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This Video of Trump Reading "The Snake" is Going Viral in Europe

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posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: odzeandennz

No, this is boring.

It is the same, boring bullsh*t from people afraid about their mediocre future, and unwilling to share some of that mediocre future with people having an even worse future for themselves.

Good luck with ignoring the inevitable - refugees wellcome!

Damn! Most apathetic quote I have seen in quite a while. I wonder what you will say to your grandchild when he/she asks why the German flag changed to having a star and crescent moon on it.

If that would be allowed to talk about...smh

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

I totally agree with your post. It's as if they are the Eloi and the Muslims are Moorlocks. H.G. Wells had it right in his epic, Europe has lost it's vigor and they are now food on other peoples' plate. U.S.A. is not far behind.

Disclaimer: it's late, my quotes are paraphrased.

Y'all might want to re watch the classic movie, "Time Machine" from the 60's or read the book.

Here's a clip showing the apathy effect:


posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:16 AM
Hilarious thread so much ignorance. Love the US "experts" telling us Europeans how to handle a refugee crisis. We handled a much bigger one after WWII without a problem. It will be sorted and it is taking longer than it should but that's politics for you that has to contend with a massive level of ignorance and distorted reporting.

All this panic about terrorism......anyone in the UK over 50 has experienced far greater volume of terrorism. What we have today is the internet and vast swathes of images , movies and stories which makes every problem seem 10 times larger than it did in the past. Reality check, islamic terrorism is simply the latest in a line of terrorist groups.

FYI I don't know anybody over here who thinks that Trump is anything more than a sad reflection on the state of US politics.

Oh nearly forgot. Do any of you know the purpose of these attacks and why the "kill the b.stards" mentality and "all muslims are evil" sentiment is exactly what ISIS wants?

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
"This Video of Trump Reading "The Snake" is Going Viral in Europe"

Sure? Where in europe?
I live right in the middle of it, but never heared of that "viral" video.
Maybe it´s because it´s only going viral at the rightwingers, the wallbuilders, the Festung Europa Nazis?

Here we have other problems than a lunatic, wealthy showmaster with his weired wig, that helps Clinton, his friend, to become president.

Going viral in nazi europe maybe. The uneducated, that trump loves so hard(guess why...), may know that video and party hard about it. For normal people here in europe Trump is just another US clown, showmaker, not worth to talk about, because he never will become president, and i guess, he never really wanted. He is playing his role to help $hillary, thats all.

Nazis and uneducated love loudmouths, because they talk first and try to start thinking about it later, so they can identify with those loudmouths. Hitler was a loudmouth, Stalin was a loudmouth, Mao was a loudmouth, Trump is a loudmouth!

So i bet it went "viral" under those east european states, east german facebook users and some of those "save the UK white knights"....

But that´s not "viral" in whole europe!

Merkel is a stupid head.

She started the whole thing now there won't be anymore Germany.

I saw a Palestinian protest in Vienna a couple yrs ago.

It was disturbing with the stupid rap music they were blaring.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad
Hilarious thread so much ignorance. Love the US "experts" telling us Europeans how to handle a refugee crisis. We handled a much bigger one after WWII without a problem. It will be sorted and it is taking longer than it should but that's politics for you that has to contend with a massive level of ignorance and distorted reporting.

All this panic about terrorism......anyone in the UK over 50 has experienced far greater volume of terrorism. What we have today is the internet and vast swathes of images , movies and stories which makes every problem seem 10 times larger than it did in the past. Reality check, islamic terrorism is simply the latest in a line of terrorist groups.

FYI I don't know anybody over here who thinks that Trump is anything more than a sad reflection on the state of US politics.

Oh nearly forgot. Do any of you know the purpose of these attacks and why the "kill the b.stards" mentality and "all muslims are evil" sentiment is exactly what ISIS wants?

I never understood that.

Why do they want that and if they don't get "it" won't it piss them off more?

lol! We are giving them what they want and it doesn't stop.
We don't give them what they want and then it will stop?

Really? Someone has something wrong somewhere.

eta; the libprogs aren't giving them what they want and look how it's turning out for everyone.

Trump will give them heaping helpings of all they can take.

edit on 3 27 2016 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
That picture is a perfect example of this entire charade. That picture is really worth a thousand words.


posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:51 AM
Whilst most people were working... blindly... they were not seeing what their taxes were paying for... those who were having 4/5 kids each..

And still they continue to have all these kids off the back of most hard-working people who are strugging to get by theselves.

It's very strange but true.

The last 20 years this has been going on for... is it a wonder that many Towns now look unrecognizable? It;s only taken 20 years for their Populations to grow this much in Europe... what do you think the next 20 years will be like?

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: yorkshirelad

We handled a much bigger one after WWII without a problem.

Long time ago, and in a different world really.

Besides, the refugees Europe took in back then, weren't claiming it was a religious duty to try to kill us either.

Like i said, it was a different time, and really it was a different world.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
Besides, the refugees Europe took in back then, weren't claiming it was a religious duty to try to kill us either.

Neither are 99% of refugees today

Each and every one of us who live in Europe and the US are responsible for the refugee crisis, we're responsible in paying taxes to fuel the proxy wars which started the whole mess, we're responsible for allowing those we gave power to initiate these proxy wars.

And what did we do ? We all sat idle doing nothing, allowing it all to happen infront of our eyes

And now there's a huge problem ? You all cry about it like little children oblivious to the fact that it's all your own fault

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Discotech

Don't blame us little people.
Our leaders are responsible for the mess in the world, and it is becoming more and more obvious that us little peons have no control, not even in electing someone to make a difference.
That goes for Europe as well as the US.

Look at what happens when we try to vote in a leader who will actually change things.
The PTB freak out and say "no-no-no, the people don't get to pick their president, weeee get to say who is president, we have to STOP the people from picking someone who will change things".

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: BlueAjah

You still vote though

You still pay taxes

You're part of the problem with that kind of attitude

It's hard to think that only 70 years ago people still had the balls to stand up to oppression and injustice.

Now ? We're a race of pacified slaves

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:21 AM
It seems w/o Reptile Serpents "management" of the mammal that are rodents... Many would become exposed to infestations and sickness. Sicknesses that would affect the mind that would spread like a plague? THIS THREAD IS ABOUT HUMANS BASICALLY TURNING THEIR BACKS ON HUMANS
Amazing, seems more like three blind mice rodent perceptions of species self hate...

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

Yes it's about people from Christian nations turning their back on others

Which is as un Christian as you can really get

Say what you like about Muslims at least they're faithful to their religion even if a select few desire to pervert their religious teaching

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: Discotech
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

Yes it's about people from Christian nations turning their back on others

Which is as un Christian as you can really get

Yes it seems if religions of TODAY are seeking to be benevolence natured that you are correct Discotech
Seems very Un-religious, SO THEN WHAT ARE PEOPLE REPRESENTING really? 1 wonders & to add do they care

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Discotech

Neither are 99% of refugees today

From a purely security perspective, I'm not particularly bothered by 99% of them...just the 1% with explosives in their backpacks and jihadi in their only takes a relative handful to destroy the lives of many.

I said this back when the flood gates were opened, the lack of security, the admittence of undocumented people coming from countries and areas mired in terrorist groups...yes, many of those 99% don't even come from war zones, but rather are financial opportunists from North Africa and so on, which is another problem in and of itself in todays world of cut backs on public spending etc, but that's another perspective other than the real threat.

5th column exists as much today as it did during ww2, vietnam and pretty much all previous major conflicts.

The staggering thing for me to wrap my head around, is how ignorant many, many people appear to be over the concept of religious extremists insinuating themselves alongside financial and genuine refugees.

Let me ask you this, all of you in fact; Would you think it a sensible Humanitarian act to allow 1000 undocumented, untraceable refugees into your towns and cities, if you knew that one of them, just 1 was a radical, religious maniac hell bent on murdering your countrymen...but you didn't know which of the 1000 was the terrorist.

Let's say that this 1 person, arrives, get's cosy and begins to carry out his or her plan to muder, and eventually manages to murder 500 of your people...would you think that 500 dead countrymen is a price worth paying to give sanctuary to the 999 refugees...?

I don't.

There ought to have been camps, secure camps set up for these refugees. Not a concentration camp not a work camp, not a prison. But YES, a secure camp where the refugee would get what they profess to, and to not be killed or have their families killed in brutal conflict...yet, that isn't all they want is it? If it were, they would be happy to be alive, that their families are alive and will survive the current round of warfare around the world.

It seems that being alive, safe and well isn't good enough...they all seem to think they can be 'safer' in wealthy nations, or warmer nations, or nations with better healthcare facilities, better schools, better employment, better standards and quality of life...or nations that are that little bit more gullible than the others.

Yes, there are genuine refugees fleeing conflict most obviously...the problem is, we haven't got the first clue who they are, and most importantly who they're not.

Allowing mass migrations and free movement of undocumented people coming from areas suffering from out of control terrorist organisations running rampant is a massive error.
So massive in fact, that in my view...has to be deliberate.

You ask what did we do when these massive problems were being caused by our leaders and warmongering corporations?

We protested, we asked questions and raised points of opposition in the house of commons, we marched with banners and plackards..5 million marched attempting to prevent Iraq1...but ultimately, if the choices have already been made in advance, in would have made little difference if millions more had marched...the die was cast.

If the politicians won't listen, whichever colour flag they wave, and short of hunting down every shadowy figure pulling the strings and manipulating events to suit their own agendas, what else would you have us do?

What vote the next guy in and hope for the best? The wars still continue, new wars are refugees are created and more miserable cycles ensue.

What would you have us do mate? Whatever that is, allowing people into our nations who we don't know, have no chance of background checking them, even to the point of knowing really what country they are coming from, is a very, very, very bad move,and is just asking for trouble.
edit on 27 3 2016 by MysterX because: added text

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Stopping refugees wont' stop people being murdered or crimes being committed though

Long before the refugees start piling in, people have been murdered, robbed, raped all around Europe by Europeans

Let's also not forget, these European Jihadi's are homegrown, they weren't refugees they were all born in Europe.

Are there jihadi refugees ? probably but we're yet to see any as all the terrorist attacks have been performed by European nationals

Before we start blaming refugees for all of this, how about we look to our own society for the problems which led to these homegrown terrorists becoming terrorists

Refugees or no refugees our society has huge issues which need fixing and no amount blaming and finger pointing towards refugees who WE are responsible for displacing from their homes, is going to solve it

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Discotech

That is an illogical argument and rationale i've heard before...i thought it was weak then, and still do.

"There are murderers and rapists and criminal opportunists in Europe anyway..."

Is that really, and i mean really..any justification to allow millions of people, any one of whom could be coming to our countries with the express intent on criminality and murder?

Of course it isn't.

I have a log burner, which means i cut and process my own firewood...when i bring the logs in from the store outside, spiders and insects come along with the wood, and occasionally bite me and my family...i accept the odd bite as part and parcel of using my log burner and an acceptable price to pay...but accepting the rough with the smooth doesn't mean i would not be an absolute, 24 carrat gold fool if i decided to go out and collect 1000's more spiders, and bring them into my home to bite me and my family...i don't know which of those spiders will bite...but spiders are spiders, and that is what they tend to do.

Because we have domestic problems with crime, we'd be very foolish and shortsighted indeed to arbitrarily multiply and magnify those problems, just simply because we already have a problem!

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Your argument is weak because none of the refugees are yet to be terrorists.

All the terrorists have been homegrown, stopping the refugees coming in won't stop the homegrown terrorists from being terrorists.

Sure some of the refugees have not been the most desirable of people to allow in the country and have killed and done pretty crappy stuff and they deserve to be punished, but it certainly isn't justifiable to brandish all refugees as the same as those people when it's an incredibly small % of people who are being undesirable.

When you advocate for the refugees to be banned from the country you open the floodgates for other types of people to banned too and eventually we're back in 1940 in pushing towards a perfect race of humans populating Europe.

It's incredibly shortsighted to not see the cause of effect of all this and what a lot of you are pushing for

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Discotech

I don't want a Fascist world. I don't want an unjust world. I would love people around the world to live out their relatively short lifespans in comfort and harmony with one another, and celebrate and value our differences as much as we celebrate and value that which we have in common.

Yes, i would i demand utopia. any kind of measurable, reasoned and basic common sense approach to the refugee problems...i'm not going to get it, am i?

Secure facilities ought to have been set up, in safe zones away from the fighting, which would provide aid, assistance, shelter and a safe sanctuary for these people for the duration of the conflict they claim to be fleeing.

NOT the way it has been handled. Safety and the right to live one's life is what these people cried out for...a secure zone or series of zones would have provided that and more.

Yet, for some bizarre reason, the powers that be in Europe have decided that it would be much better if we simply transport large percentages of populations and bring them into our societies..and expect that to go smoothly?

We and tptb, haven't got a clue who these people are, even if 90%+ are genuine, peaceful people..that still leaves 100's of thousands that are not, and even if just 1% of those are terrorists...the results could be felt for decades to come, centuries even if certain infrastructures are compromised in an attack.

I think we are going to have to agree to disagree my friend. We seem to be polarised on this topic and never the twain shall meet it seems.

Good day to you.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: MysterX

It is understood that it can become a serious security issue with just freely opening the borders, yes...

What can be done however is sanction off some areas that are remote enough to manage living & observation of the "welcomed"
If the welcomed refugee wish to travel off grounds or into native civilian public places, then they must be required to wear a GPS bracelet anklet that cannot be removed until returned back on sanctioned sites. This allows for the tracking of the refugee population why they are relocated into other countries etc.

This then prevents the native civilian population welcoming refugees from potential hidden exposure to terrorist acts initiated by impostor refugee as each time the refugee leave sanctioned areas they are GPS tracked and able to be located on street cams and other public video equips... You could go as far as logging all their facial data upon visitation to foreign lands to help the visual recognition GPS system locator, depending on fear factors present.

Just sayen there are other ALTERNATIVES. IT SEEMS MANY HAVE CONCEPTS THAT DO NOT INCLUDE THEIR COUNTRY POSSIBLE NEEDED HELP WITH REFUGEE CRISIS and that to 1 is highly naive when evaluating this planets war theaters...

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