posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 10:53 PM
I'd have to agree that there is a magnesium problem affecting people's health.
I have had severe asthma my whole life. As a child I was put on Theodur, Alupent and Prednisone. By my teen years, then came Ventolin and Albuterol.
By college, I was put on Advair. Then my lungs almost collapsed and it was breathing treatments again with Prednisone and lung steroids.
Then I read on the internet that there is a correllation between magnesium-deficiency and asthma.
Guess what?!?!
I scrapped all prescription medications and ONLY take 1 magnesium pill a day. Asthma problem solved. I haven't taken a prescription asthma medication
since college.
On the magnesium supplements, it has to be magnesium only. I tried a magnesium-calcium mix, but the calcium doesnt help with lungs. Also tried a
magnesium-zinc mix. But the magnesium only, by itself, works best.
So with 1 magnesium pill a day, I was able to throw away Theodur, Alupent, Prednisone, Ventolin, Albuterol, and Advair.
My asthma med costs are a 2 bottle package of magnesium supplements $6-$12 every 2-3 months.
Many people with asthma or other breathing problems can fix it with a simple magnesium supplement.