posted on May, 18 2019 @ 09:27 PM
One of the problems with the politics of the left is that supporters of the left are people who live their lives dreaming of what they want and never
getting it. After a while, it becomes, for them, enough to dream, and sadly, it becomes for their leaders enough to simply hold out the "promise" of a
A leader of the Labour Party is in the enviable position of being able to hold out the promise of more than one dream, since there is never a
possibility of delivering the dreams anyway. He can even hold out conflicting dreams, and still keep his party together, giving the balm of lip
service to both dreams, both factions.
He never has to win over either side. He never has to make up his own mind. He never has to acknowledge the intractable logic of reality.
The reality for Jeremy Corbyn and for one faction of dreamers in his party is that a "Brexit with benefits" of the sort they want is unavailable,
unattainable and a "no deal" Brexit would be extremely harrowing for his constituency of working people.
A leader would tell the Labour Party that it must get fully behind the "remain" option, because a Brexit with benefits is a mirage. A leader would
have the strength of will and the gift of charm to break this sad truth to his party and keep it together in spite of this disappointing news.
Leadership and harsh reality require Jeremy Corbyn to do this.
edit on 18-5-2019 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)