in its new environment. But I also like to entertain the idea of some kind of intervention where maybe another form of life came here and hurried evolution along and potentially interspersed some of their own genetics with ours. This is more interesting when you look into actual studies done regarding human genome sequencing and the mysteries of why our DNA works precisely the way it does and not like that of a lower primate. We have 64 codons and yet only 20 of them are active due to the amino acids associated with genetic translation. However, 2 of these are fused together which is something significant not seen in other hominids. How did this happen? Possibly over aeons of evolution and rapid adaptation to new environments etc, or possibly some form of divine intervention/genetic manipulation?

Self awareness and self importance are something I personally find interesting in humans. We still have yet a tenuous grasp on the concept of consciousness yet people are so quick to say that humans are mere animals with developed language and social hierarchy. I think there is more to it than this, why do we not have other primate species who are as industrious or self involved as we are? I look at our closest genetic relatives and I see that we are obviously cut from the same figurative cloth yet we are more than just a head and shoulders above our primate family. We have the ability to transform reality around us, yet we squabble over dwindling resources and refuse to defer from our current course. I think humans are more self destructive than any other species and that has to hold some significance. You don't see chimps getting black out drunk on bananas and deciding to move away or jump off a cliff. Then again maybe they would if they were introduced to alcohol and became aware of how backwards the human world is.

This is something I was fascinated with as a child, I grew up in a Christian setting but it gave me a perspective to change and manipulate to get answers for more spiritual questions like who created god, etc. I think this is something humans should always ponder in some form, we don't really know where exactly we came from or how we got here. We have plenty of good ideas and we have made huge strides to get to our current position but we still are in the dark in some aspects of human origin. Keep on questioning and don't let anyone piss in your cereal.

edit on 14-4-2016 by molagbal because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:43 PM
And...perhaps those in the stars and under the seas peer back at us in wonder as well.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: BlackProject

Hey everyone I'm new...I have had experiences my entire life and am looking for those who might have had similar experiences. I began documenting what's happened to me HERE.

It's just my personal accout but if anyone's interested and they see anything similar that's happened to them in what I wrote then feel free to leave a comment. I'll be writing a ton more but I started at the beginning...age 4. I'm in my mid-forties now so I have a lot to share as they have continued throughout my life.

Thanks all and God Bless.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: 3DotsTrigger

Do not think its good to advertise your website on another's forum.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: BlackProject

Great OP!

I believe we are aliens.

I think the original inhabitants of this earth are animals and insects and we have been imposing on them.

That’s why we need clothes...

Did you ever see an animal with a coat or hat on?

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Thanks for adding to my post.

I heard one point once. 'we are the only life on earth that uses ways to improve ourselves, have you ever seen an owl with glasses.'

I do think our early life-form was basic here but it is growing more and more in favour that we have been manipulated, to enslave us to dig for materials. Money is the key example to enslaving our lives to mere repetitive behaviour, while we miss out on living. We should be living.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 10:02 AM
edit on 20-4-2016 by ancienthistorian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 10:05 AM
edit on 20-4-2016 by ancienthistorian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: BlackProject

Not my intention just wrote a lot of # and didn't want to copy/paste. I don't monetize it just want to get everything written out.

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