posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 02:26 AM
Skip this now if you have no sense of humor.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
An imagined book cover is worth more.
Lesser known historical facts - Hitler loved to read Arabian nights in his pajamas between genocides. Also, he later reincarnated as Kurt Cobain,
writing such famous songs as heart-shaped box, which was cleverly renamed by his producers from his original title of jew-shaped box. (Too soon?)
Well, I guess they both took a gun to their head? Or so we have been told...this is a conspiracy site after all! He next became a walk-in with George
W Bush, and pushed the man to invade Iraq. Eventually spirit Hitler became enraged that the wars weren't spreading fast enough and so he slid into
Obama and prompted him to start wars across the middle east while naming them The Arab Ice Cream Social. It worked for a bit, but as people are wising
up to the deception, he has slid into Trump, hoping to build stationary devices of torture across the world, otherwise known as walls.
Just humor here. It's ok, you can laugh. nobody was harmed in the writing of this thread.
The point is, HItler was a really really really evil dude. Nobody else is HItler. Except maybe Stalin.
edit on 20-3-2016 by pirhanna because: (no reason given)