posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 04:58 PM
originally posted by: Gregandgemma
Regarding the experienting. The group i am in are trying to delve into EVP's (see most post on them) and one of the guys is building a device to try
and locate the evp through multiple recording devices. WIll post up results in coming months
Great, keep stuff posted. I love watching people try this stuff.
I am not a believer, nor active disbeliever in any official sense, however I have had things happen to me. specifically a stereo turned on for me
upon request when I "felt" someone who just died in the room with me...same event happened 15 years later during similar feelings and same request.
So, to me that means...something. I honestly dont know, but I would like to entertain the notion of all the cool ideas (life after death and the
like) always interested in any and all legit research into this area and trying to capture and record the ever elusive evidence. I would say
though to try your hardest to make sure the experiments are as open and corruption free as possible, because its only through skepticism and solid
work will the truely remarkable be seen as that.
Then once proof is solid, we can then spend a hundred years arguing as to what is causing it..invisible aliens,angels, demons, spirits, telepathy,
holograms, etc etc..but hey, its at least a new subject.