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The Canaanite Deception.

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posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Ricky please do yourself a favor and researching energy and mining companies to see where the rothchilds are in control and how.

They are heavily invested in resources and banks.

Seriously. Look at Genie Energy and they are on the board of multiple mining companies operating in Africa and he ME.

If you want other companies to look at look at the executive board members of major investment firms like black rock, vanguard, state street Corp and others. Look around..
edit on 2/27/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Truthspoon

..... erm, whut? Eh?

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:28 AM
Israel of the bible is pure myth. Kings David and Solomon, along with Moses and Joshua, never existed in the first place.

Israelites were never slaves in Egypt, Jews and historians know that Egypt never had slavery. Also IF you spend your life around pyramids your going to record it. At least mention them, and the names of Pharoahs would have been recorded IF Moses wrote the first 5 books.

Solomons gold plated temple gets described in minute detail, even though it is a legend, a myth, but no mention of the pyramids?

Israel could have just been given a nice chunk of Montana, they didn't have a right to invade Palestine.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: glend

Interesting, I actually think though that they must have deliberatly undersampled the sephardic jewry, they are the southern diaspora of jewish people's scattered through out the mediteranean world, north africa, spain (they were almost totally eradicated by the Spanish inquisition or forced to change there religion after the christian reconquest of spain one of the christian worlds darkest moment's), southern and western europe.

The Ashkanazi are of mixed ancestry undoubtedly including Kazarian tribal ancestry as well as Persion Jew and later jewish ancestry that settled in Kazaria, the link does not show they were from that region however it show's they have common gene's with the population whom now live there which of course ask's the counter question HOW did those people get to share those gene's, perhaps they too are descended from those same Jew's whom flocked to the short lived safe haven of the Kazarian empire, the giant jew of russian mythology, it would be interesting to see how much of there genetic profile matches to the Iranian jewish population though, they are an extreme minority in modern Iran but are well protected by the Iranian's themselves and are even more insular than most other jewish enclaves, they are also notable in that they refused to emigrate to Isreal after the Isreali authority asked them too.

Now european jew's also being homeless and outcast were often refused the right to settle anywhere and so often shared gypsy caravan's travelling together with the Gypsy's whom are as you may already know of Indian descent and it is also reasonable to accept that Jewry in europe also now has a large amount of Gypsy ancestry, two people's both displaced from there lost homeland's had a lot to share and it is also reasonable to think that many Gypsys have Jewish ancestry though they remained distinct and seperate culture's.

As for the Lemba and the Ethiopian Jew's, YES THEY ARE TRUE isrealite's but so too are the others whom have the Beni cohen gene, still though your link was broken and led back to the Lemba again (common typo you used the same link twice I am always doing it) here is the story you are quoting.
But as I say I would argue that that professor whom made this assertion is making a flawed argument for the same reason.
The influx of Jewry into the Kazarian empire would have left a lingering genetic imprint on the people still there and that means not that the ASHKANAZI (NOT THE SEPHARDIC) Jew's orginated there but that those people living there whom have the shared genetic trace are also descended from the Jew's whom settled in Kazaria.

That said as well as having Roman, Greek, Crusader European, Turkman, Egyptian, Arab and other gentic influence and ancestry the people of Palastine probably does contain AT LEAST as much Jewish genetic ancestry as the majority of the Isreali settlers and just as much as the Ethiopian Jewry and the Lemba (whom as you know are today Christian but only a few gerations back were like the Ethiopian jew's still practicing the ancient jewish religion in the same way the Samaritans did until they were forced to convert to Islam - remember the Samaritans while not jew's were also descendants of the slaves led by Moshe out of Egypt).

You know a guy whom was an extremely devout christian once found the crossing including the alter of the golden calf and the blackened topped mountain with two pillars on either side of the RED SEA (Not the sea of read's these revisionists are trying to sell us and not mount Har Karkoum which may nevertheless have been a site they visited in there wanderings).

I believe the biblical story as fact and think the evidence is simply ignored or denegrated by those with other vested interests but are the ashkenazi Jewry really isrealites, I believe so but I do know the sephardic Jewry are definitely isrealite's and I believe both the Lemba and Ethiopian Jewry are also genuine descendant's of Isreal.
edit on 27-2-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: onequestion

You have to look at it from a point of prospective. I know one of the younger Rothchild's, he is actually a nice guy. His uncles are the ones that are involved in all of the banks from what I have researched.

There are some people at the top that run things. It's been that way for a couple hundred years. It is better than it was through. Much of history was whoever had the biggest armies dominated the world. The ones at the top now are somewhat better than the ones in the past. We are surfs now instead of slaves.

edit on 27-2-2016 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I know a guy whom knew one of the rothschild's back in WW2, he used to drive with jeep and a star of david painted on it to taunt the Nazi's.
Apparently he WAS a nice guy and must have had some gut's but apparently the NAZI's had looted his home (I doubt he crossed the front line though), I also admire there ancestor and believe it or not they were behind a great deal of the social reform's which hit europe but of course money and power corrupt's just as much as it attract's the corrupt and not all of them are nice guy's, apparently the state of isreal had a falling out with them over something at one point.

edit on 27-2-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 01:43 PM
Everything that you know about the God of the Jews is b.s. Yahweh is fake, no God would actllike that.

New Testament God is cool.

So is The Most High God of Melchizedeck. That wasn't Yahweh.

El or El Elyon is a Canaanite God and did not belong to the tribe so they created Yahweh, a God of bloodshed.

Jesus father is El and not Yahweh. Yahweh is lowlife scum if he wants it he can come get it.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Othello420

There is something I want you to read for your own thought's no need to share them with me because it seem's you do not grasp the religion at all or even know that many jew's believe in reincarnation along with a concept of Karma, god also represent's perfection.

This does not argue with you as there is no point in that you are living in a dark place and mistaking the lightbulb of your own opinion for the sunlight but what this should do for you is make you query if you even know anything at all about the oldest Abrahamic faith, oh and if you are wondering about why it is denied in christianity.

Well there is a tale that Helena the mother of constantine played a hand along with her son in having any reference to reincarnation removed from the early christian bible because they believed that any christian convert would not repent if they thought they could atone for there vices in a future life and in fact many passages do deny it such as the Lord himself saying "It is given for a man to be born once, then to die, then the resurrection" but was he talking about the physical birth or the spiritual birth into the kingdom of God) book's that may have been interpreted in such a way as to support or even teach reincarnation were then simply left out of the compiled collection of book's we have in the modern new testament etc and while I myself do not believe in general reincarnation were every poor soul is thrust back into this hell of a world to live then grow sick, see there loved one's die and then die like a wilted flower with it's petals fallen off themselves I do however believe many soul's that walk in the flesh today are the very same angels' which Jacob saw in his vision of the ladder at Bethel, angel's going and coming about there fathers work in the world and these vessel's we call body's are not intended to last forever but the soul is and is but need's to be renewed and is renewed every time it returns to it's source.

It has to return to it's source or greater being from which it was sent to be renewed, made new and only then can it be sent back if that is it's purpose once free of it's past having returned that to the source to serve in another life time, soul's that do not go back to renew are like old wine in a new wineskin, they rot and corrupt any body they force themselves into or inflict upon it an evil nature and can not reincarnate so cause mental and even physical harm if they forcibly possess a person, evil being's can of course also actually not return so there malignant nature feed's on itself consuming what they were and replacing it with the darkness that is what shadow being's are.

Of course such an angel soul (angels come in many form's from simply messages to actual being's) must return to it's source/creator to be unburdened of it's past life or it loses it's way in the darkness and corruption becomes it's nature as it forgets itself under the ego of the flesh until a being of light become's a shadow like spirit bent on harm that will eventually fade into the darkness of the gestalt entity that is the evil one'(s).

But then I am merely philosophising and while I believe in god this does not necessarily equate to my personal belief.

edit on 27-2-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Sorry about the link its summarised here with the full research paper available here. The dataset he used is from 27 populations from Eastern and Central European Jews.

His conclusion....
We compared two genetic models for European Jewish ancestry depicting a mixed Khazarian–European–Middle Eastern and sole Middle Eastern origins. Contemporary populations were used as surrogates to the ancient Khazars and Judeans, and their relatedness to European Jews was compared over a comprehensive set of genetic analyses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis depicting a large Near Eastern–Caucasus ancestry along with Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and written traditions. We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco–Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan

Another study tells Ashkenazi Jews can be pinpointed down to 300-400 individuals as little as 800 years ago.

So DNA tells us that today's Israelite Jews are not the physical descendants of biblical Hebrews but descend from Ashkenazi from the 8th century onwards. Its also note worthy that the original Egyptians were also likely black skinned probably originating from Ethiopia as well (Ancient Greek historian Herodotus 5BC described them as black-skinned with woolly hair). So it seems Greek, Roman and Muslum conquests forced the original black skinned Egyptian and Jewish races back into southern Africa then took their history as their own. Then white supremacist made sure black history was erased from most of our history books. Pretty much meaningless as far as todays Israelite Jews are concerned but never-less interesting trying to ascertain truth from history written by the victors of conquests.

So Lemba myths tell they fled their home in Israel for Sena, Yemen until being forced back into South Africa. Documentary on Youtube tries to find evidence of these travels here.

Yes I have seen documentary on Iranian Jews. they won't set foot in Israel and I don't blame them. The problem with Israel is the same as everywhere else it seems. Societies are being forced fed fear to allow the plundering of oil rich neighbours. Greed the great Satan, rules today. It will result in a greater war if people don't wake up that they are being conned.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

People always seem like nice people...

What's really going on..

I live by this saying, believe none of what your hear and only half of what you see.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:12 PM
There is no Judaic religion.

The tribe of Judea was and is only one tribe of Israel.

There was NEVER any religion called Judaism before the destruction and break up of the Israeli nation in ancient times

Abraham wasn’t a Jew; Noah wasn’t a Jew, Moses wasn't a Jew, such a word for such a religion didn’t exist then

Jacob wasn’t a Jew, Ishmael, Isaac were not Jews either.
And Joseph wasn’t a Jew.

This is a concocted religion through racialism, and sectarianism that evolved over time like Christianity did.

Originally it was a religion founded by Abraham but he sure didn't call it Judaism.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Othello420
Everything that you know about the God of the Jews is b.s. Yahweh is fake, no God would actllike that.

New Testament God is cool.

So is The Most High God of Melchizedeck. That wasn't Yahweh.

El or El Elyon is a Canaanite God and did not belong to the tribe so they created Yahweh, a God of bloodshed.

Jesus father is El and not Yahweh. Yahweh is lowlife scum if he wants it he can come get it.

I always thought Yahweh was a volcano god

watch the first 30 seconds

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Truthspoon

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: glend

I've been interested in he black Jew theory for a while but I have a hard time finding hard evidence can you point me in the right direction?

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I have not done a lot of research myself so also would like to see better evidence. Best historic reference of Jews is from Roman Historian Tacitus in 116AD here in which he quoted ....

Many again say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbours to seek a new dwelling-place.

Suggestions that some of the original Jews migrated to India at the time of King Solomon

The Jewish traveler, Benjamin of Tudela, speaking of Kollam (Quilon) on the Malabar Coast, writes in his Itinerary: "...throughout the island, including all the towns thereof, live several thousand Israelites. The inhabitants are all black, and the Jews also. The latter are good and benevolent. They know the law of Moses and the prophets, and to a small extent the Talmud and Halacha. These people later became known as the Malabari Jews

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767
I grasp it better than you, that's just plain obvious. I have read the bible many times and know it quite well, it is you who can not grasp it. I don't follow church teachings I follow the truth.

Your compensating because I got too deep for your limited thought capacity and lack of thorough understanding. You haven't done the appropriate research if you don't understand me.

edit on 28-2-2016 by Othello420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: glend

There is a biblical Ashkenaz, but he was WAY before Judah, like in Abrahams time. I don't think he was even a Semite, maybe half if at all.

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Barzini

Israel of the bible is pure myth. Kings David and Solomon, along with Moses and Joshua, never existed in the first place.

Maybe they did exist, and are remembered to this day by their own posterity, and you're a jelly fan in denial?
Otherwise why would you keep rambling about a fictional book? Why not read what you think is real instead?

Israel could have just been given a nice chunk of Montana, they didn't have a right to invade Palestine.

Not sure I'd want a chunk of Montana.
Who gives this right to invade Palestine? Egyptian Nobel recipient Arafat? Turkey? Britain? You?

If you're concerned with Palestine, join a local volunteer group in Gaza and help them either not launch rockets or desalinate waters, or understand their border with Muslim nation of Egypt does not make them isolated, and neither does their amazing Mediterranean coast.

You are a Canaanite deception, troll with nine nicknames.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 09:04 PM
Seriously......(and I have read the Bible for 40 years).....WHO THE FREAKING CARES??!!!! If there is a TRUE God.....why the heck does He need to use ONE people to show Himself to everyone else. Do any of you not think that a God who creates EVERYTHING, would really need to have animal sacrifice, blood atonement , and retribution, to show Himself to His creation???? Do you really think He needs to use one group of people to make Himself known??
A true creator God would not make His kingdom on this planet and use a small group of nomads to show Himself to the world. I hate religion.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Matrixsurvivor

I have read the Bible for 40 years

Keep reading it then: God shows himself freely to Adam, then keeps in touch sparingly with some of Adam's bloodline, not requiring rituals to do so even though he does give pointers that may have fallen through the cracks of time. Animal sacrifice is meant for the priesthood, who ain't got the time to do hunting and farming.

Do you really think He needs to use one group of people to make Himself known??

Other parts of the world have recollection of divine contact as well, and entire religions actually.

Then again there are many who insist that God is actually the devil, or an explosion, or an aggregate of fifteen different characters, as word of mouth can do through the generations. A good alphabet helps prevent this when read from the right side: scripta manent et verba volant. To the people of sodom god was mostly an explosion so they do have a point, it's all in the eye of the beholder.

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